Agenda for Transport Committee on Tuesday, 2nd October, 2012, 4.00pm
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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions
Contact: John Peel Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Procedural Business (a) Declarations of Substitutes: Where councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same political group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.
(b) Declarations of Interest:
(a) Disclosable pecuniary interests not registered on the register of interests; (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.
(c) Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.
Note: Any item appearing in Part Two of the agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the press and public.
A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls and on-line in the Constitution at part 7.1. Minutes: 12(a) Declarations of Substitutes
12.1 Councillor Hawtree declared that he was in attendance as substitute for Councillor West. Councillor Wealls declared that he was in attendance for Councillor Janio.
12(b) Declarations of Interest
12.2 Councillor Theobald declared an interest in Item 23 Old Town Transport Plan as he owned a property in Ship Street. He stated that he would leave the Chamber during consideration of that item.
12(c) Exclusion of press and public
12.3 In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act), the Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100(I) of the Act).
12.4 RESOLVED- That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting.
To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2012 (copy attached). Minutes: 13.1 RESOLVED- That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 July 2012 be approved and signed as the correct record.
Chair's Communications Minutes: 14.1 The Chair gave the following Communication:
“I am very pleased to announce that Brighton & Hove has been recognised by the European Commission as an excellent and outstanding City in the field of Urban Transport by awarding us the Runner- Up Civitas ’City of The Year’’ prize – the winning city was one of our ARCHIMEDES partners San Sebastian.
This is a great honour for our City, not only as it sets Brighton & Hove in the top echelon of the 70 plus European Cities involved in CIVITAS, but also reflects the sheer dedication of Transport Officers and Politicians from the current and previous administration who have worked in local, national and international partnerships to deliver a range of innovative and interesting projects including Electric Vehicle Charging Points, Road Safety and Cycle Infrastructure Improvements, enhancements to Journey On and Talking Bus Stops and better targeted Journey Planning to name but a few.
The important legacy of these innovative and interesting projects will be the recognition of Brighton & Hove on the international stage, our proven track record in partnership working and securing external expertise and resources as well as our contribution to the formation of emerging European and UK Transport Policy. I’d like to pay particular praise to Transport Officers and I hope this recognition inspires the Transport Team and the wider Council to further innovation and success”
14.2 Councillor Theobald stated his delight at the recognition received and recorded his appreciation of the work conducted by officers.
Call Over (a) Items 18-24 will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.
(b) Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed. Minutes: 15.1 RESOLVED- That all items on the agenda be reserved for discussion.
To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or at the meeting itself (copy attached)
(i) Increased Parking Charges on Whitehawk Road (ii) Pedestrianisation of Boyces Street (iii) Buses on Queens Road
(b) Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 25 September 2012.
(c) Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 25 September 2012 (copy attached).
(i) Prevent the City Sightseeing Bus being routed through Sussex Square and Lewes Crescent (ii) Changes to loading times, business consultation and rises in parking charges and their effect on business in the city (iii) Loading issues on Queens Place Additional documents: Minutes: 16 (a) Petitions
(i) Increased Parking Charges on Whitehawk Road
16.1 Councillor Mitchell presented a petition signed by 88 people, particularly parents of children attending Steiner School regarding increased parking tariffs on Whitehawk Road.
16.2 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your petition. Parking tariffs are one part of a wider strategy designed to manage demand, help cut down on traffic volumes in the city and encourage residents and visitors to consider sustainable transport options such as walking, cycling and public transport. I’ll ask officers to look at situation on Whitehawk Road.’
16.3 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(ii) Pedestrianisation of Boyces Street
16.3 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore, the response was provided in writing and is set out below.
16.4 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your petition. The council appreciates the petitioners’ concerns that Boyce’s Street is not currently achieving its full potential and that reducing through-traffic will improve the character of the street. However there are also a number of businesses and residents of the street who require vehicular access to their properties.Therefore as part of the Old Town transport scheme we are proposing to close Boyce’s Street to through traffic. Local businesses and residents will be able to enter and exit Boyce’s Street via West Street, thus eliminating the manoeuvre from Middle Street into Boyce’s Street that creates a safety issue for pupils at Middle Street School. A removable bollard will be installed to allow larger vehicles to enter via Middle Street if necessary.We hope that this proposal will improve Boyce’s Street by reducing through traffic whilst still allowing the street’s residents and businesses to access the street. The changes will be monitored once in place and adjustments made if necessary’.
16.5 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
(iii) Buses on Queens Road
16.6 The petitioner did not attend the meeting therefore, a response was provided in writing and is set out below.
16.7 ‘Thank you for your petition. The Queens Road bus stops are served by a number of bus routes and there will often be buses there which have just stopped to pick up or set down passengers. Gas and particulate emissions rates from vehicle exhausts tend to be higher where engines are pulling away from a standing start, during hard accelerations or climbing up a hill. So there is likely to be less roadside airborne pollution from stationary buses with idling engines. That said the sound of engines can be unpleasant and Brighton & Hove Bus Company considers it a disciplinary offence for drivers to keep their engines idling unnecessarily. I have made Brighton & Hove Bus & Coach Company aware of your concerns regarding buses standing with their engines running. I am pleased that you feel the gyratory system has been working well and hope you are supportive of the proposals for improvements that will shortly be presented to the Committee. You will see that officers have considered loading requirements in the suggested improvement scheme. The station’s disabled parking needs are currently met by provision to the north of the station. I have checked with Southern Railway who confirmed that the provision is in line with what was recommended by independent auditors’.
16.8 RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.
16 (d) Deputations
16.9 Councillor Davey noted that two Deputations had been received regarding the Sightseeing Bus and for clarity, these would be received together.
(i) Prevent the City Sightseeing Bus being routed through Sussex Square and Lewes Crescent
16.10 Mr Goss presented a Deputation requesting the City Sightseeing Bus be prevented from travelling through Sussex Square and Lewes Crescent due to concerns over safety and the structural integrity of the historical buildings in the locality.
(ii) The Kemp Town Society objects to the route of the City Sightseers through the estate
16.11 Mr De Young and Mr Amerena presented a Deputation requesting the City Sightseeing Bus be re-routed to avoid going through the Sussex Square and Lewes Crescent areas due to safety concerns and the structural security of the listed buildings in the area.
16.12 Via the Chair of the Committee, the Lead Commissioner of City Regulation and Infrastructure stated that Transport Officers had looked at the highway and route and there were no defects recorded from the movement of the bus. Due to the nature of the tour, Officers had found that the Bus travelled at a slow pace through the area meaning there were now outstanding safety concerns. On that basis, he believed that there were no grounds for the Committee to write to the Transport Commissioner.
16.13 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
'Thank you for your further representations on this subject. It is obviously an important one for your organisations and the interests and local residents that they represent. At the full council meeting in July I gave a commitment to write to the bus company about this matter. I have done so and its response echoed the points it has also made to the Conservation Advisory Group. It remains of the opinion that the route used, and its views, are valued by visitors and therefore has given no indication that it intends to re-route the service. 'The technical level of this issue goes beyond the remit of this Committee. I will therefore instruct officers to arrange a meeting between the Transport team, the Heritage team and possibly Tourism officers with any outcome reported back to this Committee'.
16.14 RESOLVED- That the Deputations be noted.
(iii) Changes to loading times, business consultation and rises in parking charges and their effect on business in the city
16.15 Mr Campbell presented a Deputation on behalf of the Western and Church Road Traders Association regarding increases in parking charges and loading times. He requested the creation of a Business Forum to work with Brighton & Hove City Council, parking and permit costs to be reduced and the suspension of the loading ban on Western Road whilst the wider issue was considered by a Scrutiny Committee.
16.16 Councillor Davey replied that he could not provide a full response to all the issues raised in Mr Campbell’s Deputation. However, he noted that there had been little adjustment made to parking charges on Western Road and Church Road. He also noted that the Brighton & Hove Business Forum had recently reported that shop vacancies were bucking a general UK trend in Brighton and had dropped from a 6% to 4.9% in the previous six month period. This demonstrated that Brighton was a robust city in a challenging economic climate.
Subsequent to the meeting, a full written response to the Deputation from Councillor Davey was sent to Mr Campbell and copied to all Members of the Transport Committee.
16.17 RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.
16.18 Councillor Davey noted that two Deputations had been received regarding the loading issues on Queens Place and for clarity, these would be received together.
(iv) Deputation on loading issues on Queens Place
16.19 Ms. Wilson was unable to attend the meeting therefore a full written response was sent subsequent to the meeting.
(v) Deputation to postpone any changes to traffic regulations in Queens Place BN1
16.20 Mr Nicholson presented a Deputation requesting that the proposed changes to loading times in Queens Place be postponed to allow his business to prepare or submit plans to relocate with minimum loss of staff.
16.21 Councillor Davey presented the following response
‘I think the different views expressed here reflect the difficulties in finding the right balance between the needs of businesses and those of residents. On the one hand Mr. Nicholson is concerned about the impact that restrictions may have on his business on the other, Ms Wilson on the detrimental impact that those deliveries, particularly the early morning HGVs are having on her well being. Talking to others in the area I know that the main concern is the HGV’s in this very narrow cul de sac. Alternative loading is available in London Road but Mr. Nicholson feels that this is not practical for them to use. Restricting HGV’s is not a simple matter and enforcement is a matter for the Police rather than the council. Taking on board the representations from businesses the recommendation in the report on page 75 2.1 (d) is not to proceed with any changes to the north south section of Queens place – in addition I will move an amendment to keep the single yellow rather than replace with a double yellow. The recommendation then in the report is to put a peak time loading restriction on the east west section only which runs from London Road to Ditchling Road. This will help deal with inconsiderate parking there that can cause access problems. Mr. Nicholson has asked for more time to find alternative arrangements and that seems reasonable. In the meantime I hope that now that better communication has been established between businesses and residents that they will be able find ways to better co exist. Thank you again for coming along. The committee will have the opportunity to debate this matter before the decision is made under item 19’.
16.22 RESOLVED- That the Deputations be noted.
(vi) Support for the traffic development plans for the Old Town from a local business point of view
16.23 Ms. Reid presented a Deputation in support of the proposals for the Old Town area as they would enhance the business and consumer experience of the area and provide help to businesses to reach their potential.
16.24 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
‘Thank you for your deputation. Ensuring that this scheme works for local businesses has been a key objective from the beginning. East Street is a heavily-used pedestrian route linking some of our most popular visitor attractions. At busy times it is extremely busy but pedestrians still find themselves pushed to the sides of the road. By closing East Street we hope to both create a more pleasant experience for people using East Street and improve the trading environment for local businesses’.
16.25 RESOLVED- That the Deputation is noted.
To consider the following matters raised by Members:
(a) Petitions: To receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;
(b) Written Questions: To consider any written questions; (copy attached)
(i) Councillor Mitchell- Junction between Goldstone Crescent and King George V1 Avenue
(c) Letters: To consider any letters; (copy attached)
(i) Councillor Marsh- Taxi Rank removal, The Avenue, Bevendean (ii) Councillor Mitchell- Request for review of parking tariffs in the city.
(d) Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: 17. (b) Written Questions
17.1 Councillor Mitchell presented a Written Question regarding safety at the junction between Goldstone Crescent and King George VI Avenue.
17.2 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
‘You may be aware that, over many years, there have been various changes in King George VI Avenue including lowering the speed limit from the Dyke Road interchange from 50mph to 40 mph and increasing the length of the 30mph limit further up the hill away from Goldstone Crescent as well as adding a centre island to prevent overtaking on the approach to this junction. This has had a significant impact on the speed of traffic and the net result is that there have been no recorded injury causing collisions in the past three years at this junction. I am afraid that there is little that we can do about the volume of traffic wishing to use this junction and to some extent the changes that have been made to make the junction safer may be contributing to the amount of traffic passing through the junction as drivers appreciate that it is now significantly safer. The council is also aware of the longer term concept plan put forward in a Vision document for Toads Hole Valley, which was recently published by prospective developers of the site. Within that document, the developer has suggested the realignment of King George VI Avenue, which would significantly alter the local road layout, including the existing junction with Goldstone Crescent. Their suggestions will clearly generate some further discussion about traffic movement and road safety in this part of the city’.
17.3 Councillor Mitchell replied that she did not believe that this view was shared by residents. She requested that this be looked at as a priority in the Local Transport Plan.
17.4 RESOLVED- That the Written Question is noted.
17. (c) Letters
(i) Taxi Rank removal, The Avenue Bevendean
17.5 Councillor Marsh presented a Letter regarding the removal of a taxi rank on The Avenue, Bevendean.
17.6 Councillor Davey presented the following response:
‘The Taxi Rank has been monitored for several months and it was noted that it has rarely been used. There has been 1 objection to the proposed removal of a Taxi Rank. We do appreciate the need for taxi companies to have dedicated spaces; however this area has huge demand for parking particularly for residents and the Council needs to ensure the parking spaces are utilised. Therefore, as you will see from the recommendations in Item 19 of today’s agenda, it has been proposed to the Committee to proceed with the removal of the Taxi Rank’.
(ii) Request for review of parking tariffs in the city
17.7 Councillor Mitchell presented a Letter requesting a review of parking tariffs in the city.
17.8 Councillor Davey provided the following response:
‘The tariff zones introduced in April reflect the fact that there are more vehicles in the centre of the city than the outer areas. It has also helped to make the system more consistent and fair. We have considered adjustments in some areas, for example, with the Medium Zone on Hove seafront. Residents in Area Y at Seven Dials are able to buy resident permits and visitor permits at the same rate as residents in other parts of the city. Compared to outer areas, Seven Dials receives higher demand for parking and therefore the Pay & Display tariffs are higher. Year-on-year, parking income has in fact increased by 8%. Overall, parking services are reporting a 2% pressure against budget, which is likely to be linked to the significantly worse weather during the first 4 months of the year and the continuing widespread economic pressures. August was in fact much improved, as was the weather. Last year, the 2 hour tariff was the most popular tariff band. The introduction of a 1 hour tariff, where it didn’t previously exist, has given the majority of people already making a short stop more flexibility and the option to pay less for their parking. Your proposal to increase income by re-introducing a ½hr tariff could result in a significant increase in short trips. However, the objective of parking tariffs is to manage parking demand and traffic levels, not to increase income. The current information is distorted by the fact that we have experienced exceptionally poor weather during the first four months. What it clearly does demonstrate, not surprisingly, is a strong link between weather and income. We have also received anecdotal evidence from other seaside towns along the south coast of lower levels of parking volumes and footfall despite unchanged parking tariffs. A full review of parking charges was not promised although we did say that we needed 6 months data to make informed decisions about future changes. We welcome the input from businesses of measurable data, such as trading volumes, to help us better understand changes in the local economy and the range of factors affecting it. This issue could be examined as part of the Citywide Parking Review next year’.
17.9 Councillor Mitchell requested confirmation that there would not be a wide-ranging review of tariffs and that half hour tariffs would not be considered.
17.10 Councillor Davey replied that this could possibly be looked at as part of the Citywide Parking Review.
17.11 Councillor Wealls noted his objection to a drop in parking revenue being attributed to poor weather. He stated that there was evidence demonstrating that other comparable authorities such as Eastbourne and Bournemouth had experienced a 4-5% drop in parking income whilst Brighton & Hove had experienced a 14% drop.
17.12 Councillor Davey replied that he would welcome receiving the evidence referred to.
17.13 RESOLVED- That the Letter be noted.
Parking Annual Report 2011/12 PDF 58 KB Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Transport Committee endorses the publication of the Parking Annual Report for 2011-12 under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004.
2. That the Transport Committee authorises the Head of City Infrastructure to produce and publish the report which will be made available on the Council’s website.
Minutes: 18.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that requested endorsement and publication of the Parking Annual Report for 2011-12 under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004.
18.2 Councillor Phillips enquired as to what constituted ‘other income’ as highlighted in the presentation provided.
18.3 The Policy and Development Manager replied that this was in reference to things such as payments for bay suspensions.
18.4 Councillor Wealls noted that 10% of all Penalty Charge Notices (PCN’s) issued were successfully appealed. He stated he believed this figure to be high and for the reasons behind this issue.
18.5 The Policy and Development Manager clarified that the figure of 10% was in fact quite low in comparable terms. He went on to explain that the Authority viewed all appeals openly and successful appeals could include vehicle breakdown, for example. Councillor Davey supplemented that the this open approach had resulted in improved success for the Authority in defending appeals which, in itself was very high.
18.6 Councillor Hawtree noted the discrepancy in the uptake of parking permits in various areas of the city but specifically, Central Hove and Westbourne, too areas close in proximity.
18.7 The Policy and Development Manager answered that this was usually related to the density of the population and the demographic of each area.
18.8 Councillor Mitchell noted her support for online permit purchases and asked if this would also apply to visitor permits.
18.9 The Policy and Development Manager clarified that the option to apply online had recently come into effect.
1. That the Transport Committee endorses the publication of the Parking Annual Report for 2011-12 under the provisions of the Traffic Management Act 2004.
2. That the Transport Committee authorises the Head of City Infrastructure to produce and publish the report which will be made available on the Council’s website.
Parking Restrictions Traffic Order PDF 91 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision:
Approve the Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2009 Amendment Order *201* and Brighton & Hove (Waiting and Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 amendment Order *201* and Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment No. *201* with the following amendments:
a) The proposed removal of disabled parking bays in Henfield Way, Hollingbury Park Avenue, Norman Road and Sandgate Road, are to be removed from the Traffic order as these bays are still required by local residents. b) The proposed change to time restrictions of shared parking from 4hrs no return within 4hrs to 2hrs no return within 4hrs in Lorna Road is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.4 c) The proposed removal of the disabled parking bay in Titan Road is to be removed from the Traffic order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.6 d) The proposed Loading Ban in (north/south section) in Queens Place not including the changes from single to double yellow lines is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.7
Minutes: 19.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that addressed comments, support and objections to the Traffic Regulation Order for proposals and amendments for over 100 roads.
19.2 Councillor Davey moved and amendment to the recommendation 2.1 (d) to read (shown in bold):
(d) The proposed Loading Ban in (north/south section) in Queens Place not including the changes from single to double yellow lines is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.7
19.3 Councillor Follett formally seconded the amendment.
19.4 RESOLVED- That the Committee is recommended to (having taken into account the duly made representations and objections):
Approve the Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2009 Amendment Order *201* and Brighton & Hove (Waiting and Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 amendment Order *201* and Brighton & Hove Seafront (Various Restrictions) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment No. *201* with the following amendments:
a) The proposed removal of disabled parking bays in Henfield Way, Hollingbury Park Avenue, Norman Road and Sandgate Road, are to be removed from the Traffic order as these bays are still required by local residents. b) The proposed change to time restrictions of shared parking from 4hrs no return within 4hrs to 2hrs no return within 4hrs in Lorna Road is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to reasons outlined in section 3.4 c) The proposed removal of the disabled parking bay in Titan Road is to be removed from the Traffic order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.6 d) The proposed Loading Ban in (north/south section) in Queens Place not including the changes from single to double yellow lines is to be removed from the Traffic Order due to the reasons outlined in section 3.7
Brighton Station Gateway Preferred Option PDF 83 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That Members agree that public consultation should be undertaken on the preferred Southern Gateway scheme.
2. That Members agree that the results of public consultation should be reported back to Committee in January 2013, where members will make a decision on whether the preferred option should be progressed to detailed design stage.
3. That Members acknowledge the help of Stakeholders in arriving at the preferred scheme.
Minutes: 20.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that outlined the preferred option for the Station Gateway scheme and sought Committee approval to commence full public consultation.
20.2 Councillor Hawtree thanked officers and stated his support for the project. He noted that entrances to towns were vital to creating the right impression.
20.3 Councillor Cox thanked officers for the presentation provided and noted that it would be useful to be circulated to other Members. He stated his agreement that something better was required in the area and his agreement with the proposals particularly with regard to Trafalgar Street. Councillor Cox expressed his hope that buses would not wait on the west side of Queens Road.
20.4 Councillor Theobald agreed that the entrance to the station was important in making the right impression to visitors. Councillor Theobald noted several specific concerns he had regarding the proposals including less space for waiting taxi’s, management of taxi flow and his fear that an uphill left turn on the upper part of Trafalgar Street would be difficult to negotiate.
20.5 The Project Manager clarified that the proposals would in fact increase space for waiting taxi’s and had the support of the taxi company. He went on to explain that the case for a traffic marshall would be considered when the finer details of the proposals were devised. He added that the traffic model had been used with regard to the left hand turn on Trafalgar Street which had not highlighted any issues with regard to the turn or traffic flow in the area.
20.6 Councillor Phillips thanked Officers for the report and asked if more pedestrian crossings would be considered, clarification on the types of traffic enforcement considered and if there would be trees positioned at the entrance of the station as the report showed.
20.7 The Project Manager replied that these were all issues that would be developed at the next stage of working on the finer detail of the project. Issues concerning enforcement would be considered with stakeholder groups. He added that there would be some trees at the station entrance but perhaps not the number specified in the diagram.
20.8 Councillor Robins thanked officers for the informative report that had reassured his initial scepticism. He noted his concerns regarding the difficulties for traffic to reach New England Street.
20.9 Councillor Wealls commented that if the taxi rank was to be located under the bridge on Trafalgar Street, there could be a serious impairment to air quality in the area as there would be a build up of emissions. He also asked if there would be a covered shelter for the new bus stop.
20.10 The Project Manager clarified that the issue of air quality under the bridge needed to be examined and a solution found. He supplemented that there would be a covered shelter in the new bus stop location as well as a new visitor centre.
1. That Members agree that public consultation should be undertaken on the preferred Southern Gateway scheme.
2. That Members agree that the results of public consultation should be reported back to Committee in January 2013, where members will make a decision on whether the preferred option should be progressed to detailed design stage.
3. That Members acknowledge the help of Stakeholders in arriving at the preferred scheme.
Lewes Road Scheme - Consultation Results and Way Forward
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached) Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the committee notes the results of the second stage consultation exercise.
2. That, having taken into account the numerous responses received, committee authorises officers to proceed with advertising the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the Lewes Road Bus & Cycle lanes and any necessary waiting & loading restrictions.
3. That the committee authorises officers to commence construction on some minor elements of the scheme that are not dependant on the outcome of the TRO consultation process. This would include conversion of an existing pelican crossing to a toucan crossing near Ringmer Road, involving some kerb realignment. This work would not be abortive should the overall scheme fail to materialise following the formal TRO consultation.
Minutes: 21.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that reported the outcome of the second stage public consultation on the Lewes Road LSTF Project and sought agreement to the advertisement of the formal Traffic Regulation Order for the detailed scheme proposal.
21.2 Councillor Davey commended officers for their work on the project.
21.3 Councillor Mitchell thanked officers for their work. She noted the concern from some local residents about potential traffic issues but also that trust had to be placed in officers that the proposals would work to the benefit of the area. Councillor Mitchell added that she had concerns for a potential conflict between cyclists and pedestrians at bus stops and enquired as to the feasibility of flexible lanes where all lanes would be open at peak times to manage congestion. Councillor Mitchell also expressed her hope that officers had learnt from the similar changes made to the A259, which, was a superb scheme hampered by poor implementation. Councillor Mitchell concluded that the results of the consultation were a clear indication that many groups were supportive of the project.
21.4 The Principal Transport Planning Officer expressed his confidence, on the basis of theory, that congestion would be effectively managed under the proposals. He supplemented that it was essential that lanes be separated at all times as delays to buses and accordingly other road users would be more significant at peak traffic times. He conceded that there was potential for conflict between cyclists and pedestrians as bus stops however, this was significantly less dangerous than a potential conflict between buses and cyclists if an alternative option was pursued. In addition, there would be clear signage for cyclists and pedestrians alike.
21.5 Councillor Cox stated that he understood the wariness of some local people and concern expressed by some residents of Woodingdean which may experience increased traffic flow pressure. He also noted that a high proportion of business people were against the proposals.
21.6 Councillor Davey clarified that the Tourism Alliance had declined the offer of a meeting with officers and Members.
21.7 Councillor Robins welcomed the proposals and the support registered from Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club and the University’s in the area. He asked if a more continental system in which the bus lane is on the inside of the road was considered.
21.8 The Principal Transport Planning Officer replied that this system was not deemed appropriate as it would be complicated and dangerous for pedestrians to cross the road to the bus stops.
21.9 Councillor Theobald stated that the proposals demonstrated the benefits to pedestrians and cyclists in travelling but the advantages to motorists was less apparent. He stated his hope that the traffic model was correct with regard to congestion. He also noted his concern regarding potential disruption caused by the delayed works at the Vogue Gyratory whilst further options were examined. Councillor Theobald also noted his concern regarding the potential increase in traffic on alternative routes and the impact this may have on junctions on those routes. In particular, Councillor Theobold suggested the Elm Grove junction could suffer from an increased volume of traffic.
21.10 The Principal Transport Planning Officer clarified that there would be a marginal delay to car drivers at peak times under the proposals however; there would be significant improvements to bus journey times. He explained that further issues concerning the Vogue Gyratory required examination which would present a delay. However, this would not be apparent in the schedule of works. The Principal Transport Planning Officer acknowledged that some displacement of traffic from Lewes Road may occur, but that any increase on alternative routes would be relatively minor in relation to the amount of traffic already using those routes. Also, proposals for improvements at the Elm Grove junction will be brought forward in the near future through the Better Bus Areas project which is running in parallel with the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) project.
1. That the committee notes the results of the second stage consultation exercise.
2. That, having taken into account the numerous responses received, committee authorises officers to proceed with advertising the formal Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the Lewes Road Bus & Cycle lanes and any necessary waiting & loading restrictions.
3. That the committee authorises officers to commence construction on some minor elements of the scheme that are not dependant on the outcome of the TRO consultation process. This would include conversion of an existing pelican crossing to a toucan crossing near Ringmer Road, involving some kerb realignment. This work would not be abortive should the overall scheme fail to materialise following the formal TRO consultation.
Highways Winter Service Plan 2012-13 PDF 111 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: That the Transport Committee approves the Brighton & Hove City Council HighwaysWinter Service Plan 2012/13 as attached at Appendix 1 to this report.
Minutes: 22.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that presented the Highways Winter Service Plan 2012-13 was the result of an annual review by the highways team. The Highways Code of Practice recommended that local authorities should formally approve, adopt and publish a Plan annually. The Head of Highway Operations drew Members particular attention to the matter of salt grit bins only being filled once per year at the start of the winter season as agreed at Budget Full Council in February 2012.
22.2 RESOLVED- That the Transport Committee approves the Brighton & Hove City Council HighwaysWinter Service Plan 2012/13 as attached at Appendix 1 to this report.
Old Town Transport Plan PDF 99 KB
Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached). Additional documents: Decision: 1. That Officers are authorised to advertise the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders.
2. That Officers are requested to implement the Old Town Transport Plan as detailed in the report.
3. That Officers are requested to investigate the feasibility of further improvements to traffic flow and loading arrangements in the Old Town.
Minutes: 23.1 The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place that recommended traffic management improvements in the Old Town area that sought to reduce the volume of traffic in the area whilst retaining access for those that required it.
23.2 Councillor Wealls enquired if £50,000 was a sufficient amount to fund the project.
23.3 Councillor Davey replied that this amount would cover the start of the process. Grant funding would have to be secured for any future improvements.
23.4 Councillor Cox asked what measures would be implemented to close Ship Street.
23.5 The Project Manager clarified that this was likely to be enforced by removable bollards.
23.6 Councillor Cox thanked officers for their work stating that he hoped if the project was a success, funding could be found to enhance and improve the measures.
1. That Officers are authorised to advertise the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders.
2. That Officers are requested to implement the Old Town Transport Plan as detailed in the report.
3. That Officers are requested to investigate the feasibility of further improvements to traffic flow and loading arrangements in the Old Town.
Councillor Theobald left the meeting during consideration of this item after declaring an interest.
Multi Operator Bus Ticketing (Verbal Update) Minutes: 24.1 The Committee considered a presentation from Bob Pinkett of Peter Brett Associates providing detailed information on Multi-Operator bus ticketing schemes.
24.2 Councillor Davey asked if the schemes were usually operated by the local authority or outsourced to a third party organisation.
24.3 Bob Pinkett replied that outsourcing could be conducted but such schemes were in the majority administered by the local authority.
24.4 RESOLVED- That the presentation be noted.
Items Referred For Council To consider items to be submitted to the 26 October 2012 Council meeting for information.
In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, each Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10.00am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting to which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting takes place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting. Minutes: 25.1 No items were referred to Full Council for information.