Issue - items at meetings - Residential Rehabilitation Services

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Issue - meetings

Residential Rehabilitation Services

Meeting: 11/01/2022 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 42)

42 Residential Rehabilitation Services pdf icon PDF 364 KB

Report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – (1) That the Sub Committee agrees to advertise the provision of residential rehabilitation services via a Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a call for competition for contract periods of three years with the possibility of a two-year extensions;


(2) In the event that multiple expressions of interest are received, and an open competition is required, that the Sub Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to extend the current contracts for as short period as possible to facilitate a competitive process;


(3 That the Sub Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to undertake a procurement process and award subsequent contracts.


42.1    The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care, the purpose of which was to describe the residential rehabilitation provision for drugs and alcohol in Brighton and Hove and to seek approval of the Sub Committee to undertake a procurement process for the ongoing provision of residential rehabilitation services at the end of the current contracts.


42.2    Brighton and Hove had the 8th highest rate of deaths related to substance misuse and the 12th highest rate of alcohol specific related mortality in the country. Brighton and Hove had a large population with substance misuse issues and a large population with multiple complex needs; in particular, a significant proportion of people in treatment had substance misuse, mental health and other support needs. There was a strong evidence base for the effectiveness of residential rehabilitation, especially for those with additional or more complex needs and for those who were committed to an abstinence-based recovery journey.


42.3    Councillor Mears stated that she understood the rationale for the approach identified but enquired why/whether it was possible for some individuals to be accommodated within Brighton and Hove. It was explained that in a number of instances the level of care needed was very specific could only be provided by the few limited units which were able to provide that level of care wherever they were located.


42.4    Councillor Mears stated that she was prepared to support the report recommendations provided that it was agreed that a further update report would be brought back before the Sub Committee in advance of the contracts being let. It was agreed that that would be done.


42.5    RESOLVED – (1) That the Sub Committee agrees to advertise the provision of residential rehabilitation services via a Prior Information Notice (PIN) as a call for competition for contract periods of three years with the possibility of a two-year extensions;


(2) In the event that multiple expressions of interest are received, and an open competition is required, that the Sub Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to extend the current contracts for as short period as possible to facilitate a competitive process;


(3 That the Sub Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care to undertake a procurement process and award subsequent contracts.


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