Issue - items at meetings - Integrated Sexual Health Services Contract Extension
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Integrated Sexual Health Services Contract Extension
Meeting: 13/06/2023 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 12)
12 Integrated Sexual Health Services Contract Extension PDF 322 KB
The Committee agreed to the extension of the contract for Integrated
Sexual Health Services for one year with the option of a further one year
extension and grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Health &
Adult Social Care to extend the contract subject to satisfactory performance.
12.1 The Chair invited the Consultant in Public Health (Caroline Vass) to present the report starting on page 65 of the Agenda.
12.2 Councillor West was informed by Robert Persey and Alistair Hill as to why there is more time needed to conduct stakeholder engagement. Sandra O’Brien confirmed that the recommendations were permissible and lawful.
12.3 Robert Persey agreed to give a written response to Councillor West regarding stakeholder engagement.
The Committee agreed to the extension of the contract for Integrated Sexual Health Services for one year with the option of a further one year extension and grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care to extend the contract subject to satisfactory performance.