Agenda for Environment & Community Safety Overview & Scrutiny Committee on Monday, 19th April, 2010, 4.00pm
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Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Mary van Beinum, Scrutiny Support Officer
No. | Item |
Minutes: 50.1 Declarations of Substitutes
Councillor Duncan was substituting for Councillor Davey.
50.1 b Declarations of Interests
There were none.
50.1 c Declaration of Party Whip
There were none.
50.1 d Exclusion of Press and Public
In accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, it was considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any items contained in the agenda, having regard to the nature of the business to be transacted and the nature of the proceedings and the likelihood as to whether, if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of confidential or exempt information as defined in section 100I (1) of the said Act.
RESOLVED: That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 111 KB Minutes: 51.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2010 were agreed and signed by the Chair. |
Chairman's Communications Minutes: 52.1 The Chairman told the meeting that the Chair of the Community Safety Forum (CSF) was unable to be present and therefore this item would be deferred. An update note of recent developments on CSF was tabled at the meeting.
52.2 AS this was the last meeting of the Council year, Councillor Morgan thanked all the members and scrutiny officers for their work during the year.
Public Questions/ Letters from Councillors/ Notices of Motion referred from Council Minutes: 53.1 There were none. |
Discussion with Chairman, Community Safety Forum Minutes: 54.1 This verbal item had been deferred. A two-page update was tabled for information. |
Report to follow Additional documents: Minutes: 55.1 The Performance Analyst introduced the report that had been circulated as an addendum. Both Indicators NI 15 (Serious Violence) and NI30 (Re-offending by Prolific and Priority Offenders) were monitored as part of the Police performance management framework.
55.2 The information included in the report was more detailed than previously presented to Committee and Members felt this data was useful. The Committee noted the challenges of monitoring the serious violence offences as with numbers relatively low numbers of this type of crime, small variations in the data have a large impact on the result. Also no single organisation or partnership was able to influence the numbers of offences.
55.3 Members asked about the frequency of CDRP meetings and the business transacted there, and the process for re-examining targets. Officers would provide further information.
55.4 In addition to questions on the data, the Committee wished to ask about the practical measures being taken within the City to help reduce re-offending by prolific and priority offenders including from the probation and rehabilitation services; and on the wide range of activities to help reduce serious violence.
55.5 According to the Protocol between ECSOSC and CSF (30 April 2009 Council and 22 June 2009 ECSOSC) the Community Safety Forum is used as the channel for on-going business relating to Crime and Disorder and community safety.
55.6 The Committee therefore agreed to ask that Community Safety Forum receive a report inviting input from the probation service, on reducing reoffending by prolific and priority offenders and on reducing serious violence.
55.7 RESOLVED. (1) That Community Safety Forum be requested to include an agenda item at a future meeting on reducing reoffending by prolific and priority offenders and on reducing serious violence inviting input from the probation service.
(2) That further information as minuted above at 55.3 be requested.
Health and Safety Annual Service Plan 2010 - 2011 PDF 76 KB Report of the Director of Environment Additional documents: Minutes: 56.1 The Environmental Health Manager introduced the report on the Health and Safety Annual Service Plan 2010 – 2011. This annual plan forms a part of the council’s Policy Framework and therefore is considered by overview and scrutiny before being formally approved by full Council.
56.2 Members heard replies to questions on prioritising businesses for inspections, contacting businesses with key Health and Safety messages and getting feedback from residents and businesses.
56.3 ECSOSC commented on the importance of working with partners, including trade associations and trades unions. Members were pleased to see the priority work to tackle retail violence and robbery with pubs, clubs and especially late-opening take-aways. This was essential to the local economy and to ensure the confidence of residents and visitors.
56.4 The Committee congratulated the team on receiving a Best Practice Award for retail violence project from LACORS and HSE.
56.5 The Committee asked that noise and air quality at petrol station premises be considered for assessment.
56.6 RESOLVED that the above comments be incorporated in the report to full Council.
Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2010 - 2011 PDF 77 KB Report of the Director of Environment Additional documents: Minutes: 57.1 The Environmental Health Manger (Food Safety) presented the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2010 – 2011. This annual plan forms a part of the council’s Policy Framework and therefore is considered by overview and scrutiny before being formally approved by full council.
57.2 Members noted that there had been two voluntary and two mandatory food business closures during the year 2009/2010 and five food business operators prosecuted for hygiene offences. At 99.4% of the 2008/2009 programme completed the performance was above the national average for similar unitary authorities.
57.3 A total of 68 improvement notices had been issued in 2009/2010 and 88% of businesses were deemed broadly compliant; ie scoring at least two stars on the Scores on the Doors scheme.
57.3 The Environmental Health Manger (Food Safety) answered questions as follows; new food business were legally required to register with the local authority. Almost all would be inspected, though not childminders serving low risk foods such as biscuits and squash to children in their own homes, inspection of whom is the responsibility of OFSTED.
57.4 Members praised the scores on the doors scheme, welcomed the work being done and thanked the officers.
57.6 RESOLVED that the above comments be incorporated in the report to full Council.
Winter Service Plan Scrutiny review - update Verbal Update. Minutes: 58.1 The Chairman said he was disappointed that the draft report of the Scrutiny panel on the Winter Service Plan was not on the agenda for approval at this meeting.
58.2 The Panel had been set up at the previous meeting of ECSOSC and it had been hoped to report back in this council year.
58.3 Members asked that report be brought to the next meeting; 21 June 2010. |
ECSOSC draft work plan PDF 52 KB
Minutes: 59.1 Members agreed the following additions to the Work Plan:
59.2 An alternative date would be found for discussion with the Chair of the Community Safety Forum
59.3 Regarding the Health Impact Assessment of Licensing referral from Licensing Committee, members noted that the 27 April 2010 Overview and Scrutiny Commission would consider establishing a select committee on alcohol-related hospital admissions.
59.4 Following recent incidents including the death of a local resident of a retirement apartment and two Southampton firefighters the Committee wished to gain a greater understanding of the fire risk assessment process and fire safety measures.
59.5 According to the Protocol between ECSOSC and CSF (30 April 2009 Council and 22 June 2009 ECSOSC) the Community Safety Forum is used as the channel for on-going business relating to Crime and Disorder and community safety.
59.6 The Committee therefore agreed to ask that Community Safety Forum receive a report on fire safety in residential blocks, requesting input from Housing Officers and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service.
59.7 RESOLVED That Community Safety Forum be requested to include an agenda item on fire safety in residential blocks at a future meeting as minuted from 59.4 to 59.6 above.
Items to Refer to Cabinet Member, Cabinet or full Council Minutes: 60.1 Item 56 and 57 were scheduled to be considered by Full Council. |