Agenda for Housing Management Consultative Committee on Monday, 7th November, 2011, 3.00pm

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Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Caroline De Marco, Democratic Services Officer 

No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)   Declaration of Substitutes - Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)   Declarations of Interest by all Members present of any personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the Members regard the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.


    (c)   Exclusion of Press and Public - To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.



    NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part 2 of the Agenda states in its heading either that it is confidential or the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the categories of exempt information is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.


    41A     Declarations of Substitute Members


    41.1    Roy Crowhurst declared that he was attending as a substitute for Beverley Weaver.  Dave Avery declared that he was attending as a substitute for Tina Urquhart.  


    41B     Declarations of Interests


    41.2    There were none.


    41C     Exclusion of the Press and Public


    41.3    In accordance with section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, it was considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any items contained in the agenda, having regard to the nature of the business to be transacted and the nature of the proceedings and the likelihood as to whether, if members of the press and public were present, there would be disclosure to them of confidential or exempt information as defined in section 100I (1) of the said Act.


    41.4    RESOLVED - That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 145 KB

    Minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2011 (copy attached).


    Suggested amendments


    42.1    Brighton and Hove Seaside Community Homes Limited (the Local Delivery Vehicle) – Item 27 - John Melson stated that Councillor Mears had remarked that it was essential that there be a clear audit trail on the income in relation to the Brighton and Hove Seaside Community Homes Limited.  He asked for this to be recorded in the minutes.


    42.2    Allocation Policy – Item 38 – John Melson stated that Councillor Mears had asked for the changes to the Allocation Policy to be presented to the Area Panels and he wished this to be recorded in the minutes.  The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion confirmed that the Allocations Policy would be presented to the Area Panels before coming back to the HMCC.


    42.3    Allocations Policy – paragraph 38.10 – Councillor Peltzer Dunn suggested that the second sentence should be reworded to make it clearer. 


                Comments on the minutes


    42.4    Homemove/Internet Access – Paragraph 32.1, 34.4, 34.7 – John Melson stressed that many tenants used Homemove.  He asked if it was possible to print a few copies of Homemove to place in council offices.  The Chair replied that it had been agreed to put copies of Homemove in Community Centres. There had also been discussions in relation to placing Homemove in Sheltered Housing Schemes.  She suggested that Mr Melson should send her a list of places where it might be helpful to place Homemove.    


    42.5    Residents Involvement Strategy – Item 36 – John Melson expressed his concern that the strategy would have minimal impact.  He considered that there was a need to rationalise groups and look to involve more people.  There was a lack of information and feedback from groups.


    42.6    Establishing a Tenant Scrutiny Panel – Paragraph 36.4 – Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to the sentences  “The Chair replied that HMCC and the Area Panels would remain.  In addition, there could be involvement at scrutiny level.”   Councillor Peltzer asked if the second sentence should say “could” or “would”. The Chair replied that it was up to the Innovation Group to decide.  There would be an Innovation Group and the Tenants Scrutiny Group would be tenants.  Councillor Peltzer Dunn requested that the chair agree to say there would be involvement at scrutiny level.  This was agreed by the Chair.  


    42.7    Innovations Group – Paragraph 36.10 – Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked about the progress of establishing this group.  The Chair replied that the Area Panels had elected 10 people to be part of the Innovations Group.  Two dates were currently available for the first meeting.     

    42.8    John Melson stated that he wanted to highlight a failure of consultation on this issue.  None of the city wide groups was policy making.  He stated that every tenant should have their say.  The Chair thanked Mr Melson for his comments but stressed that this matter had been discussed a great deal already.  David Murtagh pointed out that this matter had been discussed at the Area Panels.  


    42.9    Victoria Road Housing Office – paragraph 37.4 – Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked if there was a timescale in relation to the relocation of the office to Portslade Town Hall.  The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion replied that the current office had not been marketed yet.  It was likely to be some time in 2012 or even 2013 before the move would take place.


    42.10  Councillor Peltzer Dunn acknowledged that the original decision had been taken 18 months ago by the previous administration, but commented that 18 months was a long time for a property to be marketed.  The Chair agreed that she found the amount of time it took to get things done extremely frustrating.  The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion agreed to contact the Property and Design Team to obtain a written response.


    42.11  Councillor Robins stated that people in Portslade found the current situation frustrating.  They asked questions but were not getting answers.  The Chair asked officers to produce a succinct A4  paper with information points on the current situation with regard to the Victoria Road Housing Office. 


    42.12  Access to Portslade Housing Office - Paragraph 37.7 – John Melson stated that it should be noted that Chris Kift had a powered wheelchair. 


    42.13  Tom Whiting asked for an indicative vote on the accuracy of the minutes.  An indicative vote of the tenant representatives was taken and it was unanimously agreed that the minutes should be agreed with suggested amendments. 


    42.14  RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Housing Management Consultative Committee Meeting held on 26 September 2011 be agreed with the suggested amendments.  The Chair would sign the minutes once the amendments had been made.



Chairman's Communications


    Fire at Leach Court   

    43.1    Jean Davis reported that on the evening of 29 October there had been a fire and bad water leak on the 6th floor of Leach Court.  There had been a power failure as a result, with flats being plunged into darkness. Jean stated that on behalf of the tenants she wished to thank Nick Hibberd and other council officers along with the emergency services for dealing so well with this serious situation.  She mentioned that Daniel Gray had spent 6 days with the tenants at Leach Court.  Jean also thanked old Patcham Lodge for providing residents with wonderful meals and drinks.


    43.2    The Chair also passed on her heartfelt thanks on behalf of the administration and all councillors.


                City Assembly 


    43.3    The Chair reported that the City Assembly had been arranged for Saturday 19 November 2011 in the Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall.  A crèche had been arranged for the first time.  She hoped it would be a very inclusive day.  A great deal of work had been carried out to ensure its success.


                Leaseholder Action Group - AGM


    43.4    The Chair reported that the Leaseholder Action Group AGM would take place on 26 November from 10.00am to 1.00pm.  She urged all leaseholders to come along to this event.






    44.1    The Chair asked the Committee to consider which items listed on the agenda it wished to debate and determine in full.


    44.2    RESOLVED - That all items be reserved for debate and determination. 



    No petitions have been received by the date of publication.



    45.1    There were none.




Public Questions

    (The closing date for receipt of public questions is 12 noon on 31 October 2011)


    No public questions have been received by the date of publication.


    46.1    There were none.




    (The closing date for receipt of deputations is 12 noon on 31 October 2011)


    No deputations have been received by the date of publication.


    47.1    There were none.




Letters from Councillors

    No letters have been received.



    48.1    There were none.





Written Questions from Councillors

    No written questions have been received.


    49.1    There were none.




Council Housing Neighbourhood Policy pdf icon PDF 134 KB

    Report of Head of Housing and Social Inclusion (copy attached).


    50.1    The Committee considered a report of the Head of Housing and Social Inclusion which stated that the Regulatory Framework for Social Housing required that social housing providers had a Neighbourhood Policy in relation to their housing. The Council Housing Neighbourhood Policy set out in appendix 1 of the report, related to Brighton and Hove City Council’s housing and its estates.   


    50.2    The Chair reported that the Committee would receive a joint PowerPoint presentation on all three policies submitted to this meeting.   This would be followed by a discussion and individual decisions on each item.      


    50.3    The Head of Tenancy Services reported that all three policies were developed with the help of the Estate Services Monitoring Group.   The Neighbourhood Policy was the overarching policy.  Copies of the presentation were circulated to all members of the Committee. 


    50.4    John Melson congratulated Policy and Performance Officer on the Neighbourhood Policy report which he considered excellent.   However, he noted in relation to paragraph 4.2 to 4.4 that there was no mention of consultation.  This was the first time he had seen the report. 


    50.5    The Head of Tenancy Services agreed with Mr Melson’s point.  It was set out in the Tenant’s Compact that the reports should be presented to the Area Panels.  If the tenants wished to defer a decision on the reports until after the next round of Area Panels, officers would respect that decision.  However they might like to decide that the Tenant Compact Monitoring Group’s decision was sufficient. 


    50.6    Mr Melson stated that he had no wish to delay the decision.  However he stressed the need to establish a clear audit trail.  It was not right for a city wide group to decide for the whole of the city, without consulting various groups.  He suggested that a small focus group should look at this matter. 


    50.7         The Chair stated that the Innovation Group would consider this matter.


    50.8         Muriel Briault stated that there had been a good discussion on these policies at her group along with consultation with residents.   


    50.9    RESOLVED – (1) That the contents of the policy and relevant policies and procedures are noted.


    (2)       That the Cabinet Member for Housing be recommended to agree the proposed Council Housing Neighbourhood Policy as set out in appendix 1 of the report.



Grounds Maintenance Review pdf icon PDF 100 KB

    Report of Strategic Director Place (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    51.1    The Committee considered a report of the Head of Housing and Social Inclusion which stated that Social Housing Regulatory Framework had set National Standards for Social Landlords to have policies that outlined how neighbourhoods would be looked after.  The Grounds Maintenance Policy was one of a range of policies that would sit beneath the Housing and Social Inclusion Neighbourhood Policy.  The report set out the key service improvements that had come out of the Ground Maintenance review following partnership working with residents. 


    51.2    The Committee received a PowerPoint presentation on all three policies submitted to the meeting.   The presentation had been circulated to Members at the meeting. 


    51.3    Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to a suggestion in the presentation that residents at Wellington Road had wanted to get involved in a grass cutting scheme.  He asked about insurance cover for the council, if a tenant or leaseholder were involved in an accident after taking on work on behalf of the council, and having taken part in risk assessment and training.     


    51.4    The Housing Manager replied that he had made enquires with the insurance section.  They had not gone into details yet but had said that if the scheme were to take off they could provide cover under the council’s insurance.   However, there would have to be risk assessment and adequate training carried out.


    51.5    Tom Whiting asked whether grass cutting was the most expensive item in ground maintenance.  The Housing Manager explained that shrub beds had the highest unit price and grass cutting the cheapest unit price.  He was not aware if the council spent more overall on grass cutting than shrub maintenance.  The Chair informed Mr Whiting that this information would be sent to him.  


    51.6    Mr Whiting suggested that prostrate grasses were grown instead of vertical grasses in order to save on expenditure.  The Chair replied that she had heard that one type of prostrate grass could be quite invasive and cause problems, however some might be ok.  She suggested that Mr Whiting emailed her with details She would like to see actual costs.   .    


    51.7    Heather Hayes expressed concern that the grass on many high banks was not cut, as a special grass cutter was required.    She asked if the reason no action was taken was due to cost.   


    51.8    The Housing Manager reported that there were restrictions to working on banks due to health and safety.  Officers were trying to address these problems.  Meanwhile, some areas were being allowed to turn into scrub in order to attact wildlife.    The Parks and Green Spaces Operations Manager reported that Health and Safety legislation had tightened up over the years.  No charges were made for banks not that were not cut.

    51.9    Barry Kent mentioned that Ferris Machines could cut grass on banks.  The Parks and Green Spaces Manager confirmed that some banks in the city could be cut with Ferris Machines. 


    51.10  Ted Harman complained that a grass cutting machine had been driven too fast over the pavements.  The Chair suggested that Mr Harman should phone the council immediately if this happened again. 


    51.11  Roy Crowhurst expressed concern that the Estate Development Budget was being spent on tree cutting.  The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion explained that pruning work was carried out under the Grounds Maintenance Budget.  Any additional projects such as new planting would be addressed through the Estate Development Budget.  


    51.12  An indicative vote was taken by tenants’ representatives.  8 tenants voted for the recommendations.  Three tenants abstained from voting.  


    51.13  RESOLVED – (1) That the contents of the policy and relevant policies and procedures are noted.


    (2)       That the Cabinet Member for Housing be recommended to agree the proposed Council Housing Neighbourhood Policy as set out in appendix 1 of the report.




Housing & Social Inclusion Adverse Weather Policy 2011 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

    Report of Head of Housing and Social Inclusion (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    52.1    The Committee considered a report of the Head of Housing and Social Inclusion which stated that the Regulatory Framework for Social Housing required that the social housing providers had a Neighbourhood Policy.  The Adverse Weather Policy (Appendix 1) sat under the Neighbourhood Policy and contributed to the neighbourhood and community standards outlined in the policy, and the Annual Report to Council Tenants and Leaseholders. 


    52.2    The Chair had agreed that the Committee would receive a joint PowerPoint presentation on all three policies submitted to this meeting.   The presentation was circulated to all Members at the meeting.         


    52.3    Councillor Farrow stressed the need for housing to successfully liaise with other departments such as highways, particularly in relation to gritting.  He also mentioned the serious flood in Lower Bevendean in 2000.  Councillor Farrow suggested housing officers liaised with emergency planning officers to check the dams in Bevendean, before the start of inclement weather.  


    52.4    The Chair concurred with this view.  She was keen to see cross department working in the Council.   


    52.5    Roy Crowhurst stated that he was pleased that there would be housing grit bins.  He asked for assurance that they would be filled with grit.  The Head of Tenancy Services explained that the bins were all filled with grit or were being filled with grit. There was a major incident team with 4 wheel drive cars that would prioritise helping vulnerable people in the event of bad weather.  However, they could be used to re-fill grit bins if necessary.  Officers would do their best to fill grit bins.  Grit bins on estates were kept locked.  


    52.6    John Melson referred to paragraph 7.6 of the policy (areas of greatest risk) and asked if this included high rise blocks.  The Head of Tenancy Services confirmed that it did include high rise blocks.   


    52.7    Mr Melson expressed concern about the distribution of grit bins.  He applied for one some time ago and would like one supplied for his high rise block.


    52.8    Heather Hayes mentioned that there were two steep hills to get to Crespin way in Hollingdean.  A grit bin had been requested last year, but only arrived after the snow had gone. She asked if grit could be supplied in the event of snow if there was no grit bin.  The Team Manager, Highways explained that there would be no more grit bins provided on highways.  Officers were looking to provide grit drops.  Ms Hayes’ comments had been taken on board and officers were investigating whether a grit bag could be provided.  Officers would do their best to provide grit bags before the event occurred. 


    52.9    Councillor Wells asked if the grit bins were kept locked.  The Head of Tenancy Services explained that the bins were locked during the summer.  They were unlocked during the winter.  On estates, the grit was kept in cleaners’ store cupboards.  If there was an area that could store grit, officers could supply grit for that area.


    52.10  Councillor Duncan mentioned that there had been a number of complaints last year that bins were blocking access for wheelchair users and buggies.  


    52.11  Councillor Farrow mentioned that a BBC TV programme had reported a prediction of snow showers in December and heavy snow in January .  He suggested that the council should have everything in place in time for the predicted period of snow and ice. 


    52.12  Councillor Robins mentioned that he had attended a meeting during the morning where the Civil Contingency Manager had spoken.  He had only identified vulnerable buildings and not vulnerable people.  The Head of Tenancy Services replied that officers did have data on where vulnerable residents lived.  Officers were in the process of carrying out three yearly visits. The Chair asked Members to let officers know if they were aware of vulnerable tenants.


    52.13  John Melson stated that one issue that was not properly addressed was the delivery of medicines in the event of snow and ice.  Some areas were cut off and the delivery of medicines failed.  He asked if it was possible for chemists to participate in a scheme where there could be a central point where an emergency “hit squad” could deliver emergency medication.


    52.14  The Head of Tenancy Services explained that the major incident team included Adult Social Care and health officers.  There would be 4 wheel drive cars working 24 hours a day to help vulnerable people with care packages.  She would take back Mr Melson’s suggestion to see if something could be done.


    52.15  David Murtagh mentioned that he had requested grit for a steep road in East Moulsecoomb.   He had been told he had asked for too much.  He stressed that residents needed to get to work and to the shops. 


    52.16  The Chair suggested that a map showing locations of grit should be made available.  The Team Manager, Highways informed the Committee that there was already a map on the council’s website.  The map located grit bins and grit drops.  The Chair suggested it would be helpful to have printed copies of the map.  The Head of Tenancy Services agreed to provide paper copies for the HMCC members.


    52.17  An indicative vote was taken by tenants’ representatives.  The vote was unanimously in favour of the recommendations.

    52.18  RESOLVED – (1) That the Cabinet Member for Housing be recommended to a  approve the Housing and Social Inclusion  - Council Housing Adverse Weather Policy 2011 for publication and implementation.




Manor Place Housing Office and the Whitehawk Hub

    Presentation by Head of Customer Access & Business Improvement.


    53.1    The Committee received a PowerPoint presentation from the Head of Customer Access & Business Improvement.  A copy of the presentation was provided to all members at the meeting. Members were informed that there was an opportunity to move staff to join community services colleagues at the Whitehawk Hub.  The hub already housed a library, GP Surgery, Children’s Centre, Pharmacy, Health Centre, School, IT Learning Suite and Community Café. 


    53.2    It was considered that the move would provide a better service, and would save money with regard to accommodation.  The money could be reinvested into homes and in helping the most vulnerable tenants.  Visits to the Manor House Office in 2010 had been on average 25 a day.  This figure had now reduced. 


    53.3    Conversations had been held with all Whitehawk tenant representatives, Ward Councillors, Residents, Staff, the Library Service, the Youth Services and the Children and Families Service. 


    53.4    The presentation detailed resident consultation.  203 tenants had been consulted.  One impact of the move would be no cash taking facilities at the Hub.  A map of the location of respondents was presented. 


    53.5    The presentation showed pie charts and graphs to report the consultation findings.  71% of tenants surveyed used the housing office to make payments.  11% had housing enquiries and 15% had other enquiries.  A number of residents already used the Whitehawk Hub to visit the Chemist, GP, Library and School.


    53.6    A graph showed alternative payment preference, including payment with a Paypoint Card, post office, direct debit, and the internet. The presentation listed methods of paying household bills and showed that 84% of tenants surveyed had a bank account.  55% had access to the internet and 37% had mobility concerns.


    53.7    Residents’ main concerns were listed.  These included making payments, access to the Whitehawk Hub (distance, incline and icy weather) and the Robert Lodge Laundry (how to top up payment card).


    53.8         The presentation showed how these concerns would be addressed.  Officers would provide support to residents who needed to make payments. The Head of Customer Access & Business Improvement stressed that officers did not want the elderly or vulnerable tenants travelling to the Hub in bad weather.  Officers could visit these tenants.  Meanwhile in terms of distance, both offices were about the same distance from the bus stop.   Following consultation, the path leading to the Hub had now been levelled, the bus stop had been moved and there was additional lighting.  Gritting would be a priority for housing.   There was more parking provided at the Whitehawk Hub.  A secure machine would be provided for residents at Robert Lodge to top up their payment card.


    53.9    The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement listed the opportunities that would arise as a result of moving to the Hub.  The move offered excellent value for money, and would result in savings that could be reinvested to help vulnerable tenants. 


    53.10  Councillor Farrow stated that his main concern was payments.  He considered that the way forward was Paypoint.  Residents would need to easily obtain a Paypoint card.


    53.11 Councillor Peltzer Dunn referred to the physical improvements to the Hub.  He asked if the fears Councillor Mears referred to at the last meeting (paragraph 37.14 of the minutes) had all been addressed.  These concerns related to the twitten leading to the Library being icy in winter, and elderly people having problems accessing the office. 


    53.12    The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement of Housing and Social Inclusion replied that those concerns had been addressed through levelling the path and moving the bus stop nearer to the hub.  Residents at a meeting had told her that this was their main concern.  Those residents who had visited the Hub had spoken highly of the improvements made.  One was a resident using a mobility buggy.  


    53.13  Councillor Peltzer Dunn asked for clarification about cash payments.   The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement explained that 484 people in the Whitehawk area visited the office during the six month period to make cash payments.  Most people visited weekly or fortnightly. This would be 23% of the Whitehawk population.   Councillor Peltzer Dunn remarked that the 71% of tenants surveyed would make a much higher figure. 


    53.14  Ted Harman asked for clarification about the 84% figure quoted for people who had a bank account.  The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement explained that the consultation findings were based on the people interviewed.  203 people had been sampled.  84% of those people said they had a bank account.  


    53.15  John Melson made the point that because some people had a bank account did not mean they could pay by direct debit.  Some people only used cash cards. 


    53.16  Councillor Mitchell was permitted to address the meeting as Ward Councillor.  She stressed that there was concern about the bus service.  Chris Kift was not happy with the path to the hub and Faith Matyszak had some issues.  


    53.17 Faith Matyszak confirmed that there was a bus service to the main road, but not to the cul-de-sac.  The bus company had been requested to provide a small bus to that road but had refused.  


    53.18  Councillor Mitchell reported that there had been a history with regard to access to the hub.  It had to be made to work after the event.  The bus stop had been moved and the path rebuilt.  There was now proper highway standard lighting and the path would need to be gritted.  In terms of Whitehawk Road, she had taken the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director Communities to look at this issue.   The Chief Executive was exploring whether housing land was required to create a turning circle.  He supported the request to get Whitehawk Road (a highway road) on the gritting schedule. 


    53.19    The Chair expressed surprise that Whitehawk Road was not on the gritting schedule.  She suggested that if the HMCC members were in agreement she would write a letter to the Chief Executive and the Strategic Director People, on behalf of the HMCC requesting that Whitehawk Road be put on the gritting schedule.  This action was agreed.


     53.20Roy Crowhurst stated that he came from a generation who paid cash for everything.  Many people preferred to pay by cash.  He asked how many people it would affect overall.  The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement acknowledged that some people liked to pay by cash and a lot of people had expressed a preference for paypoint outlets.  It was possible to pay at other locations.  She remarked that there were 2000 residents on the Whitehawk estate and 203 persons were surveyed.  This was high percentage.  


    53.21  Councillor Robins asked if people surveyed were for or against the changes.  The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement explained that this question had not been asked.  However, those that supported the changes realised that there would be a cash benefit to the housing revenue account and agreed that wherever the office was situated it would not suit everyone.  Tenant representatives were saying that people did not like change but could get use to change.  


    53.22  John Melson asked if Chris Kift and Faith Matyszak could speak on this issue.  The Chair agreed. 


    53.23  Faith Matyszak stated that the cul-de-sac was created after Whitehawk was rebuilt.  The through road to the Hub could not be put back.  She stated that most people were against the move.  It would be difficult for mothers with buggies who had no car and had to walk.  The bus company had stated categorically that they would not supply a small bus to take people to the Hub.  They stated that if the council wanted a bus they would have to fund it.  


    53.24  Chris Kift thought the number of people used for the survey was fine.  The questions that were asked were the problem.  He believed percentages could be misleading. 


    53.25  The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement informed the meeting that residents had told her that access to the hub was good.  It had improved a great deal since the period of consultation and a tenant with a mobility buggy had confirmed it had improved and that they had no problem in accessing the hub.  People were already accessing services located at the Hub, including the GP surgery, health centre and school.  With regard to the consultation, people were asked questions in order for the council to know the impact of the move. 


    53.26  The Chair remarked that the main issue related to access by bus.  She stated that she would write to the bus company on behalf of the HMCC, regarding this issue.  She would circulate the letter to all HMCC members before it was sent.  


    53.27  Councillor Peltzer Dunn queried the figures relating to people who paid by cash to the overall number of people who lived in the area.  He felt the figures quoted in the presentation were misleading.  The Head of Housing and Social Inclusion stated that officers would investigate this matter and provide correct information to Councillor Peltzer Dunn. The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement agreed that the figures did not seem to marry overall.  It was possible that some people made multiple transactions.


    53.28  David Murtagh felt that a decision on the move should be made by the people of Whitehawk.


    53.29  Barry Kent stated that people with powered wheelchairs would have difficulty with dropped kerbs.  Accessibility was not very good and if there was snow on slopes it was difficult to keep powered wheelchairs moving.    


    53.30  The Head of Customer Access and Business Improvement reaffirmed that she had been told access was better.  The path leading to the hub had been levelled.  Officers did not want vulnerable tenants to visit in icy weather.  Officers preferred to visit people in their own homes in these instances. 


    53.31  The Chair stated that the proposed move was ongoing and officers were working to improve the access.  Any feedback would be welcome.


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