Issue - items at meetings - Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy – Update on Next Steps Following Covid-19 Response

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Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy – Update on Next Steps Following Covid-19 Response

Meeting: 16/09/2020 - Housing Committee (Item 99)

99 Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Strategy – Update on Next Steps Following Covid-19 Response pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Report of the Interim Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities.

Additional documents:




2.1      That Housing Committee note the report.


2.2      That Housing Committee note the work that has gone into the response to the Covid-19 emergency.


2.3      In the light of the pandemic and the motion responding to it (30th April), that the Homeless Reduction board along with the Homeless Operational Board give priority to:


a)       Monitoring progress and developing actions needed to achieve the aim of providing long term sustainable housing or safe reconnection for all rough sleepers housed under the “everyone in” response

b)       Ensuring the priorities and actions of the Homelessness Strategy respond to the changed circumstances

c)       Explore ways of sustaining the current offer of shelter for all who find themselves without a roof and report back to Housing Committee any recommendations.


2.4      That Housing Committee notes the temporary adjustments made within the Allocations Plan in response to the pandemic whilst aiming to achieve the overall agreed percentages in the Allocation Plan.


2.5      That Housing Committee recognises that the review of the Allocation Plan has been delayed due to the pandemic and subsequent pressures on the department but that this will be considered at the November Housing Committee.


99.1    The Head of Tenancy Services introduced the report which was to provide the committee with an update on the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-2025 in the context of the response to the Covid-19 emergency.


99.2    Councillor Atkinson considered the information give in appendix 1 to the report was good and supported the recommendations. The councillor was informed that the number of incomers to the city who were rough sleeping was a challenge, with the number of reconnections lower than usual due to the pandemic. The minutes of the Homeless Reduction Board for August 2020 will be published soon. The Head of Tenancy Services confirmed that the increase in single persons presenting to Housing Options during the pandemic was due to job loss, with associated accommodation and back packer accommodations being closed. It was noted that people ‘sofa surfing’ had also come forward requesting accommodation, and these were mostly in a younger age range of 18 – 25 years old. The court system no being in operation was also having an effect with less evictions. To agree a way forward it was noted that the authority will be meeting with private and social landlords.


99.3    The Head of Housing Needs stated that the Ministry of Housing will cover the cost of housing during COVID-19 and the government funding figures will be sent to the committee Members. The committee were informed that the Brighton Housing Trust were not part of the accommodation time scale.


99.4    Councillor Hill was informed that the in an emergency response to the pandemic, in order to move some people from temporary accommodation, the priorities under the Allocation Plan were revised temporarily to create some movement and free up temporary

accommodation. Numbers in temporary accommodation had swollen from 1700 pre COVID-19 to 2000 at the start of September, due to a combination of lettings being paused during lockdown and more people approaching as homeless. Lettings have recently re-commenced, so the authority has temporarily revised the percentage of properties advertised as priority to accepted homeless to 80%. This will release the pressure on housing and associated budget. The agreed priorities of the Allocation Plan are to be retained. This will be achieved by reducing percentages later in the year. The percentage before lockdown was 40%.


99.5    Councillor Gibson requested that the review of the allocations plan be submitted for discussion to the November 2020 Housing Committee meeting.


99.6    Councillor Mears was informed that the budget details, including private and government funding for the 6 months of lockdown would be available as soon as possible. The councillor received and apology as the report had been concluded close to the committee meeting. It was a concern that the Homeless Reduction Board should take actions and not be a ‘talking shop’. The Head of Housing Tenancy confirmed that the 5 year local connection was still in place for those seeking accommodation and this did not apply to those already on the housing register. The Councillor asked for a review of the allocations policy.


99.7    Councillor Barnett was informed that the figures for the number of rough sleepers for the last year would be forwarded to all the committee Members.


99.8    Councillor Williams thanked the officers for the report and agreed that a review of the applications policy would be beneficial.]


99.9    The Chair put the recommendations to the vote and they were agreed unanimously.




2.1      That Housing Committee note the report.


2.2      That Housing Committee note the work that has gone into the response to the Covid-19 emergency.


2.3      In the light of the pandemic and the motion responding to it (30April), that the Homeless Reduction board along with the Homeless Operational Board give priority to:


a)             Monitoring progress and developing actions needed to achieve the aim of providing long term sustainable housing or safe reconnection for all rough sleepers housed under the “everyone in” response;


b)             Ensuring the priorities and actions of the Homelessness Strategy respond to the changed circumstances;


c)       Explore ways of sustaining the current offer of shelter for all who find themselves without a roof and report back to Housing Committee any recommendations.


2.4      That Housing Committee notes the temporary adjustments made within the Allocations Plan in response to the pandemic whilst aiming to achieve the overall agreed percentages in the Allocation Plan.


2.5      That Housing Committee recognises that the review of the Allocation Plan has been delayed due to the pandemic and subsequent pressures on the department but that this will be considered at the November Housing Committee.


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