Issue - items at meetings - Minutes of the previous meeting
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Issue - meetings
Minutes of the previous meeting
Meeting: 21/04/2009 - Overview & Scrutiny Commission (Item 105)
105 Minutes of the previous meetings PDF 76 KB
Minutes of the meetings held on 3 March (Call-In meeting) and 10 March.
Additional documents:
- Item 105 090310 osc draft Minutes, item 105 PDF 61 KB View as HTML (105/2) 90 KB
- Webcast for Minutes of the previous meetings
105.1 Councillor Alford said under item 98 – Targeted Budget Management TBM Month 9 - there had been a question on gas inspections in the Housing Revenue Account. The Scrutiny Support Officer would follow this up.
105.2 RESOLVED; that subject to 105.1, the minutes of the meetings held on 3 March and 10 March be agreed and signed by the Chairman.