Agenda for Children & Young People's Trust Board on Monday, 20th April, 2009, 5.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
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Contact: Nara Miranda, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: 58a Declarations of Substitutes
58.1 Clodagh Warde-Robinson, Non Executive Director and Chair of Governance for South Downs, declared that she was attending the meeting as a substitute for Mo Marsh.
58b Declarations of Interest
58.2 There were none.
58c Exclusion of Press and Public
58.3 RESOLVED – That the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the Items 66 and 67 in Part Two of the agenda. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 59 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2009 (copy attached). Minutes: 59.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved and signed by the Chairman subject to the following amendment:
Paragraph 54.2 - where it reads “The Chairman also reported that she had visited Chalky Hill, a new house for children with mental health problems” should read “The Chairman also reported that she had visited Chalkhill, a new provision for children with mental health problems”. |
Chairman's Communications Minutes: 60.1 The Chairman had no communications to report. However, Simon Turpitt informed members that a new Chief Executive had been appointed to the South Downs NHS Health Trust. His name was Andy Painton, a Brighton resident, and was due to start on 1 June 2009.
NHS Brighton & Hove Annual Operating Plan 2009/10 PDF 66 KB
Report of the NHS Brighton & Hove (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Plan be noted.
2. That the Board continues to give strategic leadership and overview to its implementation.
Minutes: 61.1 The Board considered a report of the NHS Brighton & Hove Executive Directors concerning the NHS Brighton & Hove Annual Operating Plan 2009/10, which focused on what the organisation would do in 2009/10 to deliver the priorities and strategic objectives identified in the SCP, whilst continuing to develop health services that were fit for the future and seen as best practice (for copy see minute book).
61.2 Darren Grayson, B&H PCT, presented the report and drew attention to those sections of the report which were of particular relevance to the Children & Young People’s Trust Board (see Appendix I to the minutes).
61.3 Mr Grayson highlighted Brighton & Hove’s particular characteristics as a city, especially in its growing young population, which made it considerably different from the East and West Sussex areas; he referred to the issue of teenage pregnancy and alcohol misuse and noted these were also the issues in direct correlation with the young people; he noted the diversity of the city in terms of BME and in particular LGBT communities; he also pointed out that the city also had some major areas of deprivation.
61.4 Mr Grayson further explained how the scheme proposed to address the issue of health across the city and across its population described above. He noted that the strategy’s commissioning goals that were of relevance to the CYPT Board focused on (i) maximising life chances for children and families and (ii) developing a healthy young city.
61.5 The Board welcomed the report and discussions took place about different aspects and proposals of the scheme.
61.6 Gail Gray, Women’s Refuge, indicated that the issue of domestic abuse was also present for young people. She noted, however, that the issue still remained a hidden one and requested that it be not forgotten in the proposed scheme.
61.7 Mr Grayson welcomed and noted the concerns raised. He pointed out that a number of children in care come from families who suffered from domestic violence. He reassured members that, for this reason, it was clear that domestic violence was a connecting element in the process and had to be considered.
61.8 Councillor Fryer indicated she was pleased with the focus given to young people. She was concerned, however, that there might be a risk of not giving due attention to the older population.
61.9 Mr Grayson explained that because the young population was such a striking feature in Brighton & Hove, it was felt that section should be given some prominence. He reassured members, however, that the plan was not losing sight of the older people’s issues. He explained that there already existed a specific strategy designed for older people.
61.10 Discussions also took place in relation to the social marketing proposed in the scheme and how this could be achieved to support the plan’s goals. Members were also interested in how the NHS Brighton & Hove proposed to address the issue of suicide rates and how this could fit in with the CAMHS provision.
61.11 Mr Grayson explained that the service was aiming at reducing the suicide rates to about a fifth of its current figures. He indicated that there already existed a strategy on suicide prevention, which also gave considerable weight to the issue among the young men population. In terms of CAMHS support, he indicated that the Chalkhill provision that had opened in January 2009 had agreed a model of care to make better use of current facilities.
61.12 Members welcomed the report.
61.13 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the Plan be noted.
(2) That the Board continues to give strategic leadership and overview to its implementation.
Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan 2009-11 PDF 99 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Action Plan for 2009/11 be noted.
2. That the specific recommendations surrounding leadership for the Brighton & Hove Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan be agreed.
Minutes: 62.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan 2009/11, which recognised the high rate of teenage conception in Brighton & Hove relative to the rest of the South east of England, and presented an action plan to improve the situation (for copy see minute book).
62.2 Officers explained that teenage pregnancy had been identified as one of the problems for the city. Officers referred to the social and education consequences, which were reported to be worst in children born of young mothers.
62.3 It was noted that the progress in relation to this matter was better nationally than in Brighton & Hove, whilst also recognising that the rates of teenage pregnancy were the worst in Britain in relation to the rest of Europe. However, and despite the critical situation, the high level of senior officers committed to tackling this issue to do better for the city was identified as a positive element in the process, and the optimism in the believe that something can be done to change the situation.
62.4 The Board very much welcomed the report and the proposed action plan.
62.5 Discussions took place and the following considerations were also put forward: members considered that in order to support this work further, a deeper and more significant change needed to take place in terms of attitudes, behaviours and a round up cultural change as well as bringing on board and involving the fathers in the process; keeping continuous work with the practitioners; taking account of second and third pregnancies; whilst also cross referencing the issue with other related matter, such as alcohol consumption, etc.
62.6 Members also indicated that it was important to acknowledge that there were young mothers who did well and advised caution where generalisation was concerned. It was also pointed out that there were instances where teenage girls would want to have children willingly as a way to feel, give and receive love, something those teenagers might feel lack in their life. The question was posed as to how this factor could be dealt with.
62.7 Officers acknowledged that the work required was not all about the strategy that was being considered, but also all the work that the PCT and the Children & Young People’s Trust were doing, and recognised that the work was not for all young people, but only some and, therefore, it was necessary to target it and improve expectations and opportunities for those specific young women.
62.8 Officers were also mindful of the messages the city itself gave out to young people. Concerns were raised to the fact that the messages young people receive were, by the very nature of this city young city in terms of its population, contradicting, indirectly inviting youngsters to consume alcohol, clubs and drugs.
62.9 The Board noted the conference being organised for members of staff in July 2009 and enquired whether young mothers and fathers had been invited to attend.
62.10 Officers indicated that the conference was aimed at staff and at helping them to understand the element of prevention and its importance in tackling the issue. It was explained that young people had not been included in this particular event so that staff could have a safe space in which to discuss all these issues freely and openly.
62.11 Members sought clarification as to how the Board could ensure that the leadership group of senior officers had the right people to take this strategy forward; and concerns were also raised about the difficulty around accountability, as this was not usually an immediate process.
62.12 The Assistant Director, East Area Early Years and NHS Commissioning, explained that the message the senior officers wanted to get across to staff was that they should also be engaged and committed to this work, as they are the people who will deliver it in loco. It was also recognised that staff needed to be clear about what were the interventions that worked and those that did not.
62.13 Members also noted the analysis of under performance in paragraph 3.4 of the report and enquired what were the measures used to analyse that information.
62.14 The Assistant Director explained that officers went through a process whereby they talked to various other PCTs in order to identify successful performances. He indicated that officers found that Portsmouth, which was also a place which related to Brighton & Hove in terms of its young adults, had had a considerable reduction in number of teenage pregnancy. He indicated that officers drew upon those positive actions.
62.15 Members reiterated their satisfaction with the report and the plan proposed. They urged officers to not lose sight of the report and its action plan. Members also indicated that they would wish to accompany, monitor and analyse the progress achieved, therefore would like to see a further report on this item.
62.16 Officers agreed to bring a 6 months progress report to the Board.
62.17 RESOLVED – That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the Action Plan for 2009/11 be noted.
(2) That the specific recommendations surrounding leadership for the Brighton & Hove Teenage Pregnancy Action Plan be agreed.
The Impact of Schools Costs on Families PDF 83 KB
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the following actions that are being taken in response to the Notice of Motion considered at Council in October 2008 be noted:
1.1 Guidance from the ‘Adding Up’ campaign will be circulated to all schools within the City, including their ‘Top Ten Tips’ for schools to adopt to help parents
1.2 Schools will be
provided with a list of charities that can support families with
costs associated with children attending school. 1.3 Schools will be reminded of their statutory duty to ensure their policies do not disadvantage any children.
Minutes: 63.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning the Impact of Schools Costs on Families (for copy see minute book).
63.2 Councillor Hawkes indicated she was grateful that the report had been brought to the Board and welcomed the focus on the matters concerned.
(1) That the following actions that are being taken in response to the Notice of Motion considered at Council in October 2008 be noted:
(ii) Guidance from the ‘Adding Up’ campaign will be circulated to all schools within the City, including their ‘Top Ten Tips’ for schools to adopt to help parents
(ii) Schools will be provided with a list of charities that can support families with costs associated with children attending school.
(iii) Schools will be reminded of their statutory duty to ensure their policies do not disadvantage any children.
Implications of Lord Laming Report PDF 189 KB Presentation by the Director of Children’s Services. Minutes: 64. 1 The Board considered a presentation from the Director of Children’s Services regarding the implications of Lord Laming Report (see Appendix 2 to the minutes).
64.2 The Director of Children’s Services explained that the report had been published a month ago and considered it was important to start exploring its implications from the start. She highlighted the main implications arising from Lord Laming report and what the next steps for Brighton & Hove would be as a result.
64.3 The Director indicated that the approach taken in the report differed slightly from the stocktake initial report. She explained that Laming’s report emphasised the essential partnerships between all Government departments, local authorities and agencies, and focused on what everybody should be doing. The Director explained that, in this respect, there was a step change from what had been recommended previously in that leadership and accountabilities were now required not only from Children’s Trusts, but also from the very top of PCTs and Councils at Chief Executive level.
64.4 The Director noted that the children’s workforce constituted the largest section in the report, and highlighted the emphasis allocated to strengthening the social care profession as well as the support in place for social and family workers in terms of the training available and the reviewing of their role where was applicable.
64.5 The Director reported that there were a total of 58 recommendations emerging from Lord Laming’s report. She highlighted the three that were directly relevant to the Board, which included establishing a stronger relationship between the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and the CYPT Board, and pointed out that some actions were required from the Board in order to uphold those recommendations.
The Director also referred to the fact that Police representation on the LSCB was prominent whilst this was not reflected in terms of the Brighton & Hove CYPT Board, and indicated this was an action the Board might wish to take forward.
64.6 The Director noted that Lord Laming’s report would influence and drive forward the next Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). She reported that Brighton & Hove Children and Young People’s Planwas currently being reviewed in light of the report.
64.7 The Director further considered that this paper presented both a challenge and an opportunity for all parties, in the sense that all were required to readjust their particular services whilst also ensuring that, collectively, everyone was working towards strengthening and protecting the safeguarding strategies.
64.8 Members welcomed the presentation and thanked the Director of Children’s Services for putting it forward in a clear way.
64.9 Members sought clarification about the interaction between the Board and the LSCB and how this could be carried forward.
64.10 The Director of Children Services acknowledged that the relationship between the LSCB and the CYPT Board had not always been clear. She stated that the report recognised that those bodies had discrete and separate functions; however, it also established a clear requirement for mutual accountability between those bodies. The Director also reported that a new Chairman had been appointed to the LSCB.
64.11 Members enquired whether there were expectations for the new Chairman of the LSCB to sit on the Board.
64.12 The Director clarified that this was not expected. However, and because the requirement now was that LSCB reports to the CYPT Board, it might be useful for the LSCB Chairman to attend a meeting of the Board to present their annual report. The Director considered that the annual reporting might constitute an opportunity for robust discussions between the two parties.
64.13 RESOLVED – That the presentation and its content be noted.
Phase 3 Children's Centres PDF 87 KB Report of the Director of Children’s Services (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision:
1. That
the development of the Westdene
Children’s Centre at Westdene
Primary School (£260,000) be agreed.
2. That
the development of the Saltdean and
Rottingdean Children’s Centre at
Boomerang Kids, Saltdean
(£150,000) be agreed. 3. That the extensions to the Roundabout Children’s Centre in Whitehawk (£350,000), the Hollingdean Children’s Centre base in Shenfield Way (£200,000), and the Hangleton Park Children’s Centre (£200,000) be agreed.
Minutes: 65. 1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning Phase Three Children’s Centres and their requirement as part of the national target of 3.500 Children’s Centres to offer universal access for all young children and their families (for copy see minute book).
65.2 Members welcomed and commended the report. They considered that filling in the gaps across the city where it was required was a positive move.
65.3 RESOLVED - That, having considered the information and the reasons set out in the report, the Board accepted the following recommendations:
(1) That the development of the Westdene Children’s Centre at Westdene Primary School (£260,000) be agreed.
(2) That the development of the Saltdean and Rottingdean Children’s Centre at Boomerang Kids, Saltdean (£150,000) be agreed.
(3) That the extensions to the Roundabout Children’s Centre in Whitehawk (£350,000), the Hollingdean Children’s Centre base in Shenfield Way (£200,000), and the Hangleton Park Children’s Centre (£200,000) be agreed.
Part Two Minutes - Exempt Category 1 & 2 To approve the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2009 (circulated to Members only). Minutes: 66.1 In terms of the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2009, the lawyer indicated that when the item was considered there were confidential issues involved and, therefore, it was considered under Part Two of the agenda. She noted, however, that the minutes did not reflect any of the confidential issues considered and discussed at the meeting. In view of this, she advised she that the minutes should not remain confidential.
(1) That the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 2 March be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
(2) That the minutes no longer remain confidential and be made public accordingly. |
Phase 3 Children's Centres - Exempt Category 3
Report of the Director of Children’s Services (circulated to Members only). Decision: 1. That the recommendations detailed in the report be agreed. Minutes: 67.1 The Board considered a report of the Director of Children’s Services concerning Phase Three Children’s Services and their requirement as part of the national target of 3.500 Children’s Centres to offer universal access for all young children and their families (for copy see minute book).
67.2 The Board noted the proposals and welcomed the report.
67.3 RESOLVED – That the recommendations detailed in the report be agreed. |
Part Two Items To consider whether or not any of the above items and the decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.
Minutes: 68.1 RESOLVED – That Item 67 and the decision thereon remain exempt from disclosure from the press and public. |