Issue - items at meetings - Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update

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Issue - meetings

Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update

Meeting: 03/03/2021 - Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee (Item 40)

40 Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme Update pdf icon PDF 228 KB

Report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture (copy attached)

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RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee noted the progress update report.


40.1    The Sub-Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture which provided an update on the progress of the Covid-19 Recovery & Renewal Programme.


40.2    Councillor Platts asked if there was democratic oversight on Food, Vulnerable People and Welfare Reform & Financial Hardship working groups. The Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture said that all members of the working groups were officers and stakeholders, with democratic oversight coming from this Committee and the Policy & Resources Committee.


40.3    Councillor Platts noted that the Children & Young People working group were looking at a number of issues including the mental health of children (immediate issues and the longer term impact of the pandemic), disadvantaged families within the city and employment and skills, and asked what action was being taken. The Executive Director Families Children & Learning said that they were concerned about the impact of the pandemic on disadvantaged young people and their families and so were developing a city-wide Disadvantaged Strategy which would include educational disadvantage and would link in with the Early Help review. The operational side was to ensure that services were provided at an earlier stage, and the 0-5 age group was key to addressing disadvantage and would put the children and their families in a much better position going forward.


40.4    Councillor Yates referred to the Crime and Community Cohesion in the report and noted that the Government had allocated £606k to the City for 2021/22. The intention of the funding was that it would allow Local Authorities to commission services which were currently funded MHCLG, and asked why the report had not set out how the Council intended to spend that money. The Chair said that a report on this would be coming to the TECC Committee. The Executive Director Housing Neighbourhoods & Communities said the Council were in discussions with the MHCLG on how that funding could be used and what their expectations were.


40.5    Councillor Clare referred to the Ways of Working group who had been looking at the health and well-being of staff, and asked if there was a way to accelerate the review of allowing more flexible working arrangement for staff, and asked if a report on this issue could come to a future meeting. The Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture said that this issue was being considered by the Ways of Working group, and would bring a report to the next meeting.


40.6    RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee noted the progress update report.


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