Agenda for Culture, Tourism & Enterprise Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Thursday, 19th June, 2008, 5.00pm
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Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 3, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Julia Riches, Scrutiny Support Officer
No. | Item |
PROCEDURAL BUSINESS PDF 120 KB Minutes: 1a Declarations of Interests
1.1 There were none.
1b Exclusion of Press and Public
1.2 The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any items contained in the agenda, having regard to the nature of the business to be transacted and the nature of the proceedings and the likelihood as to whether, if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of confidential or exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A, Part 5A, Section 100A(4) or 100 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
1.3 RESOLVED – That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting. |
MINUTES Minutes: 2.1 This was the first meeting of the Committee. |
CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATIONS Minutes: 3.1 The Chairman said that developing constructive working relations with Cabinet Members was crucial in becoming a critical friend to the Executive. He had served on the Shoreham Airport Landraise review which was a good example of the positive influence of Overview and Scrutiny. |
TERMS OF REFERENCE AND PROCEDURE RULES PDF 94 KB Report of the Director of Strategy and Goverance. Additional documents: Minutes: 4.1 The Interim Head of Scrutiny introduced the report of the Director of Strategy and Governance, on the Committee’s Terms of Reference.
4.2 The report was being taken to all the Scrutiny Committees and the Overview and Scrutiny Commission, reminding Councillors and officers of the role of the Committee and the processes for scrutiny reviews. He said there would normally be only one Select Committee in progress at any one time.
4.3 A call-in request would be appropriate only in exceptional circumstances, for example when other avenues had already been tried and there was no other remedy.
4.4 In discussion the Committee agreed to invite the Cabinet Members for Culture Recreation and Tourism and Enterprise Employment and Major Projects, to the next meeting 25 September, and to provide them with a copy of the Committee’s work programme.
4.5 RESOLVED – That the Cabinet Members be invited to the next meeting for discussion of the portfolios. |
PUBLIC QUESTIONS No public questions have been received.
Minutes: 5.1 There were none. |
LETTERS AND WRITTEN QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS No letters or questions have been received. Minutes: 6.1 There were none. |
NOTICES OF MOTION REFERRED FROM COUNCIL No Notices of Motion have been received.
Minutes: 7.1 There were none. |
SCRUTINY AND THE FORWARD PLAN PDF 69 KB Report of the Director of Strategy and Goverance.
Minutes: 8.1 The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Governance on the working of the Council’s Forward Plan and how Overview and Scrutiny might wish to use it.
8.2 Members felt that as the Forward Plan was a key document every Councillor should be provided with a paper copy. Officers would look into this.
8.3.1 For Councillors who had previously served on Project Boards for major site-specific projects, personal and prejudicial interests in items on this Committee’s agendas was being clarified by lawyers.
8.3.2 RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted.
TOWARDS A WORK PROGRAMME PDF 97 KB Report of the Director of Strategy and Governance. Minutes: 9.1 The Interim Head of Scrutiny presented the report of the Director of Strategy and Governance. He stressed the importance of developing a robust Committee work plan because the quality of scrutiny outcomes depended on the quality of the work planning process.
9.2 The Chairman said the items put forward on the sheet circulated at the meeting were initial suggestions for discussion and the officers outlined some background to these.
9.3 On ‘Future of Creative Industries in the City’ Members asked for a copy of the report.
9.4 The Committee agreed to hold a special meeting to consider the future of the Foredown Tower prior to the Cabinet Member meeting.
9.5 Additional matters raised for consideration were: Information on Major Projects, cars parking at Pool Valley coach station, Public Art, sustainable events and sports facilities/club houses.
9.6 The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Councillor Melanie Davis agreed to form a work planning group with scrutiny and technical officers to bring a final draft work plan for approval to the next meeting, 25 September.
9.6.1 RESOLVED that a cross-party work group be formed to draw up a draft work plan for approval to the next meeting.
9.6.2 That a special meeting be convened to consider the future of the Foredown Tower |
ITEMS TO GO FORWARD TO CABINET OR THE RELEVANT CABINET MEMBER MEETING To consider items to be submitted to the next available Cabinet or Cabinet Member. Minutes: 10.1 There were none. |
ITEMS TO GO FORWARD TO COUNCIL To consider items to be submitted to the 17 July 2008 Council Meeting for information. Minutes: 11.1 There were none. |