Issue - items at meetings - Weight Management
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Weight Management
Meeting: 10/01/2023 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 26)
26 Weight Management Services Contract PDF 347 KB
Report of Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached)
RESOLVED - That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care to procure and award a contract for Tier 2 Weight Management Services for a term of three (3) years with the optional extension of a further two (2) years and delegates authority to the Executive Director Health and Adult Social Care to grant that extension subject to satisfactory performance.
26.1 The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Social Care the purpose of which was to describe the provision of Tier 2 Weigh Management Services and to seek approval of the Sub Committee to undertake a procurement process for the ongoing delivery of the Service at the end of the current Contract.
26.2 It was noted that Tier 2 services were delivered by local community weight management services which provided community based diet, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour change advice, normally in a group setting environment.
26.-- RESOLVED - That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee delegates authority to the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care to procure and award a contract for Tier 2 Weight Management Services for a term of three (3) years with the optional extension of a further two (2) years and delegates authority to the Executive Director Health and Adult Social Care to grant that extension subject to satisfactory performance.