Issue - items at meetings - Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing Stock

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Issue - meetings

Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing Stock

Meeting: 16/09/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 103)

103 Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing Stock pdf icon PDF 157 KB




2.1      That the Committee notes the progress with the programme and the Housing Repairs & Maintenance service as outlined in the body of this report.


103.1  The Senior Programme Manager introduced the report which updates the Committee on the Housing Repairs & Maintenance service following the insourcing of the service which took place on the 1April 2020. This was in line with the recommendations approved, following extensive consultation, at a special Housing & New Homes Committee meeting held on 28 September 2018 and Policy, Resources & Growth Committee on 11 October 2018 that, following expiry of the contract with Mears: a Customer service and quality assurance services are brought in-house; and a responsive repairs and empty property refurbishment works to council housing stock are brought in-house. The report updates the committee on how the service has been operating during the pandemic and outlines the ongoing work which the programme will be carrying out over the next year.


103.2  Councillor Mears was informed that the budget of in-house repairs will be supplied to the committee Members.


103.3  Councillor Hugh-Jones was informed that the remit of the task and finish group needed expertise and knowledge and the key performance indicators will be looked at. There will be a lease holder consultation over the next couple of weeks. The councillor was informed that the business case to assess the options for out of hours call handling, including procuring a new supplier, and also how the service could be delivered directly by the council is sign off reliant at this time. It was noted that the new works management system timescale would be 2-3 years.


103.4  Councillor Williams was proud of the work done and considered that the unions should be involved whenever possible and not bypassed.


103.5  Councillor Gibson considered it important to maintain the ‘right to strike’ and the council will remain open to talks.


103.6  The Chair put the recommendations to the vote and they were agreed unanimously.




2.1      That the Committee notes the progress with the programme and the Housing Repairs & Maintenance service as outlined in the body of this report.


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