Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove Marathon

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Issue - meetings

Brighton & Hove Marathon

Meeting: 23/04/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 215)

215 Brighton & Hove Marathon pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).

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1.          That Cabinet grants landlord’s consent in principle to stage a marathon in Brighton & Hove on Sunday 18 April 2010, subject to a route being approved by the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism andthe Safety Advisory Group.


2.          That Cabinet authorises officers to enter into formal agreement with the event organisers and to determine conditions of support as appropriate.


215.1         The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Environment concerning proposals for staging a marathon in Brighton & Hove in April 2010 (for copy see minute book).


215.2         Councillor Smith stated that the recommendations attached to this report had been amended to reflect the need for ongoing involvement as the event developed.


215.3         Councillor Randall commented that the Culture, Tourism & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee supported the event and hoped that the emergency services would be satisfied with the arrangements. He asked whether officers had any information on sponsorship of the event and suggested that a number of places be reserved for city residents to ensure significant local involvement.


215.4         The Director of Environment confirmed that the organisers would be expected to come forward with sponsorship for the whole event and comments from councillors could be fed into meetings with the organisers.


215.5         RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following amended recommendations:


(1)       That landlord’s consent be granted in principle to stage a marathon in Brighton & Hove on Sunday 18 April 2010, subject to a route being approved by the Cabinet Member for Culture, Recreation and Tourism andthe Safety Advisory Group.


(2)       That officers be authorised to enter into formal agreement with the event organisers and to determine conditions of support as appropriate.


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