Issue - items at meetings - possible item on access scrutiny recommendation 10

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Issue - meetings

possible item on access scrutiny recommendation 10

Meeting: 21/04/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 108)

108 Access: Traders' Objects on the Highway pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached)

Additional documents:


108.1    The Commission considered the report on Traders’ objects on the Highway and welcomed progress on this work.


108.2  Councillors were pleased that existing practices were being set as non-negotiable, minimum standard for all officer-issued licences.


108.3  The Commission agreed that, how Council places objects, should be included in the remit of the scrutiny panel that had been established. New proposals would also be considered by the Panel, such as production of Lifetime Neighbourhoods; shared social spaces that do not exclude older people, the frail or disabled.


108.4  The Head of Highways Network Management said it was important that the Disability Discrimination Act requirements have been considered when applied to traders’ objects on the highway.


108.5  The Highways Enforcement Team licences and enforces the placement of traders’ objects on the highway, and of items associated with building works. Placement of council objects involved other teams.


108.6  Asked about bikes attached to railings, the Senior Highways Enforcement Officer explained the process for removing these and why there could be a time lapse. Some Members felt that more bicycle stands were needed.


108.7    A member of the public suggested that the report to Licensing Committee on 24 April be withdrawn until the findings of the scrutiny review were known.


108.8  RESOLVED: (1) To note the proposed changes suggested by officers following Recommendation 10 and a review of the council’s duties under the Disability Discrimination Act. The review’s aim is to bring the policy on Traders’ Objects on the Highway into line with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Department for Transport’s Inclusive Mobility Guidance, resulting in improvements to accessibility.  The proposals also take into account the economic effect on the city and therefore do not seek a complete ban on all traders’ placements on the highway.


(2)To note that these proposed changes have been made under officer delegated powers but will be presented to Licensing Committee on 24 April 2009 for member consideration.  Officers recommendation is that these proposals go ahead in order to better reflect legal and good practice requirements but that a further review takes place during the coming year in order to examine to a greater extend the wide range of views and submissions on this subject and to inform any future policy for the city.


(3)That any review includes site visits with officers, Members and interested parties to relevant areas of the city.

(4) to note that the Scrutiny Panel membership and first meeting date would be finalised shortly


(5) that the Panel’s remit would include how Council places objects, and the potential of new proposals such as production of Lifetime Neighbourhoods.



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