Agenda for Housing Cabinet Member Meeting on Wednesday, 10th September, 2008, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 1, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: Martin Warren, Senior Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business
(b) Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Minutes: 32a Declarations of Interests
32a.1 There were none.
32b Exclusion of Press and Public
32b.1 The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any items contained in the agenda, having regard to the nature of the business to be transacted and the nature of the proceedings and the likelihood as to whether, if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of confidential or exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A, Part 5A, Section 100A(4) or 100 1 of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).
32b.2 RESOLVED - That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 73 KB Minutes of the Meeting held on 22 July (copy attached). Minutes: 33.1 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on the 22 July be approved as a correct record. |
Cabinet Member's Communications Minutes: 34.1 The Cabinet Member explained that briefing sessions for tenants and Tenant Representatives were being held on the 17th and 19th of September. The sessions would provide information about progress on the Governments Green Paper and the development of the ‘local delivery vehicle’ for housing management.
34.2 The Opposition Spokesperson noted that individual briefing sessions could be arranged for those unable to make the pre-arranged Member briefings.
34.3 The Cabinet Member noted recent problems with a lift at Leach Court. She had visited the scheme earlier in the day and had been advised that the lift would be repaired by the 18th September. |
Items reserved for discussion (a) Items reserved by the Cabinet Member
(b) Items reserved by the Opposition Spokesperson
(c) Items reserved by Members, with the agreement of the Cabinet Member.
NOTE: Public Questions, Written Questions form Councillors, Petitions, Deputations, Letters from Councillors and Notices of Motion will be reserved automatically. Minutes: 35.1 RESOLVED – That with the exception of the items reserved (and marked with an asterisk), the recommendations and resolutions contained therein be approved and adopted without debate. |
Public Questions (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 3rd September)
No public questions received by date of publication. Minutes: There were none. |
Written Questions from Councillors No written questions have been received. Minutes: There were none. |
Deputations (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 3rd October)
No deputations received by date of publication. Minutes: There were none. |
Petitions No petitions received by date of publication. Minutes: There were none. |
Letters from Councillors No letters have been received. Minutes: There were none. |
Notices of Motions referred from Council No Notices of Motion have been referred. Minutes: There were none. |
Matters referred for reconsideration No matters have been referred. Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of the Housing Management Consultative Committee 22 July 2008 PDF 142 KB Minutes: 43.1 The meeting considered for information, the minutes of the Housing Management Consultative Committee as held on 22 July 2008 (for copy see minute book).
43.2 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Housing Management Consultative Committee, 22 July 2008 be noted. |
Housing Management Lift Condition Report
Additional documents: Decision: 1 That the recommendation to tender for a long term agreement (9 years) for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts be approved.
2 That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of the contract for the repair, maintenance and refurbishment of the HRA lifts, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under OJEU, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
Minutes: *44.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing seeking approval to tender for a long term agreement for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts, including stair and through floor lifts as well as any future lifts added to the portfolio, and to give delegated authority to award said contract to the best value supplier following a formal OJEU tender in accordance with Contract Standing Order CSO 9.1 (for copy see minute book).
44.2 Councillor Simpson noted that it had not been possible to consult as fully with Tenant Representatives as before in procuring this agreement.
44.3 Officers commented that the original scheme had been subject to extensive consultation when it had first been devised. However, the project had been delayed due to a hiatus bought about by the need to analyse overall Asset Management. Tenants and Tenant Representatives would be involved throughout the life of the contract.
44.4 The Cabinet Member noted that Leaseholders would be consulted as part of the council’s statutory duties.
44.5 RESOLVED - (1) That the recommendation to tender for a long term agreement (9 years) for the maintenance, repair and refurbishment of all HRA lifts, be approved.
(2) That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of the contract for the repair, maintenance and refurbishment of the HRA lifts, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under OJEU, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
TV Aerial Installations Additional documents: Decision: 1 That the recommendation to tender for a 20 year citywide contract to lease and maintain an IRS (integrated reception system) digital aerial systems with a secondary system for foreign language channels for all HRA blocks with existing communal aerial systems, be approved.
2 That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers under CSO 9.1 to approve the award of the contract for the such a system, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under an OJEU tendering process, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
Minutes: *45.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing seeking approval to tender for a 20 year leasing contract to supply and maintain new digital IRS aerial system to all HRA blocks with existing communal aerials and to give delegated authority to the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing to award said contract (for copy see minute book).
45.2 RESOLVED – (1) That recommendation to tender for a 20 year citywide contract to lease and maintain an IRS (integrated reception system) digital aerial systems with a secondary system for foreign language channels for all HRA blocks with existing communal aerial systems, be approved.
(2) That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers under CSO 9.1 to approve the award of the contract for the such a system, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of the tenders offered under an OJEU tendering process, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
Door Entry Systems, CCTV and Alarms Additional documents: Decision: 1 That the Director of Adult Social Care and Housing be instructed to procure a term contract for the service repair and provision of Door Entry Systems, CCTV and Alarm Systems. 2 That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of a 10 year contract for Door Entry Systems, CCTV and Alarm Systems to HRA properties, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of tenders and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
Minutes: 46.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing seeking approval to tender a contract for service repair and provision of Door entry systems, Closed circuit TV and Alarm systems (Low Voltage Electronic Security Systems) to Housing Revenue Account (‘HRA’) properties and to give delegated authority to the Director of Adult Social Care and Housing to award the same (for copy see minute book).
46.2 RESOLVED – (1) That the director of Adult Social Care and Housing be instructed to procure a term contract for the service repair and provision of Door Entry Systems, CCTV and Alarm Systems.
(2) That the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing be given delegated powers to approve the award of a 10 year contract for Door Entry Systems, CCTV and Alarm Systems to HRA properties, following financial due diligence and cost comparisons of tenders and in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing.
Decision: (1) That the following be approved: 1 Expenditure within Brighton & Hove of £2,776,000 of the 2008/09 BEST Housing Renewal Grant allocation in accordance with the council’s Housing Renewal Assistance Policy (as amended), with provision to carry over any part of this amount to the following and/or future financial years; 2 Such expenditure to be targeted on the various forms of assistance identified as Policy Tools in the Council’s Housing Renewal Assistance Policy, and/or in accordance with the approved Home Safety and Security initiative and other relevant approved programmes; 3 Payment of the remaining £2,397,000 of the £5,173,000 Housing Renewal Grant allocated for the 2008/09 Brighton & Hove East Sussex Together (BEST) programme to the five East Sussex authorities in accordance with an agreed distribution profile. 4 Expenditure of £440,000 of Brighton & Hove’s 2008/09 BEST Housing Renewal Grant allocation as a 40% local authority contribution to match fund the government’s contribution towards Disabled Facilities Grants or other relevant works under the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002 and expenditure of the £660,000 government contribution to this programme. (2) That the following amendments to the council’s current Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance Policy be approved; 5 Eligibility for Decent Homes Assistance and Decent Homes Loans to be extended to include provision for the repair or replacement of any building component that is in a condition of substantial disrepair, and/or provision of one or more of the ‘modern facilities and services’ specified in the Decent Homes Standard in accordance with the provisions set out in this report; 6 The maximum limit on Decent Homes Assistance to be increased from £25,000 to £50,000 (or 50% of the equity, whichever is the lesser); 7 Amendment of the required minimum period for ownership and occupation by the applicant prior to the date of application from one year to six months for the purpose of Decent Homes Assistance and Decent Homes Loans; 8 The maximum limit on Decent Homes Loans to be increased from £15,000 to £20,000 and the minimum age requirement for Interest Only and Interest Roll-up Loans to be set at 60, with provision for amendment in accordance with any future changes to the relevant lending criteria; 9 Eligibility for Common Parts Assistance and Common Parts Loans to be extended to cover the cost of appropriate repairs or replacement of any key component(s) of the common parts of the building that is(are) in a condition of substantial disrepair in accordance with the provisions set out in this report; 10 Amendment of the required minimum period for ownership and occupation by the applicant prior to the date of application from one year to six months for the purpose of Common Parts Assistance and Common Parts Loans; 11 The maximum limit on Common Parts Loans to be increased from £15,000 to £20,000 and the minimum age requirement for Interest Only and Interest Roll-up Loans to be set at 60, with provision for amendment in accordance with any future changes to the relevant lending criteria; 12 The levels of grant available through Empty Properties Assistance to be increased in accordance with the provisions as set out in this report; 13 Removal of the eligibility deadline for HMO Licensing Grants to enable landlords who have purchased licensable properties since the original deadline to be eligible for an HMO Licensing Grant; 14 Extension of the scope of HMO Licensing Grants to enable the provision of amenities beyond the council’s HMO Licensing Standards in relevant cases, and provision for the maximum limit of grant to be increased appropriately to facilitate this; 15 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to include provision of grant-aided energy efficient central heating as an incentive to landlords served with improvement notices not to install inefficient electric heating systems; 16 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to include installation of a gas supply and meter in cases when this is necessary and to increase the maximum level of grant to cover the reasonable cost of such works. 17 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to enable accredited landlords to obtain assistance for the replacement of old or defective central heating boilers. 18 Amendment to the HMO Energy Innovation Grant scheme to extend it to all relevant licensed HMOs; 19 A new Temporary Accommodation Energy Innovation Grant to provide assistance for energy efficiency measures in private sector properties used as temporary accommodation for homeless households; 20 A new Temporary Accommodation Adaptations Grant to be created to provide assistance towards the cost of including wheelchair accessibility and/or other appropriate adaptations to properties leased to the council for the accommodation of homeless households; 21 Amendment to the Disabled Facilities Assistance scheme to widen the scope of assistance provided in accordance with the provisions as set out in this report; 22 The maximum limit on Disabled Facilities Assistance to be increased from £25,000 to £50,000(or 50% of the equity, whichever is the lesser) 23 Amendment of the Occupiers Minor Adaptations Grant to enable certain types of straightforward adaptations to be carried under this scheme (subject to confirmation of changes to relevant funding arrangements); 24 Provision for the payment of Land Registry search fees from Housing Renewal funding; 25 Provision for an allocation of up to £20,000 per year during the period 2008/2011 for marketing and promotion of the various forms of Housing Renewal Assistance in the Housing Renewal Policy. 26 Provision for future amendment of the Housing Renewal Assistance Policy to be delegated to the Assistant Director of Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing. 27 It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Housing approves 1 October 2008 as the commencement date for all of the amendments to the Housing Renewal Assistance Policy specified in this report. Minutes: *47.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing seeking approval for: a) expenditure of the council’s share of the 2008/09 Private Sector Housing Renewal Grant allocation to the Brighton & Hove and East Sussex Together (BEST) local authority consortium in accordance with the provisions of the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002;
b) distribution of the remainder of this allocation to the council’s BEST partner authorities in East Sussex, and
c) amendments to the council’s Housing Renewal Assistance Policy (for copy see minute book).
47.2 The Cabinet Member and Opposition Member welcomed the report, noting the amount of funding that had been attracted and the partnership working that officers had undertaken.
47.3 The Opposition Spokesperson was reassured that any changes to the scheme would be included in the outturn report presented to future Cabinet Member Meetings.
47.4 The meeting debated whether it would be likely that properties falling within the proposed ‘Local Delivery Vehicle’ would be able to apply for similar grants. Officers concluded that this was most unlikely as the council would still own the freehold of the properties.
47.5 RESOLVED – (1) That the following be approved: 1 Expenditure within Brighton & Hove of £2,776,000 of the 2008/09 BEST Housing Renewal Grant allocation in accordance with the council’s Housing Renewal Assistance Policy (as amended), with provision to carry over any part of this amount to the following and/or future financial years; 2 Such expenditure to be targeted on the various forms of assistance identified as Policy Tools in the Council’s Housing Renewal Assistance Policy, and/or in accordance with the approved Home Safety and Security initiative and other relevant approved programmes; 3 Payment of the remaining £2,397,000 of the £5,173,000 Housing Renewal Grant allocated for the 2008/09 Brighton & Hove East Sussex Together (BEST) programme to the five East Sussex authorities in accordance with an agreed distribution profile. 4 Expenditure of £440,000 of Brighton & Hove’s 2008/09 BEST Housing Renewal Grant allocation as a 40% local authority contribution to match fund the government’s contribution towards Disabled Facilities Grants or other relevant works under the Regulatory Reform (Housing Assistance) (England and Wales) Order 2002 and expenditure of the £660,000 government contribution to this programme. (2) That the following amendments to the council’s current Private Sector Housing Renewal Assistance Policy be approved. 5 Eligibility for Decent Homes Assistance and Decent Homes Loans to be extended to include provision for the repair or replacement of any building component that is in a condition of substantial disrepair, and/or provision of one or more of the ‘modern facilities and services’ specified in the Decent Homes Standard in accordance with the provisions set out in this report; 6 The maximum limit on Decent Homes Assistance to be increased from £25,000 to £50,000 (or 50% of the equity, whichever is the lesser); 7 Amendment of the required minimum period for ownership and occupation by the applicant prior to the date of application from one year to six months for the purpose of Decent Homes Assistance and Decent Homes Loans; 8 The maximum limit on Decent Homes Loans to be increased from £15,000 to £20,000 and the minimum age requirement for Interest Only and Interest Roll-up Loans to be set at 60, with provision for amendment in accordance with any future changes to the relevant lending criteria; 9 Eligibility for Common Parts Assistance and Common Parts Loans to be extended to cover the cost of appropriate repairs or replacement of any key component(s) of the common parts of the building that is(are) in a condition of substantial disrepair in accordance with the provisions set out in this report; 10 Amendment of the required minimum period for ownership and occupation by the applicant prior to the date of application from one year to six months for the purpose of Common Parts Assistance and Common Parts Loans; 11 The maximum limit on Common Parts Loans to be increased from £15,000 to £20,000 and the minimum age requirement for Interest Only and Interest Roll-up Loans to be set at 60, with provision for amendment in accordance with any future changes to the relevant lending criteria; 12 The levels of grant available through Empty Properties Assistance to be increased in accordance with the provisions as set out in this report; 13 Removal of the eligibility deadline for HMO Licensing Grants to enable landlords who have purchased licensable properties since the original deadline to be eligible for an HMO Licensing Grant; 14 Extension of the scope of HMO Licensing Grants to enable the provision of amenities beyond the council’s HMO Licensing Standards in relevant cases, and provision for the maximum limit of grant to be increased appropriately to facilitate this; 15 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to include provision of grant-aided energy efficient central heating as an incentive to landlords served with improvement notices not to install inefficient electric heating systems; 16 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to include installation of a gas supply and meter in cases when this is necessary and to increase the maximum level of grant to cover the reasonable cost of such works. 17 Amendment of the Landlords Minor Heating Grant to enable accredited landlords to obtain assistance for the replacement of old or defective central heating boilers. 18 Amendment to the HMO Energy Innovation Grant scheme to extend it to all relevant licensed HMOs; 19 A new Temporary Accommodation Energy Innovation Grant to provide assistance for energy efficiency measures in private sector properties used as temporary accommodation for homeless households; 20 A new Temporary Accommodation Adaptations Grant to be created to provide assistance towards the cost of including wheelchair accessibility and/or other appropriate adaptations to properties leased to the council for the accommodation of homeless households; 21 Amendment to the Disabled Facilities Assistance scheme to widen the scope of assistance provided in accordance with the provisions as set out in this report; 22 The maximum limit on Disabled Facilities Assistance to be increased from £25,000 to £50,000(or 50% of the equity, whichever is the lesser) 23 Amendment of the Occupiers Minor Adaptations Grant to enable certain types of straightforward adaptations to be carried under this scheme (subject to confirmation of changes to relevant funding arrangements); 24 Provision for the payment of Land Registry search fees from Housing Renewal funding; 25 Provision for an allocation of up to £20,000 per year during the period 2008/2011 for marketing and promotion of the various forms of Housing Renewal Assistance in the Housing Renewal Policy. 26 Provision for future amendment of the Housing Renewal Assistance Policy to be delegated to the Assistant Director of Housing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing. 27 It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Housing approves 1 October 2008 as the commencement date for all of the amendments to the Housing Renewal Assistance Policy specified in this report. |
Additional documents: Decision: 1 That the draft Housing Strategy 2008-2013 (Appendix 1) incorporating the draft Older People’s Housing Strategy (Appendix 2) and draft LGBT People’s Housing Strategy (Appendix 3), be approved.
2 That the Assistant Director of Housing and the Housing Strategy Manager be authorised to carry out minor amendments to the draft strategies prior to publication. Any substantial changes will be agreed jointly with the Cabinet Member. Minutes: *48.1 The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care and Housing that sought approval for consultation on the Housing Strategy and specialist housing strategies relating to Older People and the city’s LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans) communities.
48.2 The Cabinet Member noted that the draft strategies had been welcomed by the Adult Social Care & Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Sheltered Housing Action Group had also considered and welcomed the draft strategy for Older People.
48.3 The Opposition Spokesperson welcomed the draft strategies, noting advice from Officers and assurances from the Cabinet Member that any substantial amendments would be reported back to the Cabinet Member Meeting.
48.4 RESOLVED – (1) That the consultation drafts of the Housing Strategy 2008-2013 (Appendix 1) incorporating the draft Older People’s Housing Strategy (Appendix 2) and draft LGBT People’s Housing Strategy (Appendix 3) be approved.
(2) That delegated authority for the Assistant Director of Housing and the Housing Strategy Manager to carry out minor amendments to the draft strategies prior to publication be approved. (Any substantial changes will be agreed jointly with the Cabinet Member) |
Learning Disability Short Breaks Policy
Additional documents: Decision: 1 That the short breaks policy and assessment tool be approved.
2 That short breaks policy be implemented from the beginning of October 2008. Minutes: 49.1 The Cabinet Member for Housing considered a report of the Director of Adult Social Care & Housing that sought co-approval of recommendations endorsed in January 2008 by the Adult Social Care Committee in regard to; the Short Breaks Policy and the use of a short breaks assessment.
49.2 RESOLVED – (1) That the short breaks policy and assessment tool be approved.
(2) That the short breaks policy be implemented from the beginning of October 2008. |