Issue - items at meetings - Update on Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing stock
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Update on Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing stock
Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Housing Committee (Item 134)
134 Update on Repairs & Maintenance to Council Housing stock PDF 180 KB
2.1 That the Committee notes the update on the Housing Repairs & Maintenance Service.
134.1 The report was introduced to the committee by Edward Wilson (General Manager - R&M).
134.2 Councillor Mears was informed that the majority of issues relating to the dispute with housing maintenance workers have been resolved and the remaining matters would hopefully be resolved in the couple of weeks. It was noted that repairs, including roofing, had required return visits when the diagnosis of issues had been a challenge. The re-letting of properties is being looked at in order to reduce waste. The councillor was informed that the housing team were working hard to move forward, and the team were grateful for Members feedback. With regard to a particular property, the councillor would receive a briefing note from Edward Wilson on the reasons for a re-fit before being re-let.
134.3 Councillor Hugh-Jones expressed concerns with regard to waste on re-lets and if this happened it was not good.
134.4 The Chair put the recommendations to the vote, which were unanimously agreed.
2.1 That the Committee notes the update on the Housing Repairs & Maintenance Service.