Issue - items at meetings - Local Authorities Growth Incentive (LABGI) - Funding 2009/10
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Local Authorities Growth Incentive (LABGI) - Funding 2009/10
Meeting: 23/04/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 205)
205 Local Authority Business Growth Incentive (LABGI) - Funding 2009/10 PDF 85 KB
Report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise (copy attached).
Additional documents:
- Item 205 Appendix 1, item 205 PDF 58 KB View as HTML (205/2) 48 KB
- Webcast for Local Authority Business Growth Incentive (LABGI) - Funding 2009/10
1. That Cabinet agrees the proposed list of projects for funding attached at Appendix One.
2. That Cabinet delegates responsibility to the Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Major Projects in consultation with the Director of Culture and Enterprise for agreeing the allocation of any further funding, should it become available, during the current financial year. This funding to be allocated in line with the criteria outlined in the body of the report.
205.1 The Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Culture & Enterprise concerning projects and programmes proposed for the Local Authority Business Growth Incentive (LABGI) funding (for copy see minute book).
205.2 Opposition councillors showed support for the proposals, which they felt would support existing businesses as well as encourage growth within the city.
205.3 Councillor Kemble was pleased to confirm that the match funding had been granted and that the council would continue to work closely with business leaders.
205.4 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Cabinet accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the proposed list of projects for funding attached at Appendix One be agreed.
(2) That responsibility be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Enterprise and Major Projects in consultation with the Director of Culture and Enterprise for agreeing the allocation of any further funding, should it become available, during the current financial year. This funding to be allocated in line with the criteria outlined in the body of the report.