Issue - items at meetings - Sports Facilities Contract
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Sports Facilities Contract
Meeting: 29/03/2021 - Policy & Resources (Recovery) Sub-Committee (Item 50)
50 Sports Facilities Contract Extension - Freedom Leisure PDF 246 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee –
(i) Noted the significant financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon Freedom Leisure as the operator of the council’s Sports Facilities and the financial support already provided;
(ii) Noted that a high proportion of the management fee which was waived during the period 1 July 2020 to March 2021 was reclaimed by the council as lost income from central government;
(iii) Noted that the successful application to the National Leisure Recovery Fund (NLRF) for a grant which will be passed on to Freedom Leisure as required by the associated terms and conditions in respect of business relief and recovery;
(iv) Agreed that £0.363m of Contain Outbreak Management Funds be allocated to Freedom Leisure;
(v) Agreed that the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture and Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law be granted delegated authority to settle the terms of the contract variations and take any steps necessary to implement the recommendations above.
50.1 The Sub-Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture regarding the contracts with Wealden Leisure Ltd trading as Freedom Leisure manage the council’s sports facilities.
50.2 Councillor Allcock asked if the opening of the swimming pools would be advertised and was advised that it would, and the Council’s Communications Teams would be working with Freedom Leisure.
50.3 Councillor Allcock asked if the Council would be looking to bring the service in-house once the contract expired. The Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that all options would be considered.
50.4 Councillor Miller asked how much Freedom Leisure would receive from the recovery fund, and how the support the Council gave to them compared to other similar Local Authorities. The Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture said that they would receive £630k, and the support which the Council gave them was good and there was a dedicated officer support to manage the contract.
50.5 RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee –
(i) Noted the significant financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic upon Freedom Leisure as the operator of the council’s Sports Facilities and the financial support already provided;
(ii) Noted that a high proportion of the management fee which was waived during the period 1 July 2020 to March 2021 was reclaimed by the council as lost income from central government;
(iii) Noted that the successful application to the National Leisure Recovery Fund (NLRF) for a grant which will be passed on to Freedom Leisure as required by the associated terms and conditions in respect of business relief and recovery;
(iv) Agreed that £0.363m of Contain Outbreak Management Funds be allocated to Freedom Leisure;
(v) Agreed that the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture and Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law be granted delegated authority to settle the terms of the contract variations and take any steps necessary to implement the recommendations above.