Issue - items at meetings - Carbon Reduction in Housing
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Carbon Reduction in Housing
Meeting: 17/11/2021 - Housing Committee (Item 39)
39 Carbon Reduction in Housing PDF 160 KB
Additional documents:
- DFG Housing Policy, item 39
PDF 563 KB View as HTML (39/2) 84 KB
- Amendment - Carbon Reduction Report, item 39
2.1 That Housing Committee note progress and planned action with regard to carbon reductions in housing.
2.2 Housing Committee is mindful of the need to give the sector confidence in the continued funding of this work.
Housing Committee agree that the Disabled Facilities Grant Housing Policy be brought back to Committee before the end of March 2022 to enable the extension of the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Housing Policy (Appendix 1) beyond 31st March 2022.
That in the meantime the DFG be extended until 31st March 2022 and that Housing Committee agree the expansion of the Warm Safe Homes Grant as detailed in the report at 3.11.
39.1 The Housing Sustainability & Affordable Warmth Manager introduced the report to the committee.
Answers to Questions from Committee Members
39.2 Councillor Mears raised a question relating to Outreach funding and was informed that the was no exact figure at this time, however, a figure below £10,000 is expected. The council are working with local partners on warm houses and outcomes will be reported back to the committee.
39.3 Councillor Hills raised a question relating to Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings and was informed that the lower rates are required by 2030. The previous energy strategy was set at a national standard. It is possible to increase a EPC from lower to higher, however, different properties have various challenges, and the council are looking at the best use of money. The data for EPC across housing stock is not good and the use of local people for repairs and maintenance has become a key priority.
39.4 Councillor Platts raised questions relating to communal blocks of flats and communications to residents and was informed that all leaseholders in a block would be contacted and agreements requested. It was noted that residents need to be onboard with the changes, some are very engaged, and communications is ongoing. On site talks and letter drops are in place and a return to face to face meetings is being assessed.
39.5 Councillor Meadows raised a question relating to EPC data and was informed that the homes at F rating were a priority and future committees will be updated on progress. Councillor Meadows asked is tenants would be moved out and was informed that some properties have challenges that prevent upgrading however, if tenants needed moving this would be looked at on a case by case basis.
39.6 Councillor Hugh-Jones proposed an amendment to the recommendations, which was seconded by Councillor Gibson. Amendment: That 2.2 of the recommendations should read as follows: Housing Committee is mindful of the need to give the sector confidence in the continued funding of this work.
Housing Committee agree that the Disabled Facilities Grant Housing Policy be brought back to Committee before the end of March 2022 to enable the extension of the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Housing Policy (Appendix 1) beyond 31st March 2022.
That in the meantime the DFG be extended until 31st March 2022 and that Housing Committee agree the expansion of the Warm Safe Homes Grant as detailed in the report at 3.11.
39.7 Councillor Meadows raised a question relating to cost and was informed that the money was available, and the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) would be agreed by the committee.
39.8 Councillor Hugh-Jones noted that the Green Group had not proceeded with a roll out of solar panels as the government changed the feed-in tariff. An information hub for carbon reduction was suggested to give residents advice. An energy plan is key to moving forward and it was noted that any plan needs to dovetail with works being done under the auspices of the Greater Brighton Economic Board. The feedback from the installation of air source heat pumps on the Bristol estate is awaited for indicators on the way forward.
39.9 Councillor Meadows raised a question relating to DFG and was informed that the grant followed the tax year, and the funding is constant, however the policy needs updating.
39.10 Councillor Hugh-Jones clarified that the DFG is supported by the Green administration.
39.11 A vote was taken, and the committee agreed the amendments by 7 to 3.
39.12 A vote was taken on the recommendations as amended and the committee agreed by 7 to 1 (two Members did not vote).
2.1 That Housing Committee note progress and planned action with regard to carbon reductions in housing.
2.2 Housing Committee is mindful of the need to give the sector confidence in the continued funding of this work.
Housing Committee agree that the Disabled Facilities Grant Housing Policy be brought back to Committee before the end of March 2022 to enable the extension of the Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) Housing Policy (Appendix 1) beyond 31st March 2022.
That in the meantime the DFG be extended until 31st March 2022 and that Housing Committee agree the expansion of the Warm Safe Homes Grant as detailed in the report at 3.11.