Agenda for Policy & Resources Committee (pre 2015) on Thursday, 11th February, 2016, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Brighthelm Church and Community Centre
Contact: Ross Keatley Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Procedural Business (a) Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.
(b) Declarations of Interest:
(a) Disclosable pecuniary interests; (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
NOTE: Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls. Additional documents: Minutes: (a) Declarations of Substitutes
115.1 There were none.
(b) Declarations of Interest
115.2 There were no declarations of interests in matters listed on the agenda.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public
115.3 The Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of any of the items listed on the agenda.
115.4 RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the items contained in part two of the agenda. |
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2016 (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: 116.1 RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2016 as a correct record. |
Chair's Communications Additional documents: Minutes: 117.1 The Chair thanked all staff that helped to deal with the aftermath of storm Imogen across the city, which has resulted in the temporary closure of the King Alfred pool. Since the last meeting of the Committee the Royal Pavilion had been awarded Heritage Lottery grant funding for major refurbishment as part of phase 1 of the regeneration of the site. The Department for Education had agreed funding for a much needed new secondary school in the city by 2019, with the University of Brighton being the local sponsor.
117.2 The meeting would be considering the four-year budget in light of reduced funding from Central Government; it was highlighted that the authority had not received transitional funding sums similar to those given to neighbouring county councils. The Chair also highlighted the City Innovation Challenge which closed on 19 February – he urged young people to enter. |
Call Over (a) Items (121 – 132) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.
(b) Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed. Additional documents: Minutes: 118.1 The following items were reserved for discussion:
Item 121 General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17 Item 122 Housing Revenue Account Budget and Investment Programme 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Strategy Item 123 Capital Resources and Capital Investment Report Item 124 Fees & Charges 2016/17 – Assistant Chief Executive Directorate Item 125 Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2015/16 Month 9 Item 127 City Centre Bid Renewal Item 128 Temporary Staff Agency Tender Item 130 Stanmer Park Programme: Update and Next Steps in Relation to Funding, Home Farm Redevelopment and Management Structure Item 132 Stanmer Park Programme: Update and Next Steps in Relation to Funding, Home Farm Redevelopment and Management Structure – Exempt Category 3
118.2 The Democratic Services Manager confirmed that the items listed above had been reserved for discussion, and that the following reports of the agenda, with the recommendations therein had been approved and adopted.
Item 126 Information Governance Strategy Item 129 Recruitment Advertising Marketing & Communications Contract |
To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or as notified for presentation at the meeting by the due of 28 January 2016;
ii) Sustainable Bus Service for the residents of the Coombe Road and Meadowview areas - Petition from Charles Titherley (copy attached)
(b) Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 4 February 2016;
(c) Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 4 February 2016.
i) Deputation concerning EDB Budget in the 2015/16 HRA Plan – on behalf of the Central Area Housing Management Panel (copy attached). Additional documents: Minutes: Petitions
119.1 The Chair noted there was one petition referred from Council on 28 January 2016 entitled ‘Save the Brighton & Hove Animal Welfare Team’ on behalf of Brighton Dogwatch. In response to the petition the Chair read the following:
‘The Council are very pleased to be able to tell you that we have found funding, to replace one of the posts proposed to be withdrawn, so that the dog attack and prosecution work can continue to be covered.
We will be involving the animal welfare service in future discussions around neighbourhood service delivery, so that this important work continues.
We will also be ensuring active support for constituting Dogwatch as an organisation via Community Works.
We are really glad that we have been able to do this and look forward to further conversations with you as we take the work forward.’
119.2 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the petition.
119.3 The Chair noted there was a petition for presentation in relation to ‘Sustainable Bus Service for the residents of the Coombe Road and Meadowview Areas’, the Chair called forward Mitch Alexander to present the petition.
119.4 Ms Alexander explained that approximately 5,000 people lived in this ‘remote’ area of the city which was accessed by a long steep hill and had a lack of amenities in the immediate area. The current bus service was inadequate with residents waiting up to 70 minutes between services and walking not being a safe or practical option for many. The petition asked the Council to lay down provision for a sustainable and satisfactory service; residents were currently being marginalised and many young people were not able to partake in after school activities – as well as the disproportionate effect on low income families. The petition had been signed by over 1000 people that wished to be able to access services in the city centre, and it was ‘socially necessary’ for residents to be able to use a frequent and reliable service.
119.5 By way of response the Chair read the following:
‘Thank you for your petition regarding buses in the Meadowview area. As you will be aware, previously most of these services were run commercially by Brighton & Hove Buses, but unfortunately they were not financially viable to maintain commercially. The importance of these services to the local community is understood by the council, as well as the negative impacts that would result from the loss of most bus services. Consequently the council decided to step in and fund these services, which are now provided by Compass in the form of the number 37 route. As you will be aware the council is facing extremely difficult financial challenges, and at this moment in time it is unable to increase the frequency of the routes. However, we will continue working with the bus operator to achieve the best possible bus service for Meadowview from the resources available, and to ensure that real time bus departure information is provided.’
119.6 Councillor Mitchell added that from April the service would be operated by Compass; though it was recognised that this would be a reduced frequency; however, consultation was ongoing in relation to wider supported network to look at where services could be increased and the results of this consultation would be bought to Committee.
119.7 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the petition.
119.8 The Chair noted there was a deputation from the Central Area Housing Management Panel in relation to the Estate Development Budget in the 2015/16 HRA Plan. The Chair called forward Barry Hughes to present the deputation.
119.9 Mr Hughes stated in the past residents had been given details of the following year’s proposed HRA budget in December’ however, this had not been provided until just before the January meeting of the Housing & New Homes Committee and residents were told that the strategy would fund priority investments for tenants and leaseholders. Residents were of the view that they had not been given enough time to consider the information and in response an emergency meeting was held. The meeting had agreed that future consultation on the HRA would start in September; however, the Housing Management Panel were still of the view that the reduction in funding to the EDB was unacceptable and the reserve funding for the following year should be used to restore the funding in the EDB for the 2016/17 financial year. It was highlighted that historically the EDB fund had been able to create reductions in maintenance through the work it undertook; the proposed approach of the Housing Management Panel sought to reduce the budget through shrinking the administration costs, but still provide a focus on facilitating community projects.
119.10 The full response was given to the deputation in writing and it was agreed that this would be included in the minutes as set out below:
‘Thank you to the Central Area Housing Panel for raising this request to the P&R Committee in the form of a deputation.
The Estate and Environmental Improvements Programme budget is made up of three areas of spend. They are the Estate Development Budget (EDB) which forms the bulk of the budget, a much smaller fencing budget, and a smaller still cycling budget. The proposal is that this total budget reduce from £618k in 2015/16 to £500k in 2016/17, and then to £300k from 2017/18 to 2019/20. However, the recommendation in the Committee report is to approve the 2016/17 budget only. The future years’ budgets are provisional, and are therefore for information only.
In respect of Estate Development Budget only, for 2016/17 the proposal is for £451k in the budget, compared to £540k for this current year. Despite the proposed reduction in the budget, the actual amount to be spent on Estate Development Budget in 2016/17 will not change because there is approximately £496k of unallocated money in reserves from previous years’ Estate Development Budget underspend. The higher amount of £599k quoted in the Central Area Panel’s deputation includes money that is currently unspent, but that has been committed. Residents will therefore not experience any change from this budget reduction. In addition for 2017/18, when the Estate Development Budget is proposed to reduce again, there will be still be reserves from the previous years’ underspends to make up the shortfall, as suggested by the Central Area Panel.
The report going to the Estate Development Budget voting Area Panel meetings in April this year will set out this position for tenants as the decisions around the budget proposals will be known.
The proposal to reduce the Estate and Environmental Improvements Programme budget is to help the Housing Revenue Account manage significant risks posed by external changes that will affect income over the coming years.
The risks come from a number of factors. The first significant external change is the 1% reduction in rent from April 2016 which is likely to see a reduction in rental income of around £14m to the Housing Revenue Account over the next four years. The second is the welfare reform changes – particularly the local implementation of Universal Credit from December last year. This sees the rent element of benefit payments now being made directly to claimants who are then responsible for paying their rent, rather than Housing Benefit being paid directly to social landlords.
Other potential risks to the Housing Revenue Account include the proposed requirement in the Housing & Planning Bill for local authorities to sell their high value council homes when they become vacant while not being able to keep the receipts from such sales, and the proposal to charge higher rent to people earning above £30,000 a year. Both these measures are likely to reduce the housing stock, which will in turn reduce the council’s yearly rental income.
All these factors mean that there is less money available to spend on the capital programme, at a time when there is still a need for investment in existing homes as well as a need for investment in new build properties to increase the supply of housing in the city.
By mainstreaming spend wherever possible, and reducing the Estate and Environmental Improvements Programme budget, the council is better able to maintain investment in local housing.
I appreciate tenants concern about influencing or deciding on how parts of the budget are spent. And I am assured that through ongoing engagement and consultations, tenants will still feed into prioritising how the capital programme is spent across the city for the benefit of all current and future tenants. This will particularly be through the budget consultations expected to start in September this year (for spend in 2017/18).’
119.11 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the deputation.
119.12 The Chair noted there were no other public involvement matters. |
To consider the following matters raised by councillors:
(b) Written Questions: to consider any written questions (copies attached);
i) Councillor Mac Cafferty – Park Ranger Service
ii) Councillor G. Theobald – Park Ranger Service Additional documents: Minutes: Member Questions
120.1 The Chair noted that there were two Members questions; he invited Councillor Mac Cafferty to put this question to the Committee.
120.2 Councillor Mac Cafferty asked:
‘How will the proposed cut to the Park Rangers team affect future grant applications, especially the Lottery funding for Stanmer Park?’
120.3 The Chair gave the following response:
‘The proposed budget cuts have no direct implications for grant applications that are being progressed, like the one for Stanmer Park. We are retaining 7 full time equivalent Ranger posts and including a new Public Rights of Way Officer
As part of the grant application the council needs to produce a business plan which identifies the resources needed (including staff and volunteers) to protect any investment and set out how these resources will be funded. Those resources need to be protected for an agreed period set out in the terms of the grant. The same applies to The Level where resources agreed as part of the external investment have to be protected.’
120.4 The Chair noted the second question was form Councillor G. Theobald and invited him to put his question to the Committee.
120.5 Councillor G. Theobald asked:
‘I am asking the following question on behalf of a resident in my Ward: The scale of the proposed cuts to the Ranger Service would, if implemented, put at risk all the highly successful wildlife and nature conservation work that has been carried out by the Rangers and volunteers over a number of years. The level of cuts to the Ranger Service would simply not be able to sustain this, especially when the number of sites they cover is taken into consideration. This would threaten our prestigious UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status which the Rangers and volunteers worked so hard to achieve. How would you combat these issues with the proposed reductions in the number of Rangers?’
120.6 The Chair gave the following response:
‘Thank you for your question. We are faced with unprecedented cuts to our funding and finding solutions to these cuts are complex. Through our budget consultations have listened to the views of our residents and community groups and the budget proposals being put forward means we are able to continue with the engagement and volunteer support work through retaining 7 full time equivalent Ranger posts and including a new Public Rights of Way Officer. This is a net reduction of one full time post.’
120.7 By way of a supplementary question Councillor G. Theobald asked for further clarification on the proposed changes to the service, and in response it was agree that a full briefing note would be circulated to the Committee after the meeting.
120.8 The Chair noted there were no other matters listed under Member Involvement. |
General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17 PDF 53 KB
Report of the Interim Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee recommends to Council:
1) The Administration’s proposed Council Tax increase in the Brighton & Hove element of the council tax, comprising:
(i) A general Council Tax increase of 1.99%;
(ii) An Adult Social Care precept increase of 2.00%;
(iii) The Council’s net General Fund budget requirement for 2016/17 of £209.571m;
(iv) The 2016/17 budget allocations to services as set out in Appendix 1;
(v) The reserves allocations as set out in paragraph 3.25 and table 2;
(vi) The Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix 9 to this report.
2) That Council note the Equalities Impact Assessments to cover all budget options and their cumulative effect are set out in Appendices 10 and 11.
3) That Council approves the authorised borrowing limit for the year commencing 1 April 2016 of £404m.
4) That Council approves the annual Minimum Revenue Provision statement as set out in Appendix 8.
5) That Council note the 4-Year Service & Financial Plans including savings proposals for later years up to and including 2019/20.
6) That the Council note the approach to managing risk and successful delivery set out in paragraph 3.47.
7) That Council note that supplementary information needed to set the overall council tax will be provided for the budget setting Council as listed in paragraph 4.3.
8) The the Committee agrees that:
i) Officers be authorised to make any necessary technical, presentational or consequential amendments to this report before submission to full Council.
9) That the Committee agrees that Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates. Minutes: 121.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to General Fund Revenue Budget & Council Tax 2016/17. The report set out the proposals for the General Fund Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2016/17 together with the 4-Year Service & Financial Plans up to 2019/20. In the absence of freeze grant availability, the increase in the Council Tax level was based on the minority Administration’s Council Tax proposals of 1.99% together with a further 2% increase in respect of the Adult Social Care precept. All proposals and options took into account feedback and evidence received by the Council through various consultation and engagement processes and Equalities Impact Assessments.
121.2 The Chair thanked all Officers that had been involved in drafting the budget, and noted the scale of work that had been undertaken.
121.3 Councillor Sykes highlighted pension fund contributions, raising queries in relation to the accuracy of the figures; Officers agreed that this would be checked and the outcome of this communicated to Members.
121.4 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained that there was corporate oversight of all the equality impact assessments (EIAs) and the drafting of the cumulative impact statement. Officers agreed to look into any potential inconsistencies in the approach.
121.5 Councillor G. Theobald also extended thanks to the work undertaken by Officers up to this point.
121.6 In response to queries in relation to the Park Ranger Service and budget provision from Councillor Wealls it was agreed that a briefing note would be sent to the whole Committee outlining the proposed changes. Councillor A. Norman also referenced the Park Ranger Service and stated that it was difficult to operate the service with the seven current staff, and she noted they were carrying out much needed important work.
121.7 Councillor G. Theobald asked specific questions in relation to the grants programme and the deferral of the proposed budget savings for a year to coincide with the ending of the current 3 year grants programme and the move to a commissioning structure. In response Officers agreed to circulate a full response to the Committee.
121.8 Councillor Sykes also praised Officers for the work they had undertaken on the budget. He went to highlight his disappointment with the level of consultation that had been undertaken, and noted there had been no formal budget Scrutiny meeting. He stated that the cuts approach was ‘chaotic’ and there was impact identified on protected groups; he added that better scrutiny of the medium term financial strategy during the financial year could better help protect services during the budget setting phase.
121.9 Councillor Wealls highlighted the number of services that were currently deemed to be ‘poor value for money’ and stated his view that the previous Administration’s management of the organisation was evident in some of the budget proposals before the Committee.
121.10 Councillor Hamilton noted that a recent meeting of the budget review group had looked at the means to undertake more electronic consultation in future, and he highlighted that both of the opposition parties would be able to propose amendments as part of the usual budget setting process. He also extended thanks to the work undertaken by Officers.
121.11 The Chair noted that the Customer First in a Digital Age would seek to extend electronic consultation.
121.12 The Chair put the following proposed amendment from the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to the vote:
That the Committee agrees to recommend to Council that Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates.
The amendment was carried.
121.13 The Chair put the amended recommendations to the vote.
121.14 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: That the Committee recommends to Council:
1) The Administration’s proposed Council Tax increase in the Brighton & Hove element of the council tax, comprising:
(i) A general Council Tax increase of 1.99%;
(ii) An Adult Social Care precept increase of 2.00%;
(iii) The Council’s net General Fund budget requirement for 2016/17 of £209.571m;
(iv) The 2016/17 budget allocations to services as set out in Appendix 1;
(v) The reserves allocations as set out in paragraph 3.25 and table 2;
(vi) The Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix 9 to this report.
2) That Council note the Equalities Impact Assessments to cover all budget options and their cumulative effect are set out in Appendices 10 and 11.
3) That Council approves the authorised borrowing limit for the year commencing 1 April 2016 of £404m.
4) That Council approves the annual Minimum Revenue Provision statement as set out in Appendix 8.
5) That Council note the 4-Year Service & Financial Plans including savings proposals for later years up to and including 2019/20.
6) That the Council note the approach to managing risk and successful delivery set out in paragraph 3.47.
7) That Council note that supplementary information needed to set the overall council tax will be provided for the budget setting Council as listed in paragraph 4.3.
8) That the Committee agrees that:
i) Officers be authorised to make any necessary technical, presentational or consequential amendments to this report before submission to full Council.
9) That Low Emission Vehicle and Car Club permits be frozen at current rates. |
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: 1) That Policy & Resources Committee:
(a) note that the HRA revenue budget 2016/17 savings proposals have increased by £0.133m since being reported to Housing & New Homes Committee as detailed in paragraph 3.4.
(b) approves and recommends to Council the updated HRA revenue budget for 2016/17 as shown in Appendix 1
(c) approves a rent reduction of 1% in line with draft government legislation as detailed in paragraph 3.7, including seniors sheltered housing rents.
(d) approves service charges and fees as detailed in Appendix 2 and delegates authority to the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to make further amendments to communal service charges and laundry charges (to ensure cost recovery) once notification of new contract prices (from April 2016) has been received.
(e) approves the capital programme expenditure and financing budget of £43.047 million for 2016/17 and notes the 4 year programme as set out in Appendix 3.
(f) notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy and 30 year financial projections shown in Appendix 4.
(g) notes the feedback from Area Panel representatives consultation as detailed in Appendix 5
2) That the Committee recommends that Council:
(a) approves the updated HRA revenue budget for 2016/17 as shown in Appendix 1
(b) notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy and 30 year financial projections shown in Appendix 4. Minutes: 122.1 The Committee considered a joint report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources and the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing. The report proposed the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) revenue and capital budget for 2016/17 as required by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989. The Committee were required to consider the revenue budget proposals including savings and service pressures as well as changes to rents, fees and charges and also the capital programme. The report also set out the Medium Term Strategy and 30 year forecast.
122.2 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained that following discussions with the Housing & New Homes Committee an additional consultation event had been held in relation to the HRA budget; this had been referred in the earlier deputation at Item 119(C). The event had been run as an Officer facilitated workshop; the questions and queries raised at the event had been collated and fed back to the attendees for their information.
122.3 Councillor Janio proposed that recommendation 2(c) be amended to include a rent reduction for seniors sheltered housing; this was seconded by Councillor G. Theobald.
123.4 The Monitoring Officer explained the amended recommendations before the Committee were the result of the resolution from the Housing & New Homes Committee to not make a positive recommendation and some developments in the position from Central Government to allow greater flexibility for local authorities.
123.5 The Chair then put the following amended recommendation 2(c) to the vote:
That the Committee approves a rent reduction of 1% in line with draft government legislation as detailed in paragraph 3.7, including seniors sheltered housing rents.
The amendment was carried.
123.6 The Chair then put the amended recommendations to the vote:
1) That Policy & Resources Committee:
(a) note that the HRA revenue budget 2016/17 savings proposals have increased by £0.133m since being reported to Housing & New Homes Committee as detailed in paragraph 3.4.
(b) approves and recommends to Council the updated HRA revenue budget for 2016/17 as shown in Appendix 1
(c) approves a rent reduction of 1% in line with draft government legislation as detailed in paragraph 3.7, including seniors sheltered housing rents.
(d) approves service charges and fees as detailed in Appendix 2 and delegates authority to the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to make further amendments to communal service charges and laundry charges (to ensure cost recovery) once notification of new contract prices (from April 2016) has been received.
(e) approves the capital programme expenditure and financing budget of £43.047 million for 2016/17 and notes the 4 year programme as set out in Appendix 3.
(f) notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy and 30 year financial projections shown in Appendix 4.
(g) notes the feedback from Area Panel representatives consultation as detailed in Appendix 5
2) That the Committee recommends that Council:
(a) approves the updated HRA revenue budget for 2016/17 as shown in Appendix 1
(b) notes the Medium Term Financial Strategy and 30 year financial projections shown in Appendix 4. |
Supplementary Information – Amendment to the 1% Rent Reduction Proposed by Ministers PDF 276 KB Joint report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing and the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: |
Capital Resources and Capital Investment Report 2016/17 PDF 175 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee recommend to Council the following:
1) The Capital Investment Programme for 2016/17 in appendix 1.
2) To note the estimated capital resources in future years as detailed in appendix 1.
3) To allocate £0.25m resources in 2016/17 for the Strategic Investment Fund for the purposes set out in paragraph 3.19.
4) To note the £2.0m for the ICT fund for investment into the Customer First in a Digital Age strategy.
5) To allocate £1.0m for the Asset Management Fund.
6) The proposed use of council borrowing as set out in paragraph 3.36 and appendix 3. Minutes: 123.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to the Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/17. The purpose of the report was to inform the Committee of the level of available capital resources in 2016/17 to enable the Committee to propose a Capital Investment Programme for 201617 to Budget Council.
123.2 In response to Councillor Janio Officers agreed to provide the spend in previous years by of context; this would be circulated after the meeting.
123.4 In response to Councillor Wealls it was agreed that an update in relation to the Customer First in a Digital Age Programme would be circulated to the Committee following the meeting.
123.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote:
123.6 RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND: That the Committee recommend to Council the following:
1) The Capital Investment Programme for 2016/17 in appendix 1.
2) To note the estimated capital resources in future years as detailed in appendix 1.
3) To allocate £0.25m resources in 2016/17 for the Strategic Investment Fund for the purposes set out in paragraph 3.19.
4) To note the £2.0m for the ICT fund for investment into the Customer First in a Digital Age strategy.
5) To allocate £1.0m for the Asset Management Fund.
6) The proposed use of council borrowing as set out in paragraph 3.36 and appendix 3. |
Fees & Charges 2016/17 - Assistant Chief Executive Directorate PDF 154 KB
Report of the Assistance Chief Executive (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Libraries and Information Services for 2016/17 in Appendix 1.
2) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Seafront for 2016/17 in Appendix 2.
3) That the committee approves the increase in the Beach Hut Licence Fee to achieve a budget saving as per 3.3.4.
4) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Sports Facilities for 2016/17 in Appendix 3.
5) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Brighton Centre for 2016/17 in Appendix 4.
6) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Outdoor Events for 2016/17 in Appendix 5.
7) That the committee grants delegated authority for officers to negotiate hire fees where commercially necessary outside the approved fees & charges. Minutes: 124.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Fees & Charges 2016/17 – Assistant Chief Executive Directorate. The fees and charges for services were reviewed annually in line with the Corporate Fees & Charges Policy; the policy required that any proposed increases over and above the corporate rate of inflation be agreed by the appropriate service Committee. The combined report presented the review of fees and charges across five service areas: libraries, seafront, sports facilities, Brighton Centre and outdoor events – the changes would be implemented from April 2016.
124.2 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that the proposed above inflation increase for sports facilities was retained by the operator; Freedom Leisure were a ‘not for profit’ organisation and the contract was viewed as a partnership between them and the authority.
124.3 In response to Councillor Sykes the Assistant Chief Executive explained that the Brighton Centre operated as a commercial venture; the manager there would be working to keep up the profile during the run in to the Waterfront redevelopment and there was inbuilt flexibility in the charging policy.
124.4 In response to Councillor Sykes the Head of Libraries explained that historically the authority had differed from comparator authorities by not having fees for children and young people, and the proposed fees was being partially used as a means to address the shortfall in income, there was also a reduction each year in income from traditional charges – the alternative solution would be to consider a reduction in spending on new books.
125.5 Councillor Hamilton highlighted the position of the authority was to keep libraries open, and this was being achieved in the context of many other local authorities closing facilities.
125.6 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Libraries and Information Services for 2016/17 in Appendix 1.
2) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Seafront for 2016/17 in Appendix 2.
3) That the committee approves the increase in the Beach Hut Licence Fee to achieve a budget saving as per 3.3.4.
4) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Sports Facilities for 2016/17 in Appendix 3.
5) That the committee approves the fees and charges for the Brighton Centre for 2016/17 in Appendix 4.
6) That the committee approves the fees and charges for Outdoor Events for 2016/17 in Appendix 5.
7) That the committee grants delegated authority for officers to negotiate hire fees where commercially necessary outside the approved fees & charges. |
Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2015/16 Month 9 PDF 271 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee:
1) Note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £0.941m. This consists of £0.452m on council controlled budgets and £0.489m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.
2) Note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is an underspend of £0.874m.
3) Note the forecast for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an underspend of £0.108m.
4) Note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme
5) Approve the capital programme variations and reprofiles in Appendix 4 and new capital schemes in Appendix 5. Minutes: 125.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Targeted Budget Management (TBM) 2015/16 Month 9. The TBM report was a key component of the Council’s overall performance monitoring and control framework; the report set out the projected forecast risk at Month 9 on the Council’s revenue and capital budget for the financial year 2015/16.
125.2 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that the improved position in relation to the council tax outturn for 2015/16 related to lower than forecast Council Tax Reduction (CTR) discounts; lower student exemptions awards; higher than forecast property numbers, band increases and reduction in bad debt provision – this had been reflected in the January 2016 Council Tax Base report. The reduction in the number of CTR claimants would be factored into the calculation for next year.
125.3 In response to Councillor G. Theobald it was explained that there was still one building to be vacated before demolition of the Circus Street site could take place prior to the commencement of the redevelopment.
125.4 Councillor A. Norman highlighted the considerable amount of time that needed to be taken on each ‘deprivation of liberty case’, and the very significant effect this had on the authority’s duty of care for adults.
125.5 In response to Councillor Wealls the Executive Director for Children’s Services explained that a decision had been made to not proceed to with the contractor to assist in the recruitment of in-house fosters carers through to the second phase of the project. In relation to pressure on the fund, it was agreed that the details of this would be circulated to the Committee after the meeting.
125.6 Councillor Bewick highlighted the Children’s Services capital budget in relation to Portslade Aldridge Community Academy; he noted that the project had been agreed by the previous administration with no capital overspend provision.
125.7 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote:
125.8 RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Note the forecast risk position for the General Fund, which indicates a budget pressure of £0.941m. This consists of £0.452m on council controlled budgets and £0.489m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.
2) Note the forecast for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is an underspend of £0.874m.
3) Note the forecast for the Dedicated Schools Grant which is an underspend of £0.108m.
4) Note the forecast outturn position on the capital programme
5) Approve the capital programme variations and reprofiles in Appendix 4 and new capital schemes in Appendix 5. |
Information Governance Strategy PDF 51 KB
Joint report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources and Head of Legal & Democratic Services together with an Extract from the proceedings of the Audit & Standards Committee meeting held on 12 January 2016 (copies attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Committee agrees the Information Governance Strategy attached as Appendix 1 to this report. Minutes: 126.1 RESOLVED – That the Committee agrees the Information Governance Strategy attached as Appendix 1 to this report. |
City Centre BID Renewal PDF 121 KB
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Committee supports the renewal of the City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) for the period 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2021.
2) The Council agrees the associated Renewal Operating Agreement
3) That Council agrees to post a Notice of Ballot by 19th February 2016 pursuant to the Business Improvement District (England) regulations 2004.
4) That the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to the BID proposals before and after the ballot. Minutes: 127.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to City Centre BID Renewal. The report sought support for the renewal of the City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) in 2016.
127.2 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that recycling and waste removal were high on the agenda for local business, and there was work ongoing with both City Clean and local sustainable waste service providers. Work was being undertaken to deliver savings to the business community and as well as the potential buying power for the authority to start commercial waste collection services.
127.3 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that there was disappointment with the uptake and interest from businesses in the Hove area of the city; whilst it was acknowledged there was some issue with branding initially, it was considered that this was not the only barrier to increased interest from that business locality. It was also suggested that businesses further from the city entre were less likely to see the benefits; however, there was still ongoing work with the Hove Business Partnership and there was funding to allow them to make improvements.
127.4 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was explained there would be work undertaken to help businesses to understand the justification and benefit of the retention of business rates locally; work such as use of grant funding for pop up shops or renting spaces in existing shops were examples of benefits to the business community.
127.5 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
1) That the Committee supports the renewal of the City Centre Business Improvement District (BID) for the period 1st July 2016 to 30th June 2021.
2) The Council agrees the associated Renewal Operating Agreement
3) That Council agrees to post a Notice of Ballot by 19th February 2016 pursuant to the Business Improvement District (England) regulations 2004.
4) That the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing be authorised to take all steps necessary or incidental to the BID proposals before and after the ballot. |
Temporary Staff Agency Tender PDF 120 KB Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Committee grant delegated authority to the Executive Director Finance & Resourcing to procure and award a contract to provide temporary staffing service with a term of up to five years under the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Framework Agreement for Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resource (the ‘ESPO framework’). Minutes: 128.1 The Committee considered a report of the Chief Executive in relation to Temporary Staff Agency Tender. The purpose of the report was to seek approval for a five year contract for the supply of temporary agency staff to Brighton & Hove City Council.
128.2 In response to Councillor Wealls it was clarified that the rates against individual purchasers varied in terms of the area of employment.
128.3 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
128.4 RESOLVED - That the Committee grant delegated authority to the Executive Director Finance & Resourcing to procure and award a contract to provide temporary staffing service with a term of up to five years under the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation Framework Agreement for Managed Services for Temporary Agency Resource (the ‘ESPO framework’). |
Recruitment Advertising Marketing & Communications Contract PDF 95 KB Report of the Acting Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Committee approve Brighton & Hove City Council to commence the procurement of a new contract for the provision of Recruitment Advertising Marketing and Communication Services including Public Notices for 2 years with the option to extend for a year.
2) That the Council jointly procures this service with the partner organisations mentioned in 1.2 above (the Consortium)
3) That following the procurement using the ESPO Framework the council as lead authority awards the contract on behalf of the Consortium. Minutes: 129.1 RESOLVED:
1) That the Committee approve Brighton & Hove City Council to commence the procurement of a new contract for the provision of Recruitment Advertising Marketing and Communication Services including Public Notices for 2 years with the option to extend for a year.
2) That the Council jointly procures this service with the partner organisations mentioned in 1.2 above (the Consortium)
3) That following the procurement using the ESPO Framework the council as lead authority awards the contract on behalf of the Consortium. |
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1) That Committee agrees in principle to the proposal in the report relating to the disposal of identified non-core agricultural assets to support the funding of the redevelopment of the traditional agricultural buildings in Stanmer.
2) That Committee instructs officers to bring a report back to Committee for final approval following the outcome of the development appraisal review that details the disposals and the funding proposal referred to in 2.1 above.
3) That the Committee authorises the Assistant Director Property & Design to commission a consultant to prepare a review of the Development Appraisal of the Traditional Agricultural Buildings to evaluate the cost of developing the buildings to meet the council’s objectives as set out in the Cabinet Report dated April 2012. In addition, surveys will be required of the buildings in preparation of the works to be completed. A revised proposal and recommendation for the development of the Traditional Agricultural Buildings will be presented to Policy & Resources Committee at a later date for the Committee to consider, following completion of the revised Development Appraisal.
4) That the Committee authorises the Acting Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Assistant Director Property & Design and Head of Legal Services to approve terms for the disposal of 3 surplus corporate landlord assets, (client City Parks) to support the re-location of the Stanmer Park depot, set out in Appendix 1B part two of this report .
5) That Committee notes the progress made in considering an alternative management structure for Stanmer Park to allow income from the park to be ringfenced and reinvested to support the long term future of the park and maintenance of its heritage. A more detailed consideration of the options and a recommended approach will be presented to Policy &Resources Committee prior to the submission of the Parks for People application for the Committee to consider. Minutes: 130.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to Stanmer Park Programme: Update and Next Steps in Relation to Funding, Home Farm Redevelopment and Management Structure. It was also highlighted that there was a proposed Officer amendment in relation to Recommendation 1) that had been agreed in consultation with Members.
130.2 Councillor G. Theobald welcomed the report and noted he was happy with the proposed Officer recommendation.
130.3 The Chair moved the amendment, and this was seconded by Councillor Mitchell – the proposed amendment to recommendation 1) (set out below) was then put to the Committee:
That Committee agrees in principle to the proposal in the report relating to the disposal of identified non-core agricultural assets to support the funding of the redevelopment of the traditional agricultural buildings in Stanmer.
This was carried.
130.4 In response to Councillor Mac Cafferty it was clarified that there was continual ongoing consultation with residents and the local community.
130.5 In response to Councillor Sykes it was explained that the South Downs National Park were still expressing a strong desire to lease office space at the site, and they were seen as an ‘anchor tenant’.
130.6 The Chair then put the amended recommendations to the vote.
1) That Committee agrees in principle to the proposal in the report relating to the disposal of identified non-core agricultural assets to support the funding of the redevelopment of the traditional agricultural buildings in Stanmer.
2) That Committee instructs officers to bring a report back to Committee for final approval following the outcome of the development appraisal review that details the disposals and the funding proposal referred to in 2.1 above.
3) That the Committee authorises the Assistant Director Property & Design to commission a consultant to prepare a review of the Development Appraisal of the Traditional Agricultural Buildings to evaluate the cost of developing the buildings to meet the council’s objectives as set out in the Cabinet Report dated April 2012. In addition, surveys will be required of the buildings in preparation of the works to be completed. A revised proposal and recommendation for the development of the Traditional Agricultural Buildings will be presented to Policy & Resources Committee at a later date for the Committee to consider, following completion of the revised Development Appraisal.
4) That the Committee authorises the Acting Executive Director Environment Development & Housing, Assistant Director Property & Design and Head of Legal Services to approve terms for the disposal of 3 surplus corporate landlord assets, (client City Parks) to support the re-location of the Stanmer Park depot, set out in Appendix 1B part two of this report .
5) That Committee notes the progress made in considering an alternative management structure for Stanmer Park to allow income from the park to be ringfenced and reinvested to support the long term future of the park and maintenance of its heritage. A more detailed consideration of the options and a recommended approach will be presented to Policy &Resources Committee prior to the submission of the Parks for People application for the Committee to consider. |
Items Referred For Council To consider items to be submitted to the 24 March 2016 Council meeting for information.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, each Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10.00am on 1 February 2016 (the eighth working day before the Council meeting to which the report is to be made), or if the Committee meeting takes place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 131.1 There were no items referred to Council on 24 March 2016. |
Stanmer Park Programme: Update and Next Steps in Relation to Funding, Home Farm Redevelopment and Management Structure - Exempt Category 3 Part Two report of the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (circulated to Members only). Minutes: 132.1 RESOLVED – That the Committee note the information contained in the Part Two appendix. |
Part Two Minutes To consider the part two minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2016 (circulated to Members only). Minutes: 133.1 RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the Part Two minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2016. |
Part Two Proceedings To consider whether the items listed in Part Two of the agenda and decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public. Additional documents: Minutes: 134.1 RESOLVED – That the information contained in Item 130 remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public. |