Agenda for Community Safety Forum on Monday, 6th October, 2008, 4.00pm

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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Lisa Johnson, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)  Declaration of Substitutes - Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)  Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.


    (c)  Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.



    Declarations of Substitutes


    Councillor Simson declared that she was attending the meeting as a Substitute Member for Councillor Theobald and would be Chairman.


    Declarations of Interest


    There were none.


    Exclusion of Press and Public


    In accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, it was considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any items contained in the agenda, having regard to the nature of the business to be transacted and the nature of the proceedings and the likelihood as to whether, if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of confidential or exempt information as defined in section 100I (1) of the said Act.



    RESOLVED - That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 81 KB

    Minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2008 (copy attached)



    RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 July 2008 be approved and signed by the Chair.



Chairman's Communications



    Cllr Simson gave Cllr Theobald’s apologies for not being able to attend.

    Cllr Simson advised the Forum that the Leader of the Council recognising the importance of the meeting had asked her, as an executive member, to Chair the meeting.

    Cllr Simson stated that the Sussex Police Authority had asked if they could use the opportunity afforded to them through the Community Safety Forum to consult more widely with residents in Brighton & Hove, and it had been agreed that a report could come to the next meeting. It was felt this would fit in well with the new Community Engagement Framework which the Council was currently producing. 




    NOTE: Public Questions will be reserved automatically.



    All Items were taken for discussion.



Public Questions

    (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on Monday 29 September 2008)


    No public questions received by date of publication.



    There were none.



Community Safety Issues Raised By Members and Community Representatives



    Cllr Carden raised the issue of the theft of Blue Badges from motor vehicles. Not only was this distressing for holders of the badges, but caused problems when they wanted to park their cars before they received their replacement badges. People had been receiving conflicting advice on what they should do. Chief Superintendent Paul Pearce said that the police should be informed of the theft of any badge, a crime number would then be issued and this could then be produced if a parking ticket was issued. The police were aware that the theft of badges was a problem, but stated that one person had been arrested and it was hoped that this would reduce the number of thefts.



    Cllr Kennedy referred to a recent meeting between the police and Brighton & Hove City Council about London Road, and asked if the Forum could be updated at the next meeting. Paul Tilley said that he had recently had a meeting with Cllr Randall and the police, and it was hoped that a LAT for the Level would be set. Duncan Blinkhorne would be the lead officer and it was hoped that interested parties, such as local traders, would be involved. The Chairman confirmed that this matter would come back to the Forum.


    Cllr Duncan referred to an incident in Jubilee Street, where someone was attacked. There was concern over the lack of CCTV and a lack of visible police presence in the area. Ms Macho, the Assistant Director, Public Safety informed the Forum that work was already underway to address these issues.


    Cllr Duncan said there was some confusion over the status of no drinking rules in the St James Street area, with notices giving conflicting information. Ms Beanlands, Head of Community Safety confirmed that the Designated Public Places Order applied across the city and St James Street was covered in the normal way. This was not a strict drinking ban but gave the police officers the power to arrest a person if anti social activity was taking place. It was intended to focus on anti social behaviour. Mr Peacock (St. James St. Area Action Group), confirmed that there were a number of potentially conflicting notices in the area and it was something which should be look at to ensure clarity.



Crime Trends and Performance in Brighton & Hove pdf icon PDF 130 KB



    The Forum considered a report of the Director of Environment on crime trends and performance in Brighton & Hove(for copy see minute book).



    Cllr Duncan said that a reduction of crime was very good news. However, there was some concern that the number of domestic burglaries had increased and wonder whether the rise was seasonal or whether it could be linked to economic reasons. The police said that there had been a continual reduction previously, but it had risen during the last four months. There had been 59 people arrested over the last six months. Many of the burglaries could be attributable to a relatively small number of people and there had been a number of prison releases which had impacted on the figures.


    Mr Tonks referred to the number of Domestic Violence crimes and the comment in the report that “Recording issues related to the introduction of the new police crime computer system is believed to be the reason for the sudden rise (of incidents) in May”. The police confirmed that the new computer system now recorded repeat incidents from the same person.



    Mr Tilley referred to bicycle thefts and asked whether the funding coming in could be used to provide secure storage. Ms Beanlands stated that there was a multi agency group looking at this issue and some money had been assigned to providing secure storage. Mr Tilley also asked whether the Smart Water which had been provided to residents in East Brighton had had any impact on reducing the theft of bicycles.  The police stated that no reduction in thefts had been attributed to the Smart Water, direct patrol in known hot spots had been more effective.



    The Chairman said that the overall reduction in crimes was very good news and would ensure that it was publicised.



Response to Consultation on the Home Office Green Paper "From the Neighbourhood to the National: Policing Our Communities Together" pdf icon PDF 118 KB



    The Forum considered a report of the Director Environment on the response to the consultation on the Home Office Green Paper ‘From the Neighbourhood to the National: Policing our Communities Together’ (for copy see minute book).



    Cllr Morgan welcomed the Green Paper. Crime had been reduced and welcomed the proposal to cut red tape.

    Cllr Morgan noted that Cllr Duncan was a member of the Police Authority, and as members of the authority receive an annual allowance asked whether Cllr Duncan should have declared an interest. The Chairman confirmed that this would be clarified for the next meeting, but suggested that Cllr Duncan did not comment on this report. It was agreed that legal advice would be taken on this matter and advice given to Cllr Duncan and Cllr Theobald, who was also a member of the Police Authority, for future meetings. 



    Cllr Smart asked where the funding would come from if participatory budgeting was introduced. Ms Beanlands confirmed that the proposal was that it would come from the Command Unit Funding Stream and will go to the decision making process. If allocated next year it will go to the Sussex Police Authority and it would be their decision whether it went to the pooled budget for crime prevention. This was not ‘new money’ but would be a transfer of money. The police confirmed that this funding always went straight to partnership working, with around £220k going there. There was a concern that if the funding stopped it wouldn’t be able to go to the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) to fund work to deliver the agreed priorities in the Community Safety, Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy.


    Mr Peacock referred to paragraph 4.18 of the report and asked whether, if they wanted to refer something to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee, whether that referral would need to come from a councillor. The Chairman confirmed that any referral would need to come from a councillor.


    Cllr Kennedy referred to paragraph 5.2.3, and felt that there was a concern that some individuals could become a Crime and Policing Representative who had not been democratically elected to represent others.



    Reverend Terry referred to paragraph 4.5 and the role of Police Community Support Officers (PCSO), and noted that there was no comment to the concern over the national standard and discretionary powers of PCSOs. Ms Beanlands stated that models for standardising their role were being provided and more practical assistance from the Home Office would be provided in the future.


    Mr Baker referred to paragraph 4.1.4, and stated that the perception of crime was important. This was particularly important for older people and noted that there wasn’t currently a newsletter directed to them in the city. Mr Baker also referred to paragraphs 11.4 and 11.5 and suggested it would be useful to have some localised surveys. This would enable the police to know of the immediate impact of their actions. Often the quieter community’s views, such as older people, weren’t taken into account, and it was important to know their views.


    Mr Tilley agreed that there should be more surveys, particularly from the LATs.


    Cllr Kennedy agreed with what Mr Baker had said and suggested someone raise those issues with the Environment Scrutiny Committee.


    The Chairman said that a number of important points had been raised and these would be noted.


    Cllr Morgan referred to paragraphs 5.2.2 and 5.2.3, and said that the recent news that the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, Boris Johnson, was to politicise the role of the most senior chief of police in the country, should lead the Forum to support the proposals and not block them. Cllr Morgan then moved an amendment to paragraph 5.2.2, which was seconded by Cllr Carden.

    The amendment was ‘We do not object to the introduction of directly elected Crime and Policing Representatives, which will make police authorities more democratic and effective in responding to the needs of the local community, whilst retaining independent and magistrate members as well as at least one councillor on each authority to maintain the important links and relationships with local government’.

    The police stated that there was no requirement for a magistrate to be a representative. Cllr Morgan agreed to remove the wording ‘and magistrate’ from his amendment. Cllr Carden agreed.


    The Chairman took an indicative vote of members of the Forum on the wording. The vote was:

    In favour of the amendment        - 8 votes

    Not in favour of the amendment -  6 votes

    Abstained                                    - 2 votes

    Cllr Duncan did not vote


    As the Forum were in favour of the wording, the Chairman then asked for a vote on whether the following wording should be included in the consultation response:

    ‘We do not object to the introduction of directly elected Crime and Policing Representatives, which will make police authorities more democratic and effective in responding to the needs of the local community, whilst retaining independent members as well as at least one councillor on each authority to maintain the important links and relationships with local government’.


    The vote was:

    In favour of including the wording in the consultation response    - 8 votes

    Not in favour including the wording in the consultation response  - 0 votes

    Abstained                                                                                       - 7 votes


    Cllr Duncan did not vote







    (1)   That the Community Safety Forum note in particular the proposals

    summarised in section 4.0 of the report and the draft response set

    out in section 5.0 of the report. The Forum agreed the draft response

     which rejects the Green Paper’s proposals as described in section 5.2

    (with the amended wording in paragraph 5.2.2)

    (2)   That the Community Safety Forum consider other proposals

    described within the report and agree that if implemented, they

    would generally be a positive addition to the existing good practise

    arrangements of Brighton & Hove’s CDRP




Presentation on the Targeted Youth Support Service and Challenge and Support



    Ms G Cunliffe Assistant Director, Children & Young People’s Trust gave a presentation on the Targeted Youth Support System (TYSS) in Brighton & Hove (see Minute Book for a copy of the presentation).

    The TYSS alongside Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), Positive Activities and Volunteering, formed part of the Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS). The development of the TYSS aimed to focus delivery of work on those young people who were at risk from the following; becoming first time entrants to the Youth Criminal Justice System; teenage pregnancy; substance or alcohol abuse; being excluded from education and becoming Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET); involved in Anti-Social Behaviour; or young people moving out of specialist services. The Integrated Youth Support System would be linked to a number of bodies such as schools, the police, housing providers, social care, community and voluntary sector, and would be delivered through a network of ‘Youth Hubs’. The Hubs would be staffed by different agencies such as youth workers, advice workers, personal advisor from NEET etc. The facilities at the Hubs would offer 1:1 space, open access areas such as a coffee bar and pc and internet access. There would be six TYSS teams across the city, two in the west area, two in central area and two in east area


    Cllr Carden asked where the team in the west area would be based. Ms Cunliffe there would be one in the YMCA in Blatchington Road and one at the Hangleton Youth Club.


    Mr Tonks said that traditionally there had been less funding into youth work than the national average and asked how the current funding was. Ms Cunliffe said that additional funding had been secured and there had been some increase over the last eighteen months.


    Cllr Young said that this was very good news, and asked when the first results were likely. Ms Cunliffe said there had already been a drop in NEET, teenage pregnancy was down but there were still many challenges to address. It was hoped that there would be noticeable change within 12-18 months.


    Ms Gray said that it was a great initiative, but noted that there was a gap on domestic abuse and how that related to teenage pregnancy. Ms Cunliffe that that matter would be an area for discussion very soon with the Department for Children Schools and Families. 


    Cllr Kennedy commented that it was great that all the agencies were working together, but queried how families would fit in with the service. Ms Cunliffe stated that support would be offered to parents and where appropriate parenting contracts and orders would be used.  A report on this would be brought to a future meeting.


    Cllr Smart asked about funding. Ms Cunliffe said that it was hoped to be up to £700,000 but the level of funding would be linked to data and intelligence.



Presentation on 'Operation Reduction' and Dealing With Drug Offences

    Presentation by Detective Chief Inspector Ian Pollard and Mike Pattinson, Director of Crime Reduction Initiatives.



    Detective Chief Inspector Ian Pollard, and Mr Mike Pattinson, Director of Crime Reduction Initiatives gave a presentation on Operation Reduction (see Minute Book for copy of presentation).


    The Forum was informed that in 2005 Brighton had the highest number of deaths from heroin. Following this Operation Reduction was formed. The objectives of Operation Reduction were to increase the number of drug users in treatment services; reduce crime and disorder; increase people’s feeling of safety; increase the number of people charged with supplying controlled drugs. The tactics used to achieve this would include; test purchase operations; intelligence led referrals into Crime Reduction Initiative (CRI); fast track into treatment. This would be achieved through a number of avenues including; casework forum approach; assertive intervention by way of street based patrols; targeted care planned work; and rapid enforcement led support. The aim was to remove the dealers and provide treatment for the drug users. Over the last 30 months there had been 291 people referred for treatment and Impact crimes had been reduced by 18%. The number of deaths earlier this year had been high, with 17 in the period from January to April 2008.  This had been linked to a supply of very strong heroin, but those responsible for supplying the drugs had been arrested. The number of deaths had since fallen to 5 for the period from May to September 2008.


    The Forum thanked them for the presentation, and said that it showed how effective partnership working could be.



Sussex Police Authority Minutes: Minutes of the Meeting Held On 12 June 2008 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

    (copy attached)



    RESOLVED – That the minutes be noted.



East Sussex Fire Authority: Minutes of the Meeting Held on 5 June 2008 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

    (copy attached)



    RESOLVED – That the minutes be noted.



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