Agenda for Children & Young People's Trust Board on Monday, 21st March, 2011, 5.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
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Contact: John Peel, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: 23 (a) Declarations of Substitutes
23.1 Sherrie Fagge was in attendance as a substitute for Duncan Selbie. Mike Burgess was in attendance as a substitute for Janet Thacker.
23(b) Declarations of Interests
23.2 There were none.
23 (c) Exclusion of Press and Public
23.3 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act), the Children & Young People’s Trust Board considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A (3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100I(I) of the Act).
23.4 RESOLVED - That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 69 KB Minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2011 (copy attached). Minutes: 24.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Children & Young People’s Trust Board held on 31 January 2011 be agreed and signed as a correct record. |
Chairman's Communications Minutes: Ofsted Inspection – Safeguarding and Looked After Children
25.1 The Chairman reported that an Ofsted inspection had commenced on 21 March 2011 for the safeguarding and looked after children service.
Serious Case Review Seminar
25.2 The Chairman reported that a seminar on how to conduct a serious case review had been held. 45 practitioners had attended the morning session and a similar number had attended the afternoon session.
Local Safeguarding Children's Board (LSCB) Annual Report for 2009-10 PDF 67 KB Report of the Local Safeguarding Children Board (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the report be noted and taken into account in the Board’s future work.
(2) That it be noted that a report for 2010-11 will be presented to the Board in the autumn of 2011. The advice on the format and content for the next report, as detailed in the above minute will taken into account for the next report. Minutes: 26.1 The Board considered a report of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board which presented the Brighton & Hove Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report 2009-10 & Update to December 2010. The report explained that the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 introduced a requirement for Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards (LSCBs) to produce and publish an Annual Report on the effectiveness of safeguarding in the local area. The Annual Report was to be submitted to the Children’s Trust which in turn needed to take it into account in any new or updated Children and Young People’s Plan.
26.2 The current report particularly described work to get the structure and ways of working in place. The key task going forward and which would be covered more in the 2010-11 Annual Report was to ensure very robust processes were in place to identify and improve the quality of local performance.
26.3 Alan Bedford the LSCB Independent Chair presented the report.
26.4 Councillor Hawkes remarked that she was pleased to read the section on training and hoped that there would be more training for Members after the May elections. Mr Bedford confirmed that more training would be arranged for Members.
26.5 Andrew Jeffrey asked if there was a procedure in place to allow the business plan to feed into the Child Poverty Needs Assessment. Mr Bedford confirmed that procedures were in place.
26.6 Simon Turpitt remarked that there was a need to look at trends which could be considered at the Chief Officers’ Group. He asked how he could be assured that safeguarding was working. Mr Bedford agreed that this was a key question. There were processes in place and there was a link with the Section 11 Audit work being carried out. The quality of recording appeared to be a weakness rather than the work itself.
26.7 Councillor Kemble referred to LSCB objective 5.1 – Progress on an effective communication strategy for the LSCB (page 48 of the agenda). He noted that funding had been withdrawn. Mr Bedford explained that the work would continue in the absence of funding. The questions to ask were whether the public were aware of the role of the LSCB and whether the LSCB knew how to handle difficult media issues.
26.8 The Chairman thanked Mr Bedford for his presentation.
26.9 RESOLVED - (1) That the report be noted and taken into account in the Board’s future work.
(2) That it be noted that a report for 2010-11 will be presented to the Board in the autumn of 2011. |
Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached) Decision: (1) That the Statement of Agreement between the Children and Young People’s Trust Board and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board be approved.
Minutes: 27.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People which presented the proposed Statement of Agreement between the Children and Young People’s Trust Board (CTB) and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB). The purpose of the Statement of Agreement was to enable members of the CTB and LSCB to assure that local arrangements were compliant with the Statutory Guidance contained in “Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to interagency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (2010).”
27.2 RESOLVED – (1) That the Statement of Agreement between the Children and Young People’s Trust Board and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board be approved.
Standards in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1-5, 2009-10 Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy to follow) Decision: (1) That the report be noted and approved.
Minutes: 28.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director People which provided an overview of the standards achieved by children and young people in Brighton & Hove over 2009-10, as indicated by their attainment in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, tests at the end of end of Key Stages 1-2, teacher assessment at KS3 and GCSE and Advanced level examinations. A report per key stage was provided, and key successes and priorities for further development were identified.
28.2 The Senior Secondary & Special School Advisor presented the report. She explained that the report had been updated with the latest data.
28.3 Denise Stokoe referred to the Early Years Foundation Stage. She had been assured that the Children Centres and Surestart Programmes had made a significant impact on improvements. There was much concern about the loss of grant. She asked if there would be a negative impact locally with these changes.
28.4 The Strategic Director People reported that it was evident in the school system that early intervention did make a difference. Expenditure had been preserved on Children’s Centres.
28.5 Councillor Hawkes considered that it was tragic that everything ground to a halt at Key Stage 3. The sixth form element was very important and she hoped performance would improve. She acknowledged that the two sixth form colleges were doing well but expressed concern about sixth form provision in schools.
28.6 Councillor Kemble asked for an explanation of 4.7 of the Standards Report. The Senior Secondary & Special School Advisor explained that there were small numbers in the ethnic group. Most ethnic groups performed above the Local Authority average. However the Mixed Duel Heritage White did less well than the Local Authority average.
28.7 Councillor Fryer asked about the transition between primary and secondary schools. She also referred to Key Stage 5 and asked if teaching was being assessed as well as A level results. She asked how teaching assessment was working.
28.8 The Senior Secondary & Special School Advisor explained that class sizes in some secondary school sixth forms were small. If class sizes were small there was not the same level of debate. There was an issue about the quality of teaching in some A level subjects. Her colleagues were doing extensive quality visits and looking at the curriculum across three schools. There would be close collaboration with the three schools with sixth forms to achieve larger class sizes. It was acknowledged that there needed to be better transition between primary and secondary. A great deal of work had been carried out on teacher assessment.
28.9 Andrew Jeffrey asked about funding for reading and writing. It was confirmed that funding was secure.
28.10 RESOLVED – (1) That the report be noted and approved. |
Children and Families Social Work Improvement Plan PDF 64 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the progress of the improvement programme be noted.
Minutes: 29.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director People which provided an update of the Children & Families Social Work Improvement Plan. The Improvement Plan was a result of the work undertaken following the unannounced two day Ofsted inspection to initiate a significant step change in quality of social work services provided to children, parents and carers in Brighton & Hove. The Improvement Plan had four key elements which sat alongside the Value for Money Programme. These were 1. Areas for development plan (improving practice). 2. Management and delivery structure. 3. Quality Assurance Framework. 4. Workforce Development. The aims of the improvement programme were set out in paragraph 1.3 of the report.
29.2 The Assistant Director East Area reported that Ofsted had commenced a further inspection. The council had audited 110 complex children’s cases since the last Ofsted inspection. The audits showed that there were no systemic problems across the teams, but there was not adequate practice. Most of the looked after children cases that were audited were rated good and better services. The audit had justified the reorganisation of Children and Young Peoples Services. One of the justifications of the reorganisation had been better access to social workers. It had been a very good process and the teams were more culturally aware of the need for change. The audits had raised a number of issues regarding the practice used by the council. Ofsted had decided to look at 20 of these cases.
29.3 Councillor Hawkes asked if some of the 20 cases being reviewed by Ofsted involved unqualified workers.
29.4 The Assistant Director East Area explained that the process randomly selected 8 cases to be delivered to Ofsted on 22 March 2011. These were all challenging cases. One manager was an unqualified worker. The Chairman and some other members would be aware of 2 high profile cases.
29.5 Councillor Fryer asked the Assistant Director to elaborate on his remark that there was not good enough practice.
29.6 The Assistant Director explained that the council wanted good and outstanding practice. None of the cases had fallen below adequate. There had been an issue with interventions. There was a need to limit interventions and have evidence that they work. The council had done everything possible with regard to the two high profile cases. The diligence of social workers and managers was evident.
29.7 RESOLVED (1) That the progress of the improvement programme be noted. |
Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Needs Assessment PDF 105 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy to follow) Additional documents: Decision: (1) That the findings of the Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Needs Assessment be agreed, subject to the Board’s comments being reflected in the report.
(2) That the the needs assessment be referred onto the Public Service Board and Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership to agree the needs assessment in accordance with the duty to cooperate in the Child Poverty Act.
Minutes: 30.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director People which presented the Draft Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Needs Assessment, 2010-2011. The report explained that the Child Poverty Act placed duties on the local authority to work together with partners to produce a local Child Poverty Needs Assessment and from this a local strategy to reduce child poverty. This fitted with developments in Brighton & Hove to deliver improved outcomes for residents through evidence based Intelligent Commissioning.
30.2 The report stressed that child poverty did not only concern material quality of life for families, but also the impact of poverty on the long term life chances for their children. The commitment to reduce child poverty should therefore be adopted at the strategic level by partners within the city in order to impact across the broad range of associated service provision.
30.3 The Lead Commissioner, Children, Youth and Families presented the report. He drew attention to paragraph 3.14 of the report which detailed key findings in relation to child poverty and associated outcomes for families. The needs assessment made recommendations for consideration. The recommendations related to Partnership Commitment and Capacity, Co-ordination of Services, Monitoring Improvement and Further Evidence Gathering.
30.4 Councillor Hawkes thanked the Acting Central Policy Development Team Manager and the Early Years & Childcare Strategy Manager for an excellent report. She considered the clarity of the report was extremely helpful and important. Councillor Hawkes stressed the need for all the partners on the Board to deal with these figures of deprivation. Children were being deprived of opportunity. Much had been done already in the city and there was a need to keep up this work.
30.5 Councillor Fryer stressed the need to keep aware of issues such as domestic violence, mental health and substance misuse. She considered Brighton & Hove a tale of two cities. There was real poverty. It was not just about children on free school meals but those who were on low incomes.
30.6 David Standing asked for an explanation about the process of taking the needs assessment forward. The Acting Central Policy Development Team Manager explained that the process was explained under Next Steps in paragraphs 3.23 to 3.25 in the report. The report would be submitted to the Children & Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee. It would then follow to the Public Service Board and the Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership.
30.7 David Standing stressed that there were robust ways of capturing the views of individuals affected by poverty. The Acting Central Policy Development Team Manager explained that the Brighton and Hove Local Information Services was carrying out work to draw all the information together.
30.8 The Lead Commissioner, Children, Youth and Families explained that the council had set itself as a “Prevention Place”. There were costed interventions.
30.9 Andrew Jeffrey expressed concern about families with debt problems and loan sharks. The Early Years & Childcare Strategy Manager assured Mr Jeffrey that part of the strategy would deal with loan sharks.
30.10 RESOLVED - (1) That the findings of the Brighton & Hove Child Poverty Needs Assessment be agreed, subject to the Board’s comments being reflected in the report.
(2) That the needs assessment be referred onto the Public Service Board and Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership to agree the needs assessment in accordance with the duty to cooperate in the Child Poverty Act.
Update on presentations from 31st January Trust Board Meeting PDF 77 KB Report of the Strategic Director, People (copy attached) Decision: (1) That the feedback be noted. Minutes: 31.1 The Board considered a report of the Strategic Director, People which provided a short update to the presentations to the Children’s Trust Board on 31 January 2011 concerning Domestic Violence; Sexual Violence; Youth Crime; and Schools, Skills and Learning.
31.2 The Children’s Trust Board was responsible for the production and implementation of the City’s Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP). The purpose of the presentations and subsequent updates was to enable the Board to engage with and take action to address the issues which underpin the four Strategic Improvement Priorities set out in the CYPP.
31.3 The Lead Commissioner, Children, Youth and Families reported that the first meeting of the Secondary Schools’ Commission had been held and hosted by the University of Sussex. The university had made encouraging suggestions on how they could work more closely with the City’s schools. Members of the Secondary Schools’ Commission would be invited to the CYPT Board in the summer to detail some of the actions taken. The next meeting of the Commission would look at responses from Head Teachers.
31.4 The Lead Commissioner stressed that the level of commitment of secondary head teachers was leading to improvements. Meanwhile, the City was fortunate to have good primary schools and two good sixth form colleges. It was unfortunate that secondary schools did not currently meet the same standards. There was a commitment from the secondary schools to raise standards.
31.5 RESOLVED (1) That the feedback be noted. |