Issue - items at meetings - Cabinet Member's Communications
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Cabinet Member's Communications
Meeting: 11/03/2009 - Housing Cabinet Member Meeting (Item 102)
Cabinet Member's Communications
102.1 The Cabinet Member reported that last week the Government had released a press statement announcing new support to help councils cut planned rent increases for tenants in the current economic climate. The Minister has stated that, nationally, the average guideline rent increase for 2009/10 was expected to be halved.
102.2 The council were waiting to receive details from the Communities and Local Government Office about how local authorities could access this funding, As yet no information on what conditions or other financial implications were associated with this announcement had been made available. Until detailed guidance had been issued and interpreted it was not possible to respond to the announcement.
102.3 A report would be prepared for a future Housing Management Consultative Committee and Cabinet meeting outlining the council’s response to the announcement as soon the implications had been considered. In the event that a reduction in rent was approved, tenants would be given at least 4 weeks notice of any changes to their rent.
102.4 The Cabinet Member gave an update on the petition that Councillor Hawkes’ had presented at the previous meeting. The petition had requested a play area for children living on the Bates Estate. The Cabinet Member reported that staff in the Housing Estate Development Team had been working with colleagues in the Environment directorate on a feasibility study. Staff would be liaising with residents as part of this study to ensure that they had a clear understanding of the kind of play area that residents would like.
102.5 The petition would also be borne in mind when considering potential uses for any ‘Playbuilder Funding’ that the council might secure.