Issue - items at meetings - Digital Inclusion support during Covid19 and recovery
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Digital Inclusion support during Covid19 and recovery
Meeting: 24/06/2020 - Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee (Item 16)
16 Digital Inclusion support during Covid19 and recovery PDF 155 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.
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RESOLVED: That a contribution of £51,809 to enable Digital Brighton & Hove to continue to provide the digital inclusion support and coordination in the city from July 2020 to the end of March 2021 be agreed.
16.1 The Head of Library Service introduced the report which sought agreement to a funding contribution from the council to the Digital Brighton & Hove project to enable it to continue through to March 2021. The project supported vulnerable people in the city, providing devices and digital support to enable them to have access to online services and to be digitally included.
16.2 The Committee welcomed the report and offered its congratulations to all those involved in the project and noted the importance of continuing to address the issue of people being disadvantaged. It was important to breakdown barriers and this was an excellent example of what could be achieved.
16.3 RESOLVED: That a contribution of £51,809 to enable Digital Brighton & Hove to continue to provide the digital inclusion support and coordination in the city from July 2020 to the end of March 2021 be agreed.