Issue - items at meetings - Housing Committee Workplan Progress Update and Housing Performance Report Quarter 4 and end of year 2020/21
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Housing Committee Workplan Progress Update and Housing Performance Report Quarter 4 and end of year 2020/21
Meeting: 23/06/2021 - Housing Committee (Item 14)
Additional documents:
2.1 That Housing Committee notes the report.
(All items for noting were not called for discussion. This item was not called for discussion)
14.1 Councillor Meadows asked that with regard to the Performance report (p.207 of agenda) – 1.2: 92 properties from Kings House. Is this correct? (p.213 of agenda) – 4.1: £4.010m for making the city carbon neutral by 2030. Is this possible, as there seems to be a long way to go. Will the HRA pay for this? Does the council have the EPC for all properties? This would allow calculations to be corrected made and the true spending.
Once a response has been collated it will be sent to Councillor Meadows.
2.1 That Housing Committee notes the report.