Issue - items at meetings - 2023/24 HRA Budget Consultation
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2023/24 HRA Budget Consultation
Meeting: 16/11/2022 - Housing Committee (Item 40)
40 2023/24 HRA Budget Consultation PDF 247 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Brighton & Hove City Council 2022 rent cap consultation response, item 40
PDF 176 KB View as HTML (40/2) 26 KB
- 2023/24 HRA Budget Consultation APX. n 1, item 40
PDF 158 KB View as HTML (40/3) 95 KB
2.1 Housing Committee note the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget engagement proposals.
2.2 Housing Committee note the council’s response to the Government Social Housing Rent Cap consultation.
40.1 The Assistant Director Housing Management introduced the report to the committee.
Answers to Committee Member Questions
40.2 Councillor Williams was informed that the impact on the lower paid was understood and the council will support those who are struggling. The Principal Accountant stated that there was a rent policy review and a strict balance between residents and the council was needed. The Executive Director - Housing Neighbourhoods & Communities noted
that the government were to release the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) budget soon and the council want to provide quality, pay staff and provide the right service.
40.3 The Chair noted that the government were caping grants and not passing funds onto local government.
40.4 Councillor Grimshaw was informed that the Principal Accountant would respond after the meeting on whether Social Housing Rents consultation applied to new homes and/or groups. The Assistant Director Housing Management noted that the rents would be at ‘Living Wage’ level and the council were focused on supporting the tenants and keeping the rents as low as possible. The rents are seen as a percentage of wages and 80% market rent was usual, making the council lower than private rentals.
40.5 Councillor Gibson noted that the two living wage rents, living and social, and local house allowance are all similar.
40.6 The Chair noted that the units in the Coldean and Portslade developments are at affordable rents.
40.7 A vote was taken, and the committee agreed the recommendations unanimously.
2.1 Housing Committee note the proposed Housing Revenue Account Budget engagement proposals.
2.2 Housing Committee note the council’s response to the Government Social Housing Rent Cap consultation.