Issue - items at meetings - Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/10

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Issue - meetings

Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/10

Meeting: 30/04/2009 - Council (Item 84)

84 Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Additional documents:


Meeting: 23/04/2009 - Cabinet (pre 2012) (Item 210)

210 Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 42 KB

Extract of the Environment Cabinet Member Meeting held on 26 March 2009 (copy attached).


(a)  Report of the Director of Environment (copy attached).


(b)  Extract from the proceedings of the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on the 23 March 2009 (copy attached).

Additional documents:


1.     That the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/2010 be noted and recommended for approval by the Full Council.


2.     That the extract from the proceedings of the Environment Cabinet Member Meeting held on 26 March 2009 be noted.


3.     That the extract from the proceedings of the Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 23 March 2009 be noted.


210.1         The Cabinet considered an extract from the proceedings of the Environment Cabinet Member Meeting held on 26 March 2009 concerning the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan (for copy see minute book).


210.2         RESOLVED - That, having considered the extract and the reasons set out in the original report, the Cabinet noted the two extracts and accepted the following recommendation:


(1)       That the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2009/2010 be noted and recommended for approval by the Full Council.


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