Issue - items at meetings - Homecare Recommission: Update on Award

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Issue - meetings

Homecare Recommission: Update on Award

Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 10)

10 Homecare Recommission: Update on Award pdf icon PDF 236 KB




That Committee:


1. Noted the contents of the report.


2. Noted that a further report will be presented to Committee one year from commencement of contracts with information on how the contracts are working and the effectiveness of the new service(s) in relation to the previous arrangements.


10.1 The Chair invited the Commissioning and Performance Manager (Claire Rowland) to present the report starting on page 49 of the Agenda.


10.2 Councillor West was informed that the Procurement Advisory Board had previously agreed all of the Recommendations in the report.




That Committee:


1. Noted the contents of the report.


2. Noted that a further report will be presented to Committee one year from commencement of contracts with information on how the contracts are working and the effectiveness of the new service(s) in relation to the previous arrangements.



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