Issue - items at meetings - Income Collection & Recovery 2008/09 - Quarter 3

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Issue - meetings

Income Collection & Recovery 2008/09 - Quarter 3

Meeting: 23/02/2009 - Finance Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 56)

56 Income Collection & Recovery 2008/09 - Quarter 3 pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Report of the Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the contents of the report be noted.


56.1    The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Finance & Resources, which gave an update on income collection and recovery performance for 2008/09 as at quarter 3 (December 2008) and highlighted continuing improvement and best practice actions (for copy see minute book).


56.2    The Cabinet Member noted that good income collection and debt recovery performance were as important to the council as managing within budget and improving value for money. Among other things, she highlighted the Direct Debit take-up, which was either holding up or improving across most income areas enabling better financial planning and cheaper collection for both debtors and the council respectively.


56.3    The Cabinet Member also recognised that these were difficult times and was pleased to see that the various collection services were doing their best to help customers, tax payers and those on benefits to manage their affairs, whether through easier payment methods, access to better money advice or providing assistance to those in hardship. She hoped that the city could continue to balance performance against individuals’ and businesses’ needs over the coming months and years.


56.4    The Opposition Spokesperson disagreed with the indication that the Direct Debit take up had increased and noted that the information given in the report only showed a slight improvement to what it used to be previously.


56.5    The Opposition Spokesperson referred to the issue of Housing Rent   in paragraph 6.2 of the report. He enquired whether the eviction flyers, which had been designed to be circulated in an area following eviction, would be circulated to all tenants or only to those tenants with a ‘bad’ record. He advised caution in dealing with this issue to avoid putting undue pressure on those people who conformed to their payments.


56.6    The Assistant Director, Financial Services, agreed to find out the information regarding who would receive the eviction flyers and agreed to inform Councillor Hamilton accordingly.


56.7    RESOLVED - That the contents of the report be noted.


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