Issue - items at meetings - Performance Improvement Report

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Performance Improvement Report

Meeting: 02/03/2009 - Children & Young People's Trust Board (Item 55)

55 Performance Improvement Report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.       That the data and analysis in the PIR be noted and the action being taken to improve performance be agreed.


2.       That the inclusion of an additional indicator, NI 56 Obesity among primary age children in year 6 in order to ensure full alignment with the priority outcomes in the PCT Strategic Commissioning Plan be agreed.



55.1    The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Performance Improvement Report, 2nd and 3rd quarter for 2008/09, which provided Board members with key information with which to track and challenge the progress, performance and management of the Children & Young People Trust (for copy see minute book).


55.2    The Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, highlighted the key issues presented in the report. He indicated that there was positive information around young people not in education or training. He recognised, however, that teenage pregnancy remained a major issue.


55.3    Councillor Fryer noted the rate of absent pupils and the difficulties in tackling teenage conception. She enquired why there seemed to be no improvement in those two areas. 


55.4    The Director of Children’s Services recognised that the rate in absence had improved in the last 12 months and explained that the aim was now to expand that rate of improvement to all other schools.  In terms of teenage conception, the Assistant Director, Quality and Performance, referred to the actions plans detailed in the report to deal with this matter, stressing that focus would also be placed on the attitude of external staff to start making the difference.


55.5    Darren Grayson, PCT, welcomed the improvement on breast feeding and was pleased to see the data presented in relation to that. He also reported that the PCT had been working on a comprehensive action plan, in conjunction with the Education department, in order to tackle the issue of teenage conception. He thought that the interventions proposed in the plan would bring a considerable step forward from what has been in place to deal with this matter. He indicated that the plan was due out in April.


55.6    Priya Rogers, Youth Council, enquired about how officers engaged with young people and teenage parents not in education, employment and training.


55.7    The Assistant Director explained that the process normally undertaken was to divide the group of young people not in education, employment and training into active young people and passive young people. He indicated that the passive group was the focus for Connexions Advisors, as they were hard to engage, and officers run monthly sessions with them to identify what the young people would like to do. He reported that a session was currently being organised in the east side of the city with a variety of providers and those young people would be invited to attend.


55.8    He also indicated that teenage parents were supported by the Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS), also operated by Connexions Advisors.


55.9    Andrew Jeffrey, Parent Forum, reported that a local authority in Holland had demonstrated a good record in dealing with and tackling the issue of teenage conception. He suggested that Brighton & Hove might wish to look into this particular authority to gather more ideas on how to tackle the matter locally.


55.10  Members welcomed the report.


55.11  RESOLVED -


(1)      That the data and analysis in the PIR be noted and the action being taken to improve performance be agreed.


(2)      That the inclusion of an additional indicator, NI 56 Obesity among primary age children in year 6 in order to ensure full alignment with the priority outcomes in the PCT Strategic Commissioning Plan be agreed.



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