Issue - items at meetings - Adult Social Care Fees 2022-23

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Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Fees 2022-23

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 38)

38 Adult Social Care Fees 2022-23 pdf icon PDF 244 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)


RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee agrees to the recommended fee increase of 2% to all care providers providing services as set out in the table at Appendix 1 for the 2022-23 financial year. The underpinning background to the fee changes are contained in the main body of the report.


38.1    Members agreed that the report recommendations be agreed without discussion.


38.2    RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee agrees to the recommended fee increase of 2% to all care providers providing services as set out in the table at Appendix 1 for the 2022-23 financial year. The underpinning background to the fee changes are contained in the main body of the report.


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