Agenda for Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee on Tuesday, 8th June, 2021, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber. View directions
Contact: Penny Jennings Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business (a) Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.
(b) Declarations of Interest: (a) Disclosable pecuniary interests (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration. NOTE: Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: Arrangements for This Meeting
Before proceeding to the formal business of the meeting, the Chair explained,that in line with current Government guidance this would be a hybrid meeting. The debate and decision making would rest with the 3 Members who were in attendance in the Chamber.
1(a) Declaration of Substitutes
1.1 It was noted that Councillor Shanks, the Deputy Chair, would be Chairing the meeting in place of Councillor Nield 1(b) Declarations of Interests 1.2 There were none.
1(c) Exclusion of Press and Public 1.3 In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Health and Wellbeing Board considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act.
1.4 RESOLVED - That the public be not excluded during consideration of any item of business set out on the agenda. |
Chair's Communications Minutes: Chair’s Welcome
2.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to this the first meeting of the new Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub Committee.
Carer’s Week
2.2 The Chair went on to explain that this week was Carers Week, and that she wanted to take the opportunity to say a massive thank you to all of who looked after someone. Unpaid carers were not only a lifeline to the people they looked after but also vital to our health and care services. Many had taken on more responsibilities due to Covid, and others were looking after family or friends now that weren’t before. It was a rewarding experience, but it was also tough. In Brighton & Hove we were lucky to have great support from the Carers Hub and she invited any who felt they needed information and support to get in touch.
2.3 RESOLVED – That the Chair’s Communications be noted and received. |
Call-Over (a) Items (4 –11) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration. (b) Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed. Minutes: 3.1 All items appearing on the agenda were called for discussion. |
To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or as notified for presentation at the meeting - petition received set to run until 7 June 2021 (copy attached);
(b) Written Questions:to receiveany questionssubmitted bythe due dateof 12 noon on 3 June 2021;
(c) Deputations:toreceive anydeputations submittedby thedue date of12 noon on 3 June 2021. Minutes: 4a Petition(s)
Call for Government to Publicly Fund Research into Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
4.1 It was noted that 1 petition had been received from Mr John Kapp set out on page 7 of the agenda and below:
“We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to Send the following petition to the prime minister for the D10 summit in June. We, the undersigned, welcome the governments of the world decision to follow the science, and call on them to reduce health inequalities by publicly funding research into interventions that use psychical effects, (psi) complementary and alternative medicine (cam) indigenous systems of shamanic medicine, Indian Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and other drug free interventions that prevent and alleviate suffering, and call for those treatments that are found to be evidence-based to be integrated into public healthcare systems, and funded so that no patients are excluded by inability to pay.” (2 signatures)
“This is part of a worldwide movement to shift the materialist paradigm to the holistic one, and the medical model to the bio psych social one, see”
4.2 The Chair, Councillor Shanks, invited Mr Kapp to present his petition following which she responded in the following terms:
4.3 Mr Kapp was thanked for his petition, the contents of which were noted. This was a matter which it would be more appropriate for further consideration by the Health and Wellbeing Board and a report covering these areas was due to be considered by that body later in the year.
4.4 RESOLVED – That the petition and the Chair’s response to it be noted and received.
4b Written Questions
4.5 There were none.
4c Deputations
4.6 There were none. |
Member Involvement To consider the following matters raised by councillors: (a) Petitions:toreceive anypetitions submittedto thefull Councilor atthe meetingitself;
(b) Written Questions: to consider any writtenquestions;
(c) Letters: to consider anyletters;
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to theCommittee. Minutes: 5.1 There were no items. |
Re-commissioning of Healthwatch services PDF 146 KB Report of the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee instructs the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities to direct award a three year contract to Health Watch Brighton & Hove CIC for the provision of local Health Watch Services. Minutes: 6.1 The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities seeking the Committees’ approval to re-commission a Healthwatch service for Brighton and Hove.
6.2 The context for this decision was set out in the report and it was explained that the Council had a statutory responsibility to have in place a Local Healthwatch service and was required by law to establish a contractual agreement (grant or contract) with a social enterprise that delivered Healthwatch activities. The current contract was due to expire on 31 March 2021 to the existing supplier (Healthwatch Brighton & Hove). A further waiver was granted in 2020 to facilitate the extension the current two year contract with the existing provider Healthwatch Brighton and Hove CIC from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. This had been done to ensure delivery of Healthwatch services were maintained during the Covid 19 pandemic, to reduce the work impact on Healthwatch staff and volunteers and to maintain a period of stability whilst the national emergency continued and future recovery took place. The current provider, Healthwatch provider, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove CIC had a good reputation in the city, performed well through the contract management reporting and was well regarded by Healthwatch England.
6.3 Councillor Mears sought clarification regarding where the costs of paying for this service lay ultimately, why this matter lay with this particular sub committee and clarity around the implications of the option referred to in paragraph 2.1 of the report. The Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care, Rob Persey, explained that services were funded via a grant from central government received by the Communities Team. The ramifications of the different options were explained and it was also explained that if the council made a grant to the organisation
6.4 Councillor Fowler stated that given that Healthwatch Brighton CIC had performed well and continued to do so, her preference would be to award a three year contract to them. The Chair, Councillor Shanks concurred in that view. Councillor Mears preference was to pursue the option set out in paragraph 2.1. A vote was taken and on a vote to 2 to 1 Members voted to award a three year contract to Healthwatch.
6.5 RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee instructs the Executive Director for Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities to direct award a three year contract to Healthwatch Brighton and Hove CIC for the provision of local Healthwatch services.
Community Equipment Service contract extension PDF 226 KB Report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached) Decision: RESOLVED - That authority to extend the Contract until the 31st of March 2023 is granted to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care. Minutes: 7.1 The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care seeking agreement to extend the contract for the provision of the Brighton and Hove Integrated Community Equipment Service for a further 6 months until March 2023. The contract was currently scheduled to end on 30 September 2022 and Officers were seeking to extend it until 31 March 2023.
7.3 It was explained in answer to questions that the extension was required in order to enable a full commissioning process and to enable the exploration of contractual alignment and joint commissioning with other parties, including neighbouring local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and NHS Foundation Trusts. The Integrated Community Equipment Service contract provided for delivery, installation, collection, maintenance, repair and recycling of a range of health and social care equipment and minor adaptations such as stair rails, external rails and other fixed items. The service was available to people with physical and sensory impairments of all ages, including children.
7.4 Councillor Mears stated that whilst she considered it unfortunate that this contract would now be due for renewal in shortly before to the next local council election she accepted the rationale for it and supported the recommendations.
7.5 RESOLVED - That authority to extend the Contract until the 31st of March 2023 is granted to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care. |
Mental Health Supported Accommodation Procurement PDF 274 KB Report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care (copy attached) Additional documents: Minutes: 8.1 The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care seeking approval to proceed with a join BHCC and CCG procurement process. Following approval at the Procurement Advisory Board on 19 April 2021 this paper provided an overview of the proposed Mental Health Supported accommodation remodel and re-procurement and sought approval to proceed with that procurement process.
8.2 Details of the current model, analysis and consideration of any alternative options and community engagement and consultation and proposed model were set out in the report. It was explained that if approved Brighton and Hove City Council and the CCG intended to develop a new supported accommodation pathway to address some of the issues identified.
8.3 Councillor Mears sought clarification regarding it was intended to accommodate those in need of this service in the city and if not, how far away it was likely to be provided. She was concerned that the cost of providing accommodation in the city could be very expensive, relocating at some distance from the city also had implications and that the council’s own allocation process could be accommodated. The Executive Director, Rob Persey, explained that provision would hinge on availability of accommodation and cost it was preferred that accommodation be procured in the city. A presentation would be made and additional market engagement would take place with local providers in order to test and gauge the issues identified before going to market.
8.4 RESOLVED - That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care (HASC) to take all necessary steps to
(i) Procure and award contracts for five (5) years for the provision of a joint mental health supported accommodation pathway with a council contribution of £330,000.00 per annum.
(ii) to approve an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) for a period or periods of up to two years in total if it is deemed appropriate and subject to available budget. |
Supported housing for people with physical disabilities on Knoll House site PDF 187 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Adult Health and Social Care (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – (1)
That - Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee
That Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub-Committee:
(1) Recommend to Policy & Resources that it approves the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home;
(2) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee agree a capital programmebudget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed by capital borrowing and a Homes England bid (or the difference between £9.37mm and the sum released by Homes England):
(3) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee delegate authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Executive Director Finance & Resources) to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure: (i) The demolition of the existing building; (ii) The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and (iii) The housing management, repairs and maintenance function.
(2) That - Policy & Resources Committee
(1) Approve the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home;
(2) Agree a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed through capital borrowing and a Homes England bid. (or the difference between £9.370m and the sum released by Homes England);
(3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Executive Director Finance & Resources) to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure: (i) The demolition of the existing building; (ii) The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and (iii) The housing management, repairs and maintenance function Minutes: 9.1 The Sub Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care setting out proposed options for the future use of Knoll House Resource Centre.
9.2 It was noted that the Care Act placed a duty on local authorities to provide accommodation and support where needed and people with physical disabilities and brain injuries wanted to be able to live at home for as long as they possibly could with good quality care and support available to help them do this.. This report provided a summary of, and linked to, the Knoll Supported Housing Business Case which sets out the need to create 27 Supported Housing flats with care on site to prevent 28 people from having to move out of the area or into residential care and to provide opportunities for people to come back to the city.
9.3 Currently only 10 units of wheelchair accessible supported housing were available for people with physical disabilities and or brain injuries in the city. It was anticipated that by 2030 there would be more than 1.047 people with moderate to serious disabilities and personal care needs and that this would include more than 580 people with serious disabilities. Currently the city placed 55% more people in residential care than other areas and spent more on average per week. People with an average age of 55 were being placed in care homes for older people or out of the area in care homes or supported housing. It was recommended that the existing care home be demolished and that a 3 storey supported housing service block be provided containing 27 fllats. The rationale for the recommendations and details of consideration given to alternative options was set depth.
9.4 Councillor Mears stated that although the report referred to the site being located in Hangleton and Knoll Ward it was in fact in Wish Ward. Councillor Mears also sought confirmation regarding how the scheme would be funded and what if any proportion would be funded from the General Fund and whether any element of it would be funded from Housing budgets. Councillor Mears referred to the Brook Mead Development which had run over budget and sought reassurance that sufficiently robust arrangements were in place to ensure that this did not occur in this instance. The Executive Director, Rob Persey, confirmed that the option proposed had been fully evaluated and had factored in experience gained from past schemes.
9.5 Councillor Mears also asked for clarification of the level of consultation which had taken place with neighbouring residents bearing in mind that the site was surrounded by residential blocks. It was explained that engagement about the preferred option had taken place with residents 2 years previously prior to the closure of the existing unit and that they had been kept apprised of the on-going situation as had Local Ward Councillors.
9.6 The Chair, Councillor Shanks, confirmed that she was aware of the detailed discussions which had taken place and the level of engagement which had occurred.
9.7 Councillor Fowler referred to the area of land which surrounded the building and asked whether local residents had been consulted regarding any future use of that. The Chair stated that she was aware that this area had not been in use for some time.
9.8 Councillor Mears stated that she considered that it would be appropriate for a more detailed map/plan to be provided which showed the proposed scheme in relation to the neighbouring residential development which included sheltered housing and absolute clarity regarding how the scheme would be funded. The scheme as presented now had clearly moved on considerably from what had originally been envisaged, it was complex and she queried whether it would be appropriate to defer decision making in order for further consultation to take place.
9.9 The other Members of the Sub Committee in attendance were of the view that it would not be appropriate to defer decision making in view of the need to secure funding for the scheme and to deliver it within the timeframe identified. They were of the view however that it would be beneficial for Members of the Policy and Resources Committee to be offered the opportunity to visit the site in advance of the report being considered by that Committee.
9.10 The Chair thanked everyone for their comments and then put the recommendations to the vote.
9.11- RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee:
(1) Recommend to Policy & Resources that it approves the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home;
(2) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee agree a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed by capital borrowing and a Homes England bid (or the difference between £9.37mm and the sum released by Homes England);
(3) Recommend that Policy & Resources Committee delegate authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Executive Director Finance & Resources) to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure: (i) The demolition of the existing building; (ii) The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and (iii) The housing management, repairs and maintenance function.
Policy & Resources Committee
That Policy & Resources Committee RESOLVE:
(1) Approve the preferred option to demolish and build a 3-storey Supported Housing service on the site of the Knoll House care home;
(2) Agree a capital programme budget up to a maximum of £9.370m for the delivery of a Supported Housing service to be financed through capital borrowing and a Homes England bid. (or the difference between £9.370m and the sum released by Homes England);
(3) Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care (in consultation with the Executive Director Finance & Resources) to enter into the necessary contracts (including with a development partner as necessary) to secure: (i) The demolition of the existing building; (ii) The Design and Build operations required to complete the development of the Supported Housing service at Knoll House as described in this report; and (iii) The housing management, repairs and maintenance function
Items Referred for Council To consider items to be submitted to Council meeting for information.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, any Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting at which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting take place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting |
Knoll House - Exempt Category 3
Report of the Executive Director for Health and Adult Social Care (copies restricted to Members only) Additional documents: |
Part Two Proceedings To consider whether the item(s) listed in Part Two of the agenda and the decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public. |