Issue - items at meetings - New Homes for Neighbourhoods Frederick Street - Procuremet of Contractor
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New Homes for Neighbourhoods Frederick Street - Procuremet of Contractor
Meeting: 20/01/2021 - Housing Committee (Item 133)
133 New Homes for Neighbourhoods Frederick Street - Procuremet of Contractor PDF 230 KB
Additional documents:
- New Homes for Neighbourhoods Frederick Street - Procuremet of Contractor APX. n 1, item 133 PDF 243 KB
- New Homes for Neighbourhoods Frederick Street - Procuremet of Contractor APX. n 2, item 133 PDF 310 KB
2.1 That the Committee agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities and Head of Legal Services to procure and award a contract through an open procurement process.
133.1 The report was introduced to the committee by Laura Webster (Estate Regeneration Project Manager).
133.2 Councillor Williams was informed that the procurement would be balanced with local businesses on the register being contacted.
133.3 Councillor Hugh-Jones was informed that a number of local contractors did bid in the procurement process and the council were working with other businesses, encouraging them to sign up to the register.
133.4 The Chair put the recommendations to the vote, which were unanimously agreed.
2.1 That the Committee agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods & Communities and Head of Legal Services to procure and award a contract through an open procurement process.