Issue - items at meetings - Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: HASC Risks
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Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: HASC Risks
Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee (Item 37)
37 Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: HASC Risks PDF 120 KB
Report of the Executive Director, Health & Adult Social Care (copy attached)
Additional documents:
- Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: HASC Risks APX. n 1, item 37 PDF 485 KB View as HTML (37/2) 71 KB
- Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: HASC Risks APX. n 2, item 37 PDF 430 KB View as HTML (37/3) 10 KB
37.1 This item was introduced by Kat Brett, HASC Business Improvement Manager.
37.2 Cllrs asked questions on this report.
37.3 RESOLVED – That the sub-committee:
Notes Appendix 1 with details of the two SRs and mitigating controls and actions; and
Notes Appendix 2 which provides:
i. a guide on the risk management process;
ii. guidance on how Members might want to ask questions of Risk Owners,
or officers connected to the strategic risks; and
iii. details of opportunities for Members, or officers, to input on Strategic
Risks at various points and levels; and