Agenda for Economic Development & Culture Committee on Thursday, 20th September, 2012, 4.00pm

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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Penny Jennings  Democratic Services Officer

No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)   Declaration of Substitutes: Where Councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same Political Group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)  Declarations of Interest:


    (a)         Disclosable pecuniary interests not registered on the register of interests;

    (b)         Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

    (c)         Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


    In each case, you need to declare

    (i)           the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

    (ii)         the nature of the interest; and

    (iii)       whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


    If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


    (c)   Exclusion of Press and Public: To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    NOTE:  Any item appearing in Part Two of the Agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the public.


    A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls.


    18a     Declarations of Substitutes


    18.1    Councillor Mears was present in substitution for Councillor Janio and Councillor Deane was present in substitution for Councillor Ania Kitcat.


    18b     Declarations of Interest


    18.2    Councillor Smith declared a general and non-pecuniary interest in Item 24 “ Update of review of Provision of Bowling Green Fees” by virtue of his membership of Woodingdean Bowls Club. He explained that he was an occasional player at the club and was not involved in its management or a member of its board.


    18c     Exclusion of Press and Public


    18.3    In accordance with Section100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“The Act”), the Economic Development and Culture Committee considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in  Section 100A(3) of the Act.


    18.4    RESOLVED – That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item on the agenda.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 83 KB

    To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2012 (copy attached).


    19.1    RESOLVED – That the Chair be authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 June 2012 as a correct record.


Chair's Communications


    Economic Development


    20.1    The Chair explained that £83,000 of Portas funding had been announced for Brighton and Hove, the focus would be on improvements to the London Road area. The City had done very well, as out of the 40 schemes put forward only 15 had secured funding.


                Royal Pavilion & Museums


    20.2    It was noted that the “Biba and Beyond” exhibition displaying the designs of Barbara Hulanicki, the founder of BIBA had opened that week. The exhibition had generated national and international coverage including entries in the “Conde Nast Traveller” and “Eurostar” magazines.




                City Reads Festival


    20.3    During September and October Brighton and Hove Libraries would be supporting “City Reads” an annual citywide reading initiative which aimed to spread a love of books and ideas to the widest possible audience throughout the city. The 2012 City Reads book “My Policeman” had been written by Brighton author Bethan Roberts and was set in 1950’s Brighton. Brighton and Hove Libraries would be celebrating the history of the town and residents by inviting them to bring in their own memories to add to a memory wall.




    20.4    There had been a series of successful events across the City during the summer including the successful hosting of the Olympic Torch Relay, the Big Beach screening of Olympic events on the seafront and the Pride festival.


    20.5    After four highly successful years, “White Night” was taking a break in 2012 whilst co-ordinators made plans to develop its second phase. However, during October and the First weekend in Nivember several of the City’s arts organisations were opening in the evening or extending their opening hours as part of a new initiative called “Autumn Lates”. The Brighton Photobiennial would also be taking place during October with a full programme in venues and outdoors.


                Visit Brighton


                Tourism Figures


    20.6    After a difficult second quarter to the year, visitor figures had been high through August and into September, with over 200,000 visitors coming to the City during August alone, a new all time high for a single month. There had been a higher number of bookings of accommodation during August 2012 when compared with 2011. This trend looked set to continue during September as figures were already on target to break existing site traffic records.


    Convention Bureau


    20.7    It was noted that over the coming months the City would be welcoming over 16,000 delegates to conferences and events which VisitBrighton had secured for the City. The VisitBrighton Convention Team had also produced a “Delegate Deals’” card with partners which would be distributed to 30,000 conference delegates in the coming year giving them access to special offers at restaurants, shops, bars and attractions throughout the city.


    Brighton Centre

    20.8         The TUC congress had been successfully between 9 to 12 Sept–with an estimated economic impact of £1.6m. The TUC were due to return to Brighton in 2017. The Brighton Centre was currently preparing for the LibDem Conference 20 to 26 Sept which would have an estimated economic impact of £3.6m. Media coverage would be strong with Brighton being heavily featured. In terms of confirmed business since completion of the works to the front of the building, the venue there were 44 confirmed events with an estimated economic impact of £120m and a venue income value of £1.7m.




                            Visit Brighton Mobile App


    20.9    The VisitBrightoniPhone app a free of charge service had been launched at the end of August and a new free Android version had been launched at the same time. Over 1,000 people had downloaded the app in first two weeks and the number of hits was now averaging 50 to 100 downloads every day.




    20.10  The “Green Brighton Guide” was being launched that day. 30,000 copies of the free guide/map produced (on fully recycled paper using vegetable oil based inks) had been prepared for distribution. The guide had been prepared in collaboration with Visit England and Greentraveller and represented part of VisitBrighton’s ongoing eco-tourism marketing activity. 15 eco-travel journalists would be attending launch.


    Sports and Leisure


                Withdean Stadium Athletics Track


    20.11  Following the huge success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the council’s Withdean Sports Complex had secured Olympic legacy funding from Sport England’s Inspired Facilities Fund. The complex would receive £150,000 of National Lottery funding to go towards replacing the running track and installing new electronic start/finish equipment.


    Rugby World Cup 2015 Bid


    20.12  The Council had recently submitted an exciting joint bid with Brighton & Hove Albion FC to become a host city for the 2015 Rugby World Cup. If successful, this would see 3 group games being staged at the Community Stadium during Sept/Oct 2015.


    Sport and Physical Activity Update-Sports Development


    20.13    Local Para Olympians, Sophia Warner, the 100 & 200 metres athlete and Ben Quilter who received a bronze medal in the visually impaired judo were to be congratulated on their recent successes. Positive fantastic feedback had been received from residents and visitors about the 40 new ping pong tables in the City, the Sports Development Team were working with the clubs to roll out an initiative targeting older people.2420 children and young people had “Got Active” I by taking part in the summer holidays sport and physical activity programme, taking part in a wide ride of different sports and physical activities. (78 courses).The girls skateboarding courses received coverage from Meridian TV. The team had worked in closely with many clubs and partners, including the Schools Educational Needs Co-coordinators to indentify those most in need. 14 events had been delivered and 21 Special interest walks (e.g. art or nature) in addition to the weekly activity programmes.


          King Alfred Leisure Centre


    20.14  Over the summer period the opportunity had been taken to look closely at the site and its potential, review the current buildings and some of the costs associated with them, look ahead at the type of sports facilities that would be needed in the future following publication of the Sports Facilities Plan and to begin to put some figures together around options.


    20.15  The Chair went on to explain that the council had listened carefully to the preliminary thoughts and ideas of a number of developers who had expressed interest in the site. He was now in a position to distribute draft terms of reference for a Project Board and to formally invite members of the opposition groups to participate on that Board. It was his intention to schedule a Board meeting in the coming weeks.


Call Over

    (a)               Items (22 – 30) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


    (b)               Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed.


    21.1    All items were reserved for discussion.


Public Involvement pdf icon PDF 82 KB

    To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions presented to the full council or at the meeting itself – Report of the Interim Lead Officer  detailing petitions notified at date of publication (copy attached);


    (b)         Written Questions: to receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 13 September 2012;


    To date one public question has been received from Miss V Paynter:


    “The Council has  had some weeks now in which to consider the request made in the “Save Hove” petition  presented a meeting of the Planning Committee meeting for a Planning Brief to be raised by BHCC for Medina House on King’s Esplanade. Can you tell me please if a Planning Brief will be put in place for the site and if not why not?”


    (c)         Deputations: to receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 13 September 2012;

    Additional documents:



    22a     Petitions


    22.1    The Committee considered a report of the Interim Lead Officer detailing petitions notified by the date of publication and set out below:


    (i) Bowling Clubs


    22.2    The Chair, Councillor Bowden referred to the report appearing at Item 24 on the agenda which had been prepared following the decision taken at the meeting of Full Council on 19 July to refer the matter to the Committee. Mr Bennett who was in attendance on behalf of local Bowling Clubs stated that he was happy to speak prior to formal consideration of that report. It was therefore decided to receive and note the contents of the petition.


    22.3    RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be received and noted.


    (ii) Planning Brief Medina House


    22.4    The e petition and paper petition received from Ms V Paynter as set out in the report requesting that a Planning Brief be prepared for Medina House as a matter of urgency. It was noted that an earlier version of had been incorrectly titled and that Ms Paynter’s surname had been misspelt. These errors had been corrected, the copy of the report appearing on the Council Website was correct.


    22.5    Ms Paynter spoke in support of her petition following which the Chair, Councillor Bowden responded in the following terms:


                “Following discussion on providing the best way forward in guiding development on the Medina House site, it had been agreed that a brief would be produced. Such a document should ultimately benefit both the landowner and the local community in providing a greater degree of certainty regarding the future of this sensitive site. The brief would be drafted this autumn and will propose a series of planning criteria to establish the development parameters of the site. Consultation on the draft brief would be undertaken in the late autumn and will inform the production of the final document”


    22.6    The Chair Confirmed in answer to questions that this response would be set out in the minutes and that all petitioners would receive this information in writing.


    22.7    RESOLVED – That the contents of the petition be received and noted.


                (iii) Regenerate Black Rock


    22.8    The Committee considered a petition and e petition received referring to the current condition of the Black Rock site and requesting its re-invigoration be facilitated.


    22.9    Dr Anderson spoke in support of her petitions stating that as a local GP she had been working in concert with a team with Department of Health backing and had together created a project called Futurehealth to build a community-run well being centre at Black Rock


    22.10    The Chair, Councillor Bowden thanked Dr Anderson for her petition and responded in the following terms:


    “I am aware of this proposal. As you will hopefully know, the council has now ended the agreement with Brighton International Arena and are now urgently taking action to make best use of the Black rock site temporarily. Expressions of interest are currently being sought and it is anticipated we will have further news on any proposals for our next meeting in November. For the longer term, we will be working very closely with our cross party Project Board to agree the best approach to this very important and strategic seafront site. We do have to be realistic but we also have to be mindful of what the city needs when we put together a final brief for the site towards the end of this year. Further news will be reported to this Committee in November.


    In the meantime, I would suggest that Futurehealth are mindful of the fact that there will be an open market competition for the site next year, and therefore I would suggest keeping in touch with officers about the timescale for this and how you might take part.”


    22.11    RESOLVED - That the contents of the petition be received and noted.


    22b     Public Questions


                (i) Planning Brief, Medina House


    22.12    Ms Paynter stated that in view of the reply received in response to her petition she was formally withdrawing her question.


    (ii) Parking Charges


    22.13  The following question had been notified by Mr Jonathan Tilley:


                “I note the various long and costly debates about whether changes to parking charges have effected Brighton visitor numbers and possibly damaged the Brighton business economy. I further note visitor numbers obtained from Eastbourne and Bournemouth Councils under the Freedom of Information Act. To aid Brighton Council’s commitment to transparency and open data to the public, reducing cost and time of FOI request, it is requested that the Council publishes monthly on the Council website monthly data for:


                Number of visitors to the Royal Pavilion and Preston Manor;

                Number of recorded enquiries at Brighton Visitor Centres;

                Car parking revenue broken down as on street and off street.


                It is further requested that a simple spreadsheet individually detailing the above items, updated monthly would be an ideal starting point.”


    22.13    The Chair, Councilor Bowden responded in the following terms:


    “The Council has been very keen to be open about data on parking and already publishes a regular report on parking which is on the website. This contains information about parking including the financial figures which include not just income but costs of providing the service and what happens to the surplus (funding concessionary bus travel for example).


    The Council publishes its financial performance (including parking finances) four times a year at formal committee meetings and this information is also available on the website. The Council also captures the visitor data referred to and would be able to publish this on its website. This data has not recently been the subject of freedom of information requests, but could be published as requested.


    Clearly, however, in any analysis of the overall success of Brighton and Hove as a visitor destination there are a range of other factors that would need to be taken into account, for example, the weather is a major factor in visitor figures as is the impact of the recession.”


    22.4    The Chair also agreed that in addition to sending this response to Mr Tilley in writing he would also be provided with the figures requested for the last twelve month period.


    22c.    Deputations


                (i) Mobile Library Service


    22.14    Mr. Spillman presented a deputation urging the Committee to oppose recommendations that would close the mobile library service into the next financial year and beyond. Mr. Spillman spoke in support of his deputation providing supporting evidence. He stated that in his view the information set out in the officer’s report was misleading as the numbers of people using the service and its hours of operation were comparable to those of any other branch library. In his view the mobile library was a branch library on wheels and what was being proposed was the closure of a branch library. This service was valued by many people and provided a community facility which the alternative options proposed would not. The strength of public support for the service was evidenced by the number of signatures that had been collected for the petition which had been presented to Full Council earlier that year, so many that it had triggered a debate. Given that the matter had been referred to the Committee by Council he queried whether the Committee could make any decision without referring it back to Council


    22.15  The Chair, Councillor Bowden thanked Mr Spillman for his deputation and referred to the report appearing elsewhere on the agenda at Item 26. He stated that the detailed report explained clearly regarding the funding options explored by the Council. It had not however been successful in securing the necessary monies for ongoing provision of the mobile library service. In the light of that, alternative provision was proposed as set out in the report. The Chair moved that the deputation be noted and its contents taken into account when debating the report at Item 26 on that days agenda.


    22.15    RESOLVED – That the contents of the deputation be received and noted.


    Note: The Chair stated that in view of the issues raised the Committee’s legal adviser wished to comment on the governance position, including the position if the recommendations in the report were to be agreed or rejected. It was agreed by the Committee therefore that they would move directly to consideration of the Officer’s report in order for him to do so.


Member Involvement pdf icon PDF 50 KB

    To consider the following matters raised by councillors:


    (a)         Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;


    (b)         Written Questions: to consider any written questions;


    (c)         Letters: to consider any letters;


    (d)         Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee. Notice of Motion referred from Full Council (copy attached)


    23a     Petitions


    23.1         There were none.


    23b     Written Questions


    23.2    A question had been notified by Councillor Morgan in the following terms:


    “Could the Chair of the Economic Development and Culture Committee please update the Committee on progress towards re-locating the West Pier Market and the identification of a suitable alternative site for the market’s traders?”


    23.3    The Strategic Director, Place responded stating that ongoing discussions were under way between the various parties in order to facilitate this matter.


    23c     Letters


    23.4         There were none.


    23d     Notices of Motion


                Supporting Brighton & Hove’s Bowls Clubs


    23.5    The contents of the Notice of Motion put by the Conservative Group at the meeting of Full Council on 19 July 2012 were noted and received.


Update of Review of Provision of Bowling Green Fees pdf icon PDF 659 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)


    (1) That the Committee notes that consultation with the bowling clubs has been taking place and that when this has been concluded a proposal on the way forward will be brought to Committee at the earliest opportunity.


    24.1         Before proceeding to consideration of the Officer’s report in accordance with the resolution made the meeting of the Council held on 19 July 2012, Mr Lionel Bennett was permitted to address the Committee. Mr Bennett stated that in his view a review was long overdue and was welcomed. He stated that difficulties had been created because the two issues of expenditure had been combined, the figures collated also differed from one club to another whereas it would be appropriate for it to be the same for every site. If they were separated then some clubs might be able to progress with a little help. Whilst the survey implied that bowls was played primarily by older people, in fact a number of clubs were encouraging younger people.


    24.2    Mr Bennett concluded by stating that there were means of solving the current problems but they required co-operation from both sides. Club rules and constitutions would require changing and their members would need to be consulted. He urged the Committee to adopt a flexible approach.


    24.3    The Committee then considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place detailing the background to and rationale for the review of bowling provision in the city which was currently being undertaken.


    24.4    The Head of City Infrastructure explained that consultation had commenced with the clubs some months ago and that they had been asked to provide a formal response to the initial response to the proposals by 20 August. The responses received required analysis and it was likely that further discussions would need to take place with the clubs before a full service, financial and equalities impact assessment could be made which could feed into the formulation of final proposals for presentation to the Committee. The initial proposals were set out in Paragraph 3 of the report.


    24.5    Councillor Smith stated that as review data was still being analysed and some responses still being chased it was difficult to have a clear idea of the clubs views as to what they wanted. He looked forward to receipt of the further report to the future meeting detailing the responses received. Councillor Fitch concurred stating that it would be important for that report to provide a detailed analysis of the feedback received. `


    24.6    Councillor Mears stated that whilst she appreciated that this was an interim report it would be useful if the further report contained detailed financial information. It would be useful if information in relation to buildings costs and green costs could be set out separately, as potentially they represented different issues.


    24.7    The Head of City Infrastructure confirmed that these issues had been taken on board, although it was not possible to break down costs individually for every club. The purpose of that days report was to inform members on the point that the consultation had reached and how things had moved forward following the discussions that had taken place at Full Council.


    24.8    The Head of City Infrastructure went on to explain that discussions had taken place with the clubs in order to explore options for the future including some of them taking over greater responsibility for bowling facilities including the greens. Given the differing financial positions of the clubs another proposal put forward had been for a reduction in the number of greens at Preston Park. Hove, Kingsway and Hollingbury Park. In addition a number of smaller clubs had been written to asking if there were any smaller clubs which would be prepared to consider sharing a green and pavilion in order to reduce costs. Reponses to the consultation had yet to be received. In consequence the consultation period had been extended.


    24.9    Councillor Smith referred to the significant health benefits which resulted particularly from older residents having access to bowls clubs. Councillor Fitch stated that it was important to provide a practical way forward which was also fair to the clubs. There was a need for officers to engage fully with the clubs. The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that the need for proper engagement was recognised, the consultation period had been extended in order to facilitate that. Woodingdean, the Club with which Mr Bennett was associated was an example of best practice in terms of the way it was run and financed.


    24.10  Councillor Mrs Theobald referred to the need for a range of healthy activities to be provided across the city which would appeal to all age groups. Bowling could be accessed by young and older residents alike.


    29.11  Councillor Brown stated that in her view it was important that a follow up report be submitted for consideration by the Committee as soon as possible and enquired regarding the timeframe for this. It was explained that this would be done as soon as possible, however that would be dependant on receiving detailed responses from all of the clubs.


    29.12  RESOLVED - That the Committee notes that consultation with the bowling clubs has been taking place and that when this has been concluded a proposal on the way forward will be brought to Committee at the earliest opportunity.


Saltdean Lido- Update pdf icon PDF 91 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)



    (1) That the Committee note the action taken in relation to the assessment of works required in the gym and pools part of the Lido complex at an estimated cost of £130k, funding to be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee.


    (2).That the Committee supports the potential allocation to Saltdean Lido of Section 106 funding available for use within the Saltdean area, subject to meeting all relevant criteria. The Committee notes that the Section 106 monies specify that they cannot be used for the repairs and can only be used for community purposes after consultation with ward councillors and through them the local community;


    (3) That the Committee notes the soft market testing that is being undertaken to inform options for the long-term operation of the Lido complex to bring to Members for consideration at a future committee meeting.



    25.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place providing an update on the current position in respect of Saltdean Lido following surrender of the lease by the head lessee in June 2012 following a period of negotiation with the council.


    25.2    The Commissioner for Sport and Leisure explained that following surrender of the head lease an immediate assessment had been made of the condition of the pools and gym had been undertaken and it had soon become apparent that that these facilities could not be reopened immediately. It had not been possible to open the pool or gym for the summer season and in view of the extent of the works required these facilities were still not open and a definitive timescale for the works had yet to be finalised.


    25.3    Currently potential funding of £335,000washeld by the local planning authority arising from contributions made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in relation to the Ocean Hotel scheme in Saltdean. This funding was available for use within the Saltdean area as a contribution towards community uses and/or open space and had to be spent by January 2017. It was not possible to use the Section 106 monies for the health and safety issues set out in the report, but it could be used at the Lido at the Council’s discretion to bring back into use an improved community facility.


    25.4    Councillor Mears stated that she welcomed the Officer’s report but had concerns regarding the level of works necessary to some areas of the building, for example the need to remove asbestos from the site and the fact that to date there did not appear to be a timescale for them. Councillor Mears also expressed concern that Section 106 monies were not swallowed up in carrying out remedial building or health and safety works.


    25.5    It was confirmed that a schedule and timescale for works was currently being drawn up and that information would be made available. The Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that the conditions of Section 106 Agreement were very specific on this point and suggested that a note to this effect be placed in the minutes. Councillor Mears stated that she wished this to be spelt out in the Committee resolution, Councillor Smith concurred in that view.


    25.6    Councillor Mrs Theobald stated that a number of people had expressed disappointment that the Lido had not been available for use during the summer months and she hoped that it would be possible to re-open it soon.


    25.7    RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee note the action taken in relation to the assessment of works required in the gym and pools part of the Lido complex at an estimated cost of £130k, funding to be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee;


          (2).That the Committee supports the potential allocation to Saltdean Lido of Section 106 funding available for use within the Saltdean area, subject to meeting all relevant criteria. The Committee notes that the Section 106 specifies that monies cannot be used for the repairs and can only be used for community purposes after consultation with ward councillors and through them the local community; and


          (3) That the Committee notes the soft market testing that is being undertaken to inform options for the long-term operation of the Lido complex to bring to Members for consideration at a future committee meeting.



Future of the Mobile Library Service pdf icon PDF 175 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)


    (1) That the mobile library service should continue until the end of March 2013.A report is to come back to the next meeting of the Committee on 15 November setting out how the funding shortfall of £17,000 may be met in the current year and detailing options to be explored in seeking to retain the service.


    26.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director of Place informing and updating the Committee on the progress of discussions and research on the future of the Mobile Library Service.


    26.2    The Head of the Libraries and Information Service explained that following the decision taken at Budget in February 2012, the Mobile Library Service was due to operate on its current schedule until the end of October whilst alternative funding options were being explored. Capital funds to purchase a replacement vehicle had been allocated at Budget Council; however, insufficient ongoing revenue funding had been identified. It was only appropriate to purchase a new vehicle if sufficient money could be found to run the Mobile Library Service for the seven to ten years of its operational life. Whilst some useful discussions had taken place that might result in the Library Service working with others to deliver targeted projects, no alternative sources of sustainable longterm revenue funding for the Mobile Library had been identified. Notwithstanding this some creative ideas had emerged which could deliver a more effective targeted service for people currently served by the Mobile Library who had difficulty getting to one of the 14 static libraries in the city.


    26.3    The Chair stated that as agreed the Committees’ legal adviser would comment on the governance position, including the position if the recommendations in the report were agreed or rejected. The Legal Adviser to the Committee explained that there was no overriding legal requirement that the Council must have a mobile library this financial year.


    26.4    He added that as explained in the Committee report the February Budget Council meeting had considered various savings and expenditure proposals, including a provision of £25,000 to help fund annual running costs of the mobile library and £120,000 capital investment from the Local Transport Plan in 2013/14 to acquire a new vehicle. This was however subject to additional contributions coming from partner agencies to cover the running costs and in the absence of such funding the capital funding for a new mobile library van would lapse. It was also explained in the report that no additional funding had been identified and hence the proposal for targeted services, which would be within budget.


    26.5    If the committee agreed with the report’s recommendations they could be implemented as proposed, because they could be delivered within the agreed budget envelope and there would be no requirement to go the Policy and Resources Committee or to Full Council. Also, if the reports recommendations were agreed, the decision about what would happen to the £120,000 released capital investment would be taken by Budget Council next year on the basis that as the condition regarding the potential allocation for the mobile library was not able to be satisfied that sum would become available to commit elsewhere.


    26.6    The legal adviser to the Committee went on to explain that if the committee decided that it did not want the targeted services but would rather continue with the mobile library service it needed to recognise that there was a limited revenue budget available as well as a need for a new vehicle. In effect there would be a stop-gap position. With the pragmatic way forward being to continue to run the service as now, but with no commitment to ongoing delivery of service or to the capital expenditure of £120,000, as the service position would have to be reconsidered and authorised by Budget Council in February 2013. This was because committing to a continued service would require additional revenue budget resources to be identified and approved to cover the running costs. If the additional revenue resources required were to be allocated in their entirety, the condition for committing the capital expenditure would not be required and the item in the capital programme for a new vehicle could then be retained.


    26.7    Councillor Fitch stated that he had concerns that the report had not addressed the issues raised during the debate at Full Council and queried whether it was appropriate for a decision to be made by this Committee without the matter being referred back to Council. Councillor Mears concurred in that view stating that it was important that proper procedures and protocols were observed.


    26.8    The Legal Adviser to the Committee stated that Officer’s report had been prepared in response to the debate which had taken place at Budget Council in February 2012 and also sought to address the challenge presented by the remaining revenue shortfall required to run the Mobile Library Service beyond October 2012. The advice given was based on the legal position and advice given by the Council’s Acting Chief Executive, the Acting Director of Finance Services and the Head of Legal Services as well as himself.


    26.9    Councillor Fitch stated that he considered it unacceptable if interest was being sought from interested voluntary sector groups for a 10 year period (the potential life of a mobile library van). In his experience he was not aware of funding streams/commitment to a project being required for such a long time into the future given the current economic climate he was not surprised that those who had expressed an interest had felt unable to make such an onerous commitment. He considered that it was unreasonable to require them to do so. He was of the view that if marketed imaginatively there would be a greater degree of take up for use of the van for advertising and publicity about events and consultation taking place across the city.


    26.10  Councillor Fitch also stated that he was very disappointed that having bucked the trend of reduction in library provision which had occurred elsewhere that this option was nonetheless being actively pursued. Ultimately the proposals represented a library closure and loss of a valuable community resource.


    26.10  Councillor Littman stated that the mobile library service had serviced his area for a number of years, and that whilst changes might be regrettable the report proposed an alternative provision which in his view would be acceptable and could provide a greater breadth of resources including to those who were housebound than was currently the case.


    26.11  Councillor Morgan also referred to the level of community engagement and consultation which had taken place. He was in agreement that the prospect of partners or funding streams being required for a ten year period could be daunting and considered that other options needed to be more fully explored as this service seemed to be targeted for removal when the costs of maintaining seemed to be relatively small.


    26.12  The Head of Libraries and information Services explained that in the city’s urban environment 98% of residents lived within 1 mile of a library and a large number of people using the mobile library also visited other libraries. The cost per visit to a mobile library was twice as expensive as for a static library and it was considered that the options suggested would support the priorities identified for modernising the Library Service. The proposals would result in the development of a Home Delivery and tailoring of the service to better meet housebound people’s individual needs. They would also provide an alternative to the mobile library at a reduced cost thus achieving the savings proposals and delivering improved value for money.


    26.13  Councillor Smith stated that he did not support removal of this service. The previous administration had protected and extended the library service and he considered that the relatively small costs of maintaining it could be funded from underspends elsewhere in the budget.


    26.14  Councillor Brown stated that she was not convinced that removal of this service would result in the savings indicated as detailed costings had not been given in respect of the number of volunteers or details of the potential costs of their claims for reimbursement of petrol/ travelling expenses etc.


    26.15  Councillor Mears sought detailed costings in respect of the post of Home Delivery Officer as referred to in the Officer’s report and to the use of volunteers. This information appeared to be very sparse and dependant on the cost implications she remained to be convinced that this option would result in savings when set against the relatively modest costs of the mobile library service itself.


    26.16  The Head of Libraries and information Services explained that the proposed salary reflected the varied duties which would fall within the skill set of a trained library officer indicating that there had been expressions of interest from officers who would be interested in applying for the post were it to be created. Councillor Mears stated that she considered that the costings given were inadequate and that the post as proposed fell outside the remit of what would usually be considered the duties of a library officer.


    26.17  Councillor Mrs C Theobald stated that she would support maintaining the service to the end of the current financial year to enable further options to be explored and considered.


    26.18  Councillor Fitch stated that he wished to put an amendment seeking to continue the existing service to the end of the current financial year and requesting that a further report be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee exploring options in greater detail for continuation of the service. He considered that the budget shortfall of £17,000 to the end of the financial year could be met from savings elsewhere within the service and that that should be done. Councillor Mears concurred in that view stating that she was happy to support the proposed amendment.


    26.19  The Chair stated that whilst prepared to support the amendment he was also at pains to point out that this would need to be funded from savings elsewhere in the service. Any proposals for continuance of the service post April 2013 would need to feed into the Council budget setting process via The Policy and Resources Committee. The Interim Commissioner for Culture stated that she was unable to confirm where funding to cover the shortfall for the cost of service provision to the end of March 2013 could be found; that would need to be investigated further. The Financial Adviser stated to the committee stated that she could look at predicted under spends to see whether they would be able to meet the funding gap either wholly or in part.


    26.20  The Legal Adviser to the Committee advised regarding re-drafting the wording of the recommendations set out in the Officer’s report to reflect the discussion which had taken place. This is set out in the resolution at Paragraph 26.22 below and was voted on and agreed by the Committee.


    22.21  The Legal Adviser to the Committee stated that should the Committee be minded to retain the service beyond the current financial year at a subsequent meeting, Full Council would need to be advised and the matter fed into the budget setting process via the Policy and Resources Committee.


    26.22  RESOLVED - That the mobile library service should continue until the end of March 2013.A report is to come back to the next meeting of the Committee on 15 November setting out how the funding shortfall of £17,000 may be met in the current year and detailing options to be explored in seeking to retain the service.


Royal Pavilion & Museums Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 165 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)

    Additional documents:


    (1) That the Committee approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period April 2014-March 2015, as set out in Appendix A to the report;


    (2) To approve proposed prices for corporate hire and weddings at Royal Pavilion & Museum venues 2013/14, as set out in Appendix C; and.


    (3) To note the success of RPM’s on-line image store to date and approve minor changes to charging from September 2012 - March 2014, as set out in Appendix E.



    27.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place setting out the proposed charges for fees and charges for admission charges, guiding, commercial hire and image reproduction to assist with business planning. Prices for 2013/14 had been agreed previously in September 2010. It was noted that an addendum had been circulated setting out updated costings in respect of this service.


    27.2    The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museum explained that due to booking timescales, marketing strategies for the travel trade needed to be planned a year to 18 months in advance to fit in with the industry press offers. It was very important therefore that process were agreed well in advance to maximise coverage in the industry press and to provide correct information at trade fairs to secure bookings. To allow sufficient planning for this key area approval was sought for prices for the period April 2014 to March 2015.


    27.3    Councillor Brown stated that that she was pleased to note that resident children were not charged an admission fee, neither were Brighton & Hove schools. She considered that it was important to maintain the right balance in order not to deter potential visitors. She was concerned that the fees and charges for corporate events seemed a little high, although it was noted that it was possible to negotiate individual packages with potential commercial clients.


    27.4    Councillor Mrs C Theobald stated that anecdotally she had heard that some potential visitors had not paid to tour the Royal Pavilion having considered the level of charges to be too high. The Head of the Royal Pavilion and Museums stated that whilst this could always be an issue visitor figures had continued to rise significantly. In common with national trends there had been a dip in numbers during July and August, however this had been very small when compared with other attractions elsewhere in the country. Officers would continue to monitor fees charged for price sensitivity, currently they were comparable with those charged at places of interest across the country. A future exhibition planned for the Pavilion would show the Turner watercolour of the Chain Pier as a centre piece in the company of other Turner paintings loaned from other collections.


    27.5    Councillor Fitch stated that whilst prepared to support the charges proposed he considered it was very important that fees and charges were kept under constant review to ensure that these continued to be competitive and were not counter productive.


    27.6    Councillor Smith stated that he was pleased to note that there was the capacity to negotiate packages with potential commercial hirers and that charities received a 20% reduction.


    27.7    The Chair, Councillor Bowden stated that he had confidence in officers professional judgement, stating that the Pavilion was a “jewel in the cities crown”. He welcomed the extension of opportunities for corporate events. Councillor Deane concurred in that view stating that living in the city it was sometimes easy to forget how unique the Pavilion was.


    27.8    RESOLVED - (1) That the Committee approves the changes to charges for admission and guiding for the period April 2014-March 2015, as set out in Appendix A to the report;


    (2)To approve proposed prices for corporate hire and weddings at Royal Pavilion & Museum (RPM) venues 2013/14, as set out in Appendix C; and.


    (3) To note the success of RPM’s on-line image store to date and approve minor changes to charging from September 2012 - March 2014, as set out in Appendix E.


City Plan – Duty to Co-Operate: Request to adjoining Local Planning Authorities to assist in meeting city’s housing requirements. pdf icon PDF 80 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director Place (copy  attached)

    Additional documents:


    That The Committee agree to request local planning authorities in the Brighton and Hove strategic housing market area (set out in the appendix to the report) to consider the extent that they are able to assist in meeting the City's unmet housing requirements; and


    The Committee notes that the results of this request will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee/Full Council in November/December at the time the City Plan is considered for submission.


    28.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place detailing the City’s duty to co-operate and the requirement to request local planning authorities to assist in meeting its housing requirements.


    28.2    It was noted that the Coalition Government had indicated its intention to revoke Regional Plans and that it had dismantled the mechanisms which had previously existed to facilitate planning at the strategic level. the fact that the City Plan’s housing provision did not match the assessed full level of housing requirement required cooperation with the City’s neighbouring local authorities.


    28.3         The Head of Planning and Public Protection stated explained that a duty to co-operate with neighbouring planning authorities under the Localism Act. It was a duty to co-operate not a duty to agree however, planning authorities, would be expected to demonstrate evidence of having worked together to meet development requirements which could not wholly be met within their own areas and to have effectively co-operated to plan issues with cross boundary impacts when their Local Plans were submitted for examination. It was noted that there was a mismatch in respect of housing provision and that this was not unusual.


    28.4    Councillor Smith referred to the pragmatic approach being taken in requiring that all new development provided a deliverable proportion of affordable housing or where appropriate an equivalent financial contribution in lieu of onsite provision enquiring regarding the level of uptake of monies being given in lieu. It was explained that this was discussed and considered when negotiations were underway, however issues did arise in the city due to the lack of sites.


    28.5    Councillor Mears referred to the assessment made of the requirement for new homes, stating that the viability of schemes was a major factor and enquiring whether the current Green administration supported those figures and a degree of flexibility in assessing viability. Schemes needed to be viable in order for them to be deliverable. The Chair, Councillor Bowden noted the recent removal by the Government of some planning requirements. Whilst the need for flexibility was recognised development schemes needed to be realistic and appropriate.


    28.6    Councillor Fitch expressed concerns regarding the need to protect Greenfield sites. More work needed to be done to utilise existing brownfield sites effectively. Councillor MacCafferty referred to sites identified in the existing City Plan and to the encouragement given for development of brownfield sites. More needed to done to provide the levels of housing required, individual authorities were unlikely to be able to deliver this on their own.


    28.7    In answer to questions by Councillor Mears the Head of Planning and Public Protection confirmed that further work was currently underway on the existing Plan to reflect changes in planning policy including making requests for contributions in relation to smaller sites.


    28.8    RESOLVED – (1) That The Committee agree to request local planning authorities in the Brighton and Hove strategic housing market area (set out in the appendix to the report) to consider the extent that they are able to assist in meeting the City's unmet housing requirements; and


        (2)The Committee notes that the results of this request will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee/Full Council in November/December at the time the City Plan is considered for submission.


Local List Review pdf icon PDF 83 KB

    Report of the Strategic Director, Place (copy attached)

    Additional documents:


    29.1    The Committee considered a report of the Strategic Director, Place outlining the proposed selection process for reviewing the council’s list of heritage assets of local interest (the local list). It was explained that changes in national policy and guidance had given greater recognition to locally significant heritage assets. It was therefore considered to be an ideal time review and update the existing local list, based on robust selection criteria and produced in consultation with the local community which would inform development management decisions and help protect the city’s historic environment.


    29.2    The Head of Planning Strategy explained that Local List Review consultation process was under way. Two phases of consultation were proposed as part of the review, a call for nominations, and consultation on the draft local list. It was proposed that nominations would be invited over a period of at least 12 weeks.


    29.3    Councillor Brown stated that that she awaited details of the nominations with interest, and also considered that it would be desirable if any vulnerable buildings in the city could be listed.


    29.4    Councillor MacCafferty stated that he welcomed the proposals which would result in rationalisation of the previous arrangements. Whilst he had been Chair of the Planning Committee approval had been given to add the former Co-operative Store building in the London Road to the list, regarded as a local landmark building.


    29.5    RESOLVED – (1)That the process for reviewing the council’s list of heritage assets of local interest, as outlined in the report, is approved; and


    (2) That the proposed criteria for selection, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report are approved.



Major Projects Update - Standing Item pdf icon PDF 75 KB

    This standing item will provide an opportunity for relevant issues to be updated on.


    (a) A briefing note in relation to Refreshment of the Economic Strategy is attached.


    30.1         The Strategic Director, Place referred to the briefing note circulated with the agenda detailing progress made to date in refreshing the Economic Strategy. He explained that in addition a schedule detailing the current position in relation to progress on major projects across the city would be circulated to Members in advance of a report scheduled for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee.


    30.2         RESOLVED – That the contents of the briefing note be received.


Items Referred For Council

    To consider items to be submitted to the [Insert Date] 2012 Council meeting for information.


    In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council.  In addition, each Minority Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10.00am on [Insert Date] 2012 (the eighth working day before the Council meeting to which the report is to be made), or if the Committee meeting takes place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting.


    31.1    There were none. It was noted however that dependent on the decision taken a the next meeting of the Committee in respect of the Mobile Library Service that decision could be referred to the Council and could need to be fed into the budget process for the following year via Policy and Resources Committee.


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