Issue - items at meetings - Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2023-24
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Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2023-24
Meeting: 10/01/2023 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 28)
28 Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2023-24 PDF 448 KB
Report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2023-24 APX. n 1, item 28 PDF 1 MB View as HTML (28/2) 156 KB
- Item28 ADULT SOCIAL CARE CHARGING POLICY (003) (003), item 28 PDF 375 KB View as HTML (28/3) 53 KB
NB: Following discussion and debate the following Labour Group amendment was agreed:
RESOLVED - Recommendations as amended:
2.1 That Committee agrees with the current charging policy for care and support services which includes an individual financial assessment to determine affordability and complies with the requirements of Section 17 of the Care Act 2014.
2.2 That Committee agrees to a 10% increase (rounded) on the following maximum charges from 10th April 2023 (when state benefits increase):
2.3 That Committee agrees that the changes to in-house residential care charges take effect from 13 February 2023, thus providing 1 month’s notice.
Maximum Charges |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Means Tested Charges |
Maximum |
Proposed Maximum |
In-house home care/support |
£28 per hour |
£31 per hour |
In–house day care |
£42 per day |
£46 per day |
In-House Residential Care |
£133 per night (£931 per week) |
£146 per night (£1022 per week) |
Fixed Rate Charges |
Fixed Rate Transport |
£4.30 return |
£4.70 return |
2.4 That Committee agrees to an increase for miscellaneous fees at 10% as follows:
2022-23 2023-24
Deferred Payment set up fee (see 2.13) |
£561 single charge |
£617 one off charge |
Initial fee for contracting non-residential care for self-funders |
£296 single charge
£325 one off charge
Ongoing fee for contracting for non- residential care for self- funders |
£92 per year
£101 per year |
2.5 That Committee agrees to increase Carelink Service fees by 10%, subject to a report to P&R on 9 February, as follows:
2022-23 2023-24
Standard Carelink Plus |
£20.30 per month |
£22.30 |
Enhanced Carelink Service |
£24.30 per month |
£26.70 |
Exclusive Mobile Phone |
£26.30 per month |
£28.90 |
2.6 That Committee agrees to continue with the existing policy not to charge carers for any direct provision of support to carers.
28.1 The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care in respect of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2023.2024.
28.2 The Care Act 2014 provided councils with the power to charge care and support services subject to a means test set down in government regulations with prescribed limitations, currently people with funds over £23, 250 must pay the full cost or maximum charge for care services and those eligible for adult social care services were means tested to establish whether they must contribute towards the cost. Most care services, funded by this council were provided by private organisations and the maximum charge depended upon the fees charged. Most charges were subject to a financial assessment to determine individual affordability, but the charging policy also included several, low cost, fixed rate charges and additional one-off fees.
28.3 An increase in the current maximum charges of 10% was recommended for all services except Carelink which was a vital preventive service. Carelink saved a significant drain on other services for example when vulnerable people had a fall and it was likely that people would cancel this service if the charges were to increase significantly. Therefore the proposal was for Carelink to increase set fees by 6%.
28.4 It was noted that the following amendment had been received from the Labour Group:
2.1 That Committee agrees with the current charging policy for care and support services which includes an individual financial assessment to determine affordability and complies with the requirements of Section 17 of the Care Act 2014.
2.2 That Committee agrees to a 10% increase (rounded) on the following maximum charges from 10th April 2023 (when state benefits increase):
2.3 That Committee agrees that the changes to in-house residential care charges take effect from 13 February 2023, thus providing 1 month’s notice.
2.4 That Committee agrees to an increase for miscellaneous fees at 10% as follows: 2022-23 2023-24
2.5 That Committee agrees to increase Carelink Service fees by 10%, subject to a report to P&R on 9 February, as follows:
2022-23 2023-24
2.6 That Committee agrees to continue with the existing policy not to charge carers for any direct provision of support to carers. |
28.5 Councillor Appich had proposed the amendment and it had been seconded by Councillor Robins. Both Councillors were invited to speak to their proposed amendments.
28.6 NB: Following discussion and debate the following Labour Group amendment was agreed:
28.7 RESOLVED - Recommendations as amended:
2.1 That Committee agrees with the current charging policy for care and support services which includes an individual financial assessment to determine affordability and complies with the requirements of Section 17 of the Care Act 2014.
2.2 That Committee agrees to a 10% increase (rounded) on the following maximum charges from 10th April 2023 (when state benefits increase):
2.3 That Committee agrees that the changes to in-house residential care charges take effect from 13 February 2023, thus providing 1 month’s notice.
Maximum Charges |
2022-2023 |
2023-2024 |
Means Tested Charges |
Maximum |
Proposed Maximum |
In-house home care/support |
£28 per hour |
£31 per hour |
In–house day care |
£42 per day |
£46 per day |
In-House Residential Care |
£133 per night (£931 per week) |
£146 per night (£1022 per week) |
Fixed Rate Charges |
Fixed Rate Transport |
£4.30 return |
£4.70 return |
2.4 That Committee agrees to an increase for miscellaneous fees at 10% as follows:
2022-23 2023-24
Deferred Payment set up fee (see 2.13) |
£561 single charge |
£617 one off charge |
Initial fee for contracting non-residential care for self-funders |
£296 single charge
£325 one off charge
Ongoing fee for contracting for non- residential care for self- funders |
£92 per year
£101 per year |
2.5 That Committee agrees to increase Carelink Service fees by 10%, subject to a report to P&R on 9 February, as follows:
2022-23 2023-24
Standard Carelink Plus |
£20.30 per month |
£22.30 |
Enhanced Carelink Service |
£24.30 per month |
£26.70 |
Exclusive Mobile Phone |
£26.30 per month |
£28.90 |
2.6 That Committee agrees to continue with the existing policy not to charge carers for any direct provision of support to carers.
Note: It was noted that the amended recommendations would form the subject of a separate report for consideration by the Policy and Resources Committee setting out the revised financial implications arising from them.