Agenda for Children & Young People Committee on Monday, 13th October, 2014, 4.00pm

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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall

Contact: Lisa Johnson  Senior Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)   Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)  Declarations of Interest:


    (a)         Disclosable pecuniary interests not registered on the register of interests;

    (b)         Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

    (c)         Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


    In each case, you need to declare

    (i)           the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

    (ii)         the nature of the interest; and

    (iii)       whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


    If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


    (c)   Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.


    32(a)   Declaration of Substitutes


    32.1Councillor Mitchell was present in substitution for Councillor Gilbey

    Councillor Morgan was present in substitution for Councillor Pissaridou

    Councillor A Norman was present in substitution for Councillor Simson

    Councillor Cox was present in substitution for Councillor Brown


    32(b)   Declarations of interest


    32.2    There were none


    32(c)   Exclusion of Press and Public


    26.3    In accordance with section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Committee considered whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during an item of business on the grounds that it was likely, in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present during that item, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information (as defined in section 100A(3) of the Act) or exempt information (as defined in section 100(I) of the Act).


    32.4    RESOLVED- That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.





Minutes pdf icon PDF 92 KB

    (1)  To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2014 (copy attached);


    (2)  To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2014 (copy attached);


    (3)  To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2014 (copy attached);


    Additional documents:



    33.1    The Committee considered the Minutes of the meetings held on 2 June 2014, 21 July 2014 and 22 September 2014.


    33.2  Councillor Wealls referred to paragraph 13.2 of the Minutes of 2 June 2014 and said that ‘focus’ should read ‘progress’.


    33.3    RESOLVED:


    (1)  That subject to the amendment set out above that the Chair be authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2014 as a correct record.


    (2)  That the Chair be authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2014 as a correct record.


    (3)  That the Chair be authorised to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2014 as a correct record.



Chair's Communications


    34.1    The Chair was pleased to announce the following:


    (1)  That Natasha Watson’s Team had won the Local Authority Family Law Team of the Year award.

    (2)  The Governors of Hove Park had voted not to pursue the possibility of the school becoming an academy.





Call Over

    (a)               Items (x – x) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


    (b)               Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed.


    35.1    It was agreed that all items be called.


Public Involvement

    To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


    (a)       Petitions: to receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or as notified for presentation at the meeting by the due of 2 October 2014;


    (b)       Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 October 2014;


    (c)        Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 6 October 2014


    36a     Petitions


    36.1    There were none.


    36b     Written Questions


    36.2    There were none.


    36c      Deputations


    36.3    There were none.


Member Involvement

    To consider the following matters raised by Councillors:


    (a)      Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;

    (b)       Written Questions: to consider any written questions;

    (c)        Letters: to consider any letters;

    (d)       Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee.


    37a     Petitions


    37.1    There were none.


    37b     Written Questions


    37.2    There were none.


    37c     Letters


    37.3    There were none.


    37d     Notices of Motion


    37.4    There were none.






    A presentation from the Brighton & Hove District Commissioner for Scouts.


    38.1  The Committee received two presentations; the first was from Alice   Harmer and the second from representatives from the Scouts.


    38.1      Alice Harmer, who was at pupil at Patcham House, was a member of the Council for Disabled Children’s Equality, Participation, Influencing and Change Group (EPIC). Alice told the Committee that through membership of EPIC, she had been invited to provide feedback to the Department for Education on the support needed for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The feedback assisted in developing a new Code of Practice for schools and other educational centres. Alice said she was one of a group who had been invited to a special reception hosted by Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson to thank them for their work.


    38.2      Councillor Powell congratulated Alice on the work she had done, and asked what issues had been discussed. Alice said that they’d discussed education and health care for young people, and ways to support them throughout their lives.


    38.3      The Chair thanked Alice for all the work she had done.


    38.4      Mr David Simon, The Commissioner for Brighton Hove and Portslade District Scouts, gave a presentation about the scouting movement to the Committee. Mr Simon was accompanied by three scouts, Daniel, Tom and Dean. Mr Simon said that the Scout movement which celebrated its centenary in 2007 was having a resurgence in popularity. The local district currently had 19 groups. However, there were many children waiting to join but there was currently a shortfall in adult volunteers which was limiting the number of groups. He said there were a number of different levels within the movement; Beavers for 6-8 year olds, Cubs for 8-10 year olds, Scouts for 10-14 year olds, Explorer Scouts for 14-18 year olds and the Scout Network for those aged 18-25. Mr Simon and his colleagues provided an interesting presentation on what scouting offered to children, the kind of activities they provided and the vision for the future.


    38.5      The Chair thanked them very much for attending the meeting.



School Ofsted Update

    Verbal Update


    39.1 The Head of Standards and Achievement Education and Inclusion provided the Committee with an update on recent Ofsted inspections.


    39.2 Councillor Wealls noted that St Bartholomew’s CE Primary School had been inspected in July 2014 and had been judged to be Grade 3 (Requires Improvement), whereas at their last inspection the school had been judged to be Grade 1 (Outstanding). The Head of Standards and Achievement Education and Inclusion said that the school had had a dip in their results, which had led Ofsted to visit the school. Ofsted had concerns around the level of teaching and learning. The Committee were reminded that the school only had a single form of entry, and so the cohort in any one year could make a difference to the school’s results.


    39.3 Alex Boyle asked how the Ofsted results for Brighton and Hove schools compared with national results. The Head of Standards and Achievement Education and Inclusion said that that data was not yet available, but when it was the Committee would be advised.


    39.4 Martin Jones asked whether the number of schools in the city rated as ‘Outstanding’ had fallen.  The Head of Standards and Achievement Education and Inclusion said that some schools had lost their ‘Outstanding’ rating, but the Authority was still waiting for the outcome of a number of Ofsted visits.


    39.5    Amanda Mortensen said the Westdene Primary School had recently lost their ‘Outstanding’ rating, and it had been demoralising for everyone, as the Governors Head Teacher and Teaching Staff had all believed that the school was performing as well as before.


    39.6 The Chair said that a more detailed update would be provided at the next committee meeting, when more information would be available.


    39.7 RESOLVED – That the update be noted.


Response to the Bullying Scrutiny Panel Recommendations pdf icon PDF 314 KB

    Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services


    Contact Officer: Sam Beal                          Tel: 01237 293533


    40.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to the response to the recommendations of the Bullying Scrutiny Panel. The report was introduced by the Acting Head of Scrutiny and the Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team. The Head of Scrutiny noted that Amanda Mortensen was a member of the Scrutiny Panel and apologised for omitting her name from the title of the Scrutiny Panel Report, and said that the papers would be updated.


    40.2    Councillor Lepper thanked members of the Scrutiny Panel for their report, and said that it was good that schools were taking the issue of bullying seriously and that she was happy to agree to the recommendations.


    40.3    Alex Boyle thanked officers for the report and said it had been an honour to be involved with the Scrutiny Panel.


    40.4   Councillor Wealls thanked everyone for the report and said he would be supporting the recommendations.


    40.5   Councillor Mitchell thanked officers and Scrutiny Panel members, and wanted to highlight Recommendation 4(c) in Appendix 1 to the report as being particularly useful.


    40.6   Riziki Millanzi welcomed the report and in particular the suggestion that the Youth Council be invited to become co-opted members of the Anti-Bullying & Equality Strategy Group.


    40.7   Martin Jones said the report was very useful, and thought it was a good idea that the Youth Council be invited to join the Anti-Bullying & Equality Strategy Group.


    40.8   Councillor Powell thanked all those involved for the report, and asked if people with disabilities had had the opportunity to be involved with the Scrutiny Panel and whether the possibility of teacher/pupil bullying had been addressed. The Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team advised that those with a disability had been included, but the issue of teacher/pupil bullying hadn’t as that was a different area and would be covered by the HR department within the Council.


    40.9   Ben Glazebrook referred to paragraph 7.3.1 of the report and noted that children with SEN weren’t listed as being included. He was advised they were included and the support group Amaze had given evidence to the Panel. The wording of that paragraph reflected the categories used in the Equalities Act, and children with SEN weren’t listed as a separate category.


    40.10   Councillor Cox asked what steps were being taken to tackle those who  were perpetual bullies. The Partnership Adviser: Health and Wellbeing, Standards and Achievement Team advised that schools were provided with guidance on how to deal with those children.


    40.11Alex Boyle referred to Recommendation 4 and noted that the suggestion of producing a leaflet, and suggested that one be produced just for children; some people may not want to access information over the internet and may prefer a paper leaflet. He noted Recommendation 5 and welcomed the suggestion of holding exit interviews. The Assistant Director - Education & Inclusion thanked Alex for his comments and suggested it may be useful to involve young people when implementation of those Recommendations were undertaken.


    40.12Councillor A Norman thanked everyone for the excellent report and said she agreed with the suggestion that a separate leaflet be provided for children.


    40.13Councillor Littman welcomed the report and felt that implementing the Recommendations would have a positive impact.




    (1)   That the Committee welcomes the scrutiny report, and noted its findings

    (2) That the Committee accepts the responses made to the recommendations

    (3) That the Committee forward its response to Full Council for information.





Proposed Expansion of Saltdean Primary School to Three Forms of Entry from September 2015: responses to Statutory Notice, Children & Young People's Committee 13/10/14 16:00 pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Proposed Amalgamation of Hangleton Infant and Hangleton Junior Schools from September 2015: Responses to Statutory Notice pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan pdf icon PDF 83 KB

    Report of the Executive Director Children’s Services


    Contact Officer:         Susie Haworth                      Tel: 01273 293590

    Additional documents:


    43.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services in relation to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) policy and the School Food Plan in Brighton and Hove. The report was presented by the School Meals Manager.


    43.2      Councillor A Kitcat asked if there was any evidence to show whether the provision of school meals had any impact on children’s educational achievement and/or behaviour. The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion said that national research had shown that having a meal at lunchtime was beneficial, but research was ongoing and the Authority would be speaking to schools and monitoring children’s behaviour.


    43.3      Councillor Morgan thanked officers for the report, and asked if there was information on which schools provided breakfast clubs and whether free fruit was still provided for KS1 children. The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion said that free fruit was still provided for all KS1 children and free milk for those under 5. If available, a list of those schools which provided breakfast clubs would be provided.


    43.4      Councillor Wealls thanked all the staff who were involved with implementing the UIFSM policy.


    43.5      Mike Jones said the provision of UIFSM had been challenging for School Governors, but with the support of the Authority the implementation had gone really well.


    43.6      Councillor Lepper welcomed the report and thanked all those involved in ensuring that the UIFSM had been fully and properly implemented. Councillor Powell agreed and thanked everyone involved.


    43.7      Alex Boyle noted that some schools may be expanded and asked for reassurance that they would have adequate provision to provide additional meals if necessary. The School Meals Manager said that staff had worked with those schools to ensure they would have the facilities to cater for extra pupils.


    43.8      RESOLVED - That the Committee noted the report and welcomed the successful implementation of Universal Infant Free School Meals and the School Food Plan in the Brighton and Hove.


Early Annual Standards Report pdf icon PDF 485 KB

    Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy to follow)

    Additional documents:


    44.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services on Annual Standards. The report, which contained the early un-validated headlines from the End of Key Stage results for children and young people in the city, was presented by the Strategic Commissioner for Standards & Achievement. The Assistant Director – Education and Inclusion apologised that the report was late and said that officers were waiting for data from the Department for Education before the report could be finalised.


    44.2  Councillor Wealls noted that the percentage of pupils making the expected progress had dropped, and was particularly concerned that there appeared to be a problem with Maths. He asked when an improvement was likely, and whether schools had the capacity to make the changes themselves to make a difference. He had previously mentioned the possibility of schools looking outside the city and talking with academy chains and other schools where there had been success and asked whether this had happened.  The Head of Standards & Achievement said that the councillor was correct, that progress in maths was a priority in the city and being addressed in several ways. The Citywide maths project will be supporting lesson study in secondary schools which will improve the quality of teaching. There is a new ‘maths hub’ for Sussex led by St Pauls Catholic College and St Richard’s  Catholic College Teaching School Alliances and the Head of Standards and Achievement and the Teaching & Learning Lead  Secondary Schools Partnership are meeting with them to find out more about the offer for schools. in addition the secondary schools have becomes part of ‘Challenge Partners’ which will involve a review of the school and support to address the issues raised. These are some if the different strategies being considered to address the issue.


    44.3      The Executive Director for Children’s Services said that the Authority was disappointed with the results and would be working closely with schools; this was a significant priority for the Council.


    44.4      Councillor Lepper was concerned that there was such a big difference in the attainment of pupils at different schools, but was pleased to note that at primary school children were exceeding the national average.


    44.5RESOLVED – That the Committee noted the report.




Items Referred For Council

    To consider items to be submitted to the [Insert Date] 2012 Council meeting for information.


    In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, any Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting at which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting take place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting



    45.1 It was agreed that Item 40, Response to the Bullying Scrutiny Panel Recommendations be referred to the next meeting of Full Council.


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