Issue - items at meetings - Consideration of Offer for Option for the Freehold Interest in Amex House - Exempt Category 3

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Issue - meetings

Consideration of Offer for Option for the Freehold Interest in Amex House - Exempt Category 3

Meeting: 23/04/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 216)

Consideration of offer for option for the freehold interest in Amex House

Joint report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise and the Interim Director of Finance & Resources (copy circulated to Members only).


[Exempt Category 3]

Additional documents:


As detailed in the confidential part 2 report.


216.1         The Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise and Interim Director of Finance & Resources concerning granting an option (in return for consideration) to American Express for the sale of the city council’s freehold interest in the Amex House site), subject to certain conditions being fulfilled (copy circulated to Members only).


216.2         Councillor Mitchell let the room during consideration of this item.


216.3         RESOLVED – That the recommendations be agreed as per the confidential part 2 report.


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