Agenda for Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee on Monday, 23rd January, 2017, 4.00pm

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Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Whitehawk Library, Whitehawk Road, Brighton

Contact: Penny Jennings  Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Procedural Business

    (a)          Declarations of Substitutes:  Where councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same political group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


    (b)          Declarations of Interest: 


    (a)      Disclosable pecuniary interests;

    (b)      Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

    (c)      Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


    In each case, you need to declare

    (i)        the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

    (ii)      the nature of the interest; and

    (iii)     whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


    If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


    (c)          Exclusion of Press and Public:  To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


    Note:   Any item appearing in Part Two of the agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the press and public.


    A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls and on-line in the Constitution at part 7.1.


    Additional documents:


    42a     Declaration of Substitutes


    42.1    Councillor Barnett declared that she was in attendance in substitution for Councillor Lewry.  It was reported that Councillor Bell was unwell and unable to attend.  


    42b    Declarations of Interest


    42.2    There were none.


    42c     Exclusion of Press and Public


    42.3    In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Committee considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act.


    42.4    RESOLVED - That the public are not excluded during consideration of any item of business on the agenda.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 349 KB

    To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2016 (copy attached).

    Additional documents:


    43.1    RESOLVED – The minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2016 were agreed and signed as a correct record.



Presentation - City of Sanctuary

    Before Proceeding to the formal business of the meeting there will be a presentation by representatives on behalf of “City of Sanctuary”.


    Life is often desperately hard for asylum seekers and refugees living in excile in the UK. Lots of organisations and individuals in Brighton & Hove are working to support those who come to our city for their safety. The Brighton & Hove City of Sanctuary movement brings them together and provides a simple platform so that others can join in.


    People seeking sanctuary have lost their homes and families yet bring all kinds of skills, arts, food and culture, that enrich our city.


    City of Sanctuary is a national network, a movement of local groups made up of businesses, community organisations and individuals, all with one thing in common, their belief that sanctuary seekers should be welcomed, and that their contribution to society should be celebrated.



    Following the presentation(s), Members will have the opportunity to ask questions following which there will be a short break before proceeding to the main business of the agenda.

    Additional documents:


    44.1    Before proceeding to the formal business of the meeting a presentation was given by Linda Beanlands, on behalf of Sanctuary On Sea, the local name for the City of Sanctuary movement.  Ms Beanlands is secretary of the local voluntary organisation.


    44.2    Ms Beanlands explained that in 2015 there were 21 million refugees globally which had resulted in the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Half of the refugees were under the age of 18. She stressed that what happened globally impacted locally.  Cities of Sanctuary was a grassroots movement.  There were 80-90 Cities of Sanctuary across the country.  Brighton & Hove as a local authority was in partnership with Sanctuary on Sea.


    44.3    The Committee were informed that Brighton was bucking the trend in the rise of xenophobia and hate crime and there was a groundswell of goodwill towards refugees and a positive response to the aims of Sanctuary on Sea which was to support local services to receive refugees. 


    44.4    Ms Beanlands spoke about the innovative programmes that had been achieved in the last year such as the Schools of Sanctuary and Clubs of Sanctuary programmes. Schools of Sanctuary was all about learning about diverse culture and doing practical things in schools in order to settle and welcome into the community those who had fled from abroad.  Clubs of Sanctuary were working with clubs to proactively welcome people who would otherwise not have accessed that group.  This included work in a table tennis club.


    44.5    The Chair expressed enormous gratitude to Ms Beanlands for the role she played in Sanctuary on Sea. She stressed that the City should play its role in supporting refugees. The Chair spoke about the Sudanese community and its relationship to Brighton & Hove. She had visited Calais last year and had spent time in the Sudanese rest tent, where she had been welcomed with kindness and gentleness.  She was proud to be able to support them.  The Chair had also visited the local table tennis club and had been very impressed. 


    44.6    Councillor Simson stated that she had been extremely impressed by the presentation and the achievements of Sanctuary on Sea whilst working with limited resources.  This demonstrated the power of volunteering and the importance of co-ordination with other groups. The good will of the people involved was phenomenal.


    44.7    Councillor Littman thanked Ms Beanlands for the presentation and was delighted to hear about the achievements of Sanctuary on Sea. He was pleased to hear that Brighton & Hove was a welcoming place for refugees. 


    44.8    Anusree Biswas Sasidharan concurred with the above comments and praised the work that was being achieved.

    44.9    An Annual Report for Sanctuary on Sea 2015-2016 was circulated to all members of the committee. It was confirmed that the front cover picture was available as a T shirt. Ms Beanlands informed the Committee that £3000 had been awarded to Sanctuary by Sea from the council’s annual grant programme and it was helping them register as a charity.


Chairs Communications

    Additional documents:


                Community Safety Partnership


    45.1    The Chair welcomed everyone to the first committee meeting of 2017. She informed the committee that the Community Safety Partnership has recently undertaken a strategic assessment of all crime and disorder in Brighton and Hove as part of updating the city’s Community Safety Strategy. The Partnership had identified the following priorities:


    ·           Reducing ASB and hate incidents

    ·           Increasing safety in the night time economy

    ·           Reducing domestic and sexual violence

    ·           Reducing offending

    ·           Increasing community collaboration and resilience


    45.2    People would be able to give their views through the council’s consultation portal during February after which the final strategy would be presented to the committee for approval.


    One Voice

    45.3    The Chair reported that last week she had been present at a very well attended One Voice meeting, at which attendees heard from FAST a community led group in Lambeth supporting Muslim communities to protect their young and vulnerable people from radicalisation. It was very interesting and informative, and the council would be taking a lot from their approach. 

                LGBT History Month     

    45.4    The Chair reminded everyone that February was LGBT history month.

                Museum of Transology


    45.5    The Chair provided information about an exhibition in London called the Museum of Transology. It was an exhibition put together by a Brighton resident which looked at the realities of trans lives using donated artefacts from trans people, many of whom were from Brighton and Hove, and displayed them with personal stories and data from the Council’s Count me in too survey and the Trans Needs Assessment .  It was described as incredibly moving and uplifting and was excellent promotion for what had been achieved in the city and specifically the work of the City’s trans community. The Chair referred to a leaflet on the Museum of Transology. The link to Instagram or Twitter was #transology.


    Community Service Recognition Award


    45.6    The Chair was also pleased to let everyone know that Community Works team of volunteers had been awarded a Community Service Recognition Award by the Rotary Club of Brighton. The award was given by the Lord Lieutenant of Sussex as part of the Rotary Club of Brighton’s Citizen Awards which recognised volunteers who have made a difference. Since April 2014, this team of volunteers had helped 245 organisations to advertise 566 volunteering opportunities, and helped 1,759 people interested in volunteering to apply for 3,987 volunteer opportunities. They also provided one-to-one advice to 954 people interested in volunteering on suitable volunteering opportunities for them.


                Tehm Framroze


    45.7    The Chair ended her communication with a remembrance for Tehm Framroze ex councillor and Mayor of Brighton, who sadly passed away earlier this month. Tehm was an inspiration to many councillors, and worked hard and with great passion for the people of Brighton and Hove. The Chair sent the committee’s condolences to his family and friends.


Call Over

    (a)          Items (46 – 49) will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


    (b)          Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed.

    Additional documents:


    46.1    All items on the agenda were reserved for discussion.


Public Involvement

    To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


    (a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or at the meeting itself.


    (b)          Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 16 January 2017.


    (c)          Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 16 January 2017.


    Additional documents:


    47.1    There were no petitions, written questions or deputations.


Member Involvement pdf icon PDF 275 KB

    To consider the following matters raised by Members:


    (a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions referred from Full Council or submitted directly to the Committee;


    (b)          Written Questions: To consider any written questions, question received from Councillor Knight (copy attached);


    (c)          Letters: To consider any letters;


    (d)          Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Full Council or submitted directly to the Committee.

    Additional documents:


    48.1    There were no petitions from Members.


    48.2    The Committee had received a letter from Councillor Knight which highlighted proposed cuts of up to £400,000 a year for voluntary and community sector services for young people that are in receipt of council funding. The letter referred to the Fairness Commission’s recommendation No 56 which was not adopted as a priority area by the NCE Committee namely “The council should continue to work with local support projects to ensure policies are inclusive and that all children receive the support they need. (ensuring diversity of CYP voices/participation)”.  The letter requested that the Committee rethink including recommendation No 56 of the Fairness Commission as a priority area. Councillor Knight was not in attendance at the meeting.


    48.3    The Chair reported that Councillor Knight would be sent the following written response which would be copied to all the Committee members, as follows: 


    “Thank you for your letter.


    Consideration has been given to including the additional recommendation however I do not feel that it meets the criteria as used by the members working group to set the priority Fairness Commission priority recommendations. These were:


    • Represent value for money and in particular do not involve recurring costs;
    • Do not duplicate existing work and effort;
    • Have the maximum impact on fairness and poverty;
    • Are within the council’s gift to influence;
    • Were considered by the public and communities contributing to be of high importance;
    • Are achievable and realistic;
    • Bring innovation or best practice from elsewhere to the city;

    ·        Empirically highlight areas where improvement or further action is required.


    I feel that sufficient work is underway regarding managing the transition in funding of youth services that the concerns raised in the letter will be borne in mind. I understand that:


    ·      The council is undertaking a consultation with young people, including an online questionnaire to get views on existing youth services both in the council and those provided by the voluntary sector. This consultation begins this week and will continue until 10th Feb. Young people and the voluntary sector have helped design this consultation.

    ·      A range of engagement activities with young people is taking place to get their input about what services they use and how they feel about other options available to them.

    ·      Input is being sought from young people as to how services such as participation might be delivered differently.

    ·      The results of this consultation will be provided to councillors in advance of the Full Budget Council and will be considered when progressing any proposed cuts to existing services.

    ·      The original EIA has been updated to offer more clarity about what will continue within the council, the specific services impacted, both in-house and the voluntary sector, and more information about the need to protect services to protected groups. It has also highlighted a need to monitor the impact of any proposed cuts.

    ·      The EIA now also details those in-house services such as RuOK and the Youth Employability Service and the Adolescent services that will continue, and that support those most vulnerable young people. These services provide confidential advice and signposting to other services that will continue to be available.

    ·      There has always been an intention to work with the voluntary sector to ensure ongoing support for the protected groups and again officers will work with the key providers to ensure any available funding is used in the most appropriate way for these groups.”


    48.4    RESOLVED:


                That the letter from Councillor Knight and the response from the Chair be noted.


    48.5    There were no deputations received from members.


Trans Needs Assessment Action Plan Progress Report pdf icon PDF 392 KB

    Report of the Acting Executive Director, Health & Adult Social Care (copy attached)

    Additional documents:


    (1)            That Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equality Committee notes the contents of this report and progress against the recommendations of the Trans Needs Assessment recommendations.


    (2)            That Committee instruct officers to provide an update report to this committee in 12 months on progress against the Action Plan.




    49.1    The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care which informed members that the Trans Needs Assessment (TNA) provided a comprehensive analysis of current and future needs of local trans people to inform commissioning and delivery of services across the city in order to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities. The NCE Committee received annual reports on progress against all its recommendations. The report and Appendix A detailed progress against the TNA recommendations and identified next steps, including a second Trans Conference in July 2017. The report was presented by the Equalities Co-ordinator.


    49.2    The Equalities Co-ordinator reported that the Trans Needs Assessment was completed in mid 2015 and an early initial update was provided to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of its final report on the Trans Equality Scrutiny (February 2016) before responsibility for oversight of trans work passed to the NCE and the EquIP Trans Sub-Group.


    49.3    The TNA picked up on the Trans Equality Scrutiny recommendation to find out more about the needs and assets of the trans community in the city. This was a shared piece of work with Public Health and members of the trans community, with comprehensive and award-winning research and collaboration. 


    49.4    The result was 62 recommendations for organisations & groups across the city, covering employment, education, health, business, banking and community safety. The progress report highlighted many achievements over last year. Also, very positively, it noted additional work being completed, above and beyond recommendations. Notable achievements included the development of Kite-mark, which aimed to develop skills and confidence, as well as practical steps to make venues and services more trans-friendly. This was still being developed and was likely to result in an award or logo which could be advertised to let trans people know that there is a basic standard of awareness.


    49.5    Members of the EquIP Trans Sub-Group were working with Prof Kath Browne to organise the Trans Conference in July 2017. The conference would include contributions from trans and non-binary contributors, research on trans/non-binary issues, and training for staff and allies. Jack Monroe (writer, journalist and activist) would be speaking and the conference would be open to local, national and international participants. Further information will follow and anyone who wished to attend would be welcome.


    49.6    Monitoring work would include the Annual report to NCE, quarterly monitoring and challenge by all stakeholders in TNA recommendations through the EquIP sub-group, chaired by Councillor Daniel, and the Trans Conference.  


    49.7    Councillor Simson noted that with regard to young people the report was quite reliant on one voluntary organisation. She asked if officers were confident Allsorts could cover this work.  Councillor Simson noted that the Trans Housing Guide was on hold pending the outcome of the allocations policy, and that there were questions around hostels and supported accommodation services. She asked for an update on these issues.

    49.8    The Equalities Co-ordinator replied that Allsorts had been integral to the work within schools, but there had been a shift to schools being able to generate some of this work on their own. The Head of Communities & Equality explained that Allsorts had just bid through the council’s prospectus process and were successful in the partnership they put forward. Allsorts were in a sustainable position for the foreseeable future. 


    49.9    The Equalities Co-ordinator stated that due to the various processes that the allocations policy had been through; the Housing Guide had been put on hold.  Now that there was clarity in relation to the Allocations policy it would be necessary to go back and re check the guidance.  The Equalities Co-ordinator would check the situation with regard to hostels and supported accommodation services.  The Chair requested that this information be sent to Councillor Simson and copied to Committee members. 


    49.10  Councillor Littman welcomed the report and stressed that it was incredibly important work. He noted that a great deal of solid work had been carried out and hoped even more would be done in the future.


    49.11  Councillor Moonan commended the report and the excellent work carried out.  She stated that it should not be taken for granted how ahead of the game Brighton and Hove was in this area of work. Councillor Moonan asked where there had been challenges and whether there were areas where officers would like to see more progress.


    49.12  The Equalities Co-ordinator replied that health was one of those areas. Changes that had been made to NHS England and the Charing Cross Clinic London provided uncertainty for people using the service.  Meanwhile NHS England did not seem to have communicated effectively to explain the situation.  The Health and Wellbeing Board would receive an update on this matter.  Locally trans people had been invited to consultation events.  Efforts had been made to try to encourage staff in GPs surgeries to attend training and raise their awareness.  However they were autonomous organisations and it was difficult to make their staff attend training sessions.  There were also difficulties with regard to raising awareness in businesses. This was partly due to the diversity of the business sector and the limitations of the council in terms of influencing those businesses.  The kite-mark would help this situation.


    49.13  Joanna Martindale referred to page 35 – Advocacy. There had been a very successful advocacy partnership delivered over this period by MindOut which is jointly funded by the CCG and the City Council.  She understood that the initial idea was that when the main advocacy contract came up for renewal, the trans part of that would get embedded.  Currently the 12 months funding would end at the end of March 2017.  On page 59, there was some discussion about the third sector prospectus which was key to all the voluntary and community sector organisations. Currently there was quite a large cut proposed to that work. She referred to page 57  - point 29 (best practice guidance for GPs) and wondered if there was a role for Patient Participation Groups.


    49.14  The Head of Communities & Equality stated that she would check the first point with the advocacy commissioner and report back to the committee. She would discuss the role of the Patient Participation Groups with CCG colleagues. 


    49.15  Councillor Gibson welcomed the report. The progress to date was positive and he was pleased to see annual updates.  He referred to pages 65-66 and noted that the council was awaiting information from Sussex Police.  He requested that this information be circulated to the Committee in due course.  The Equalities Co-ordinator replied that the police were planning to consult with a trans external consultative group. They would include any actions in their Sussex Hate Crimes Action Plan.   Other points in relation to domestic violence were answered by the domestic violence and abuse coordinator within the council.  The final point about working with criminal justice agencies/raising trans awareness would be discussed at their external reference group to link into the Crown Prosecution Service to provide this type of training.   The Equalities Co-ordinator would circulate the report again with updates.      


    49.16  The Chair stressed the importance of highlighting areas where continual progress was required. She congratulated the Equalities Co-ordinator for her work on the report, and for building trusted relationships and the respect of the trans community.  She emphasised the importance this work made to people’s lives.  


    49.17  Councillor Norman welcomed the report and commended and thanked every one involved. 


    49.18  Councillor Simson moved an amendment to the recommendations.  This would add recommendation (2) “That committee instruct officers to provide an update report to this committee in 12 months on progress against the Action Plan.”  The amendment was seconded by Councillor Moonan, and was agreed by the Committee.


    49.19  RESOLVED:           


    (1)          That Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equality Committee notes the contents of this report and progress against the recommendations of the Trans Needs Assessment recommendations.


    (2)          That Committee instruct officers to provide an update report to this committee in 12 months on progress against the Action Plan.


Brighton & Hove City Council Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy pdf icon PDF 275 KB

    Report of the Acting Executive Director, Health & Adult Social Care (copy attached)

    Additional documents:


    (1)            That the new Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy as set out in appendix 1 is welcomed and that the comments of the Committee be noted.


    (2)            That Committee recommend the new Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy for approval by Full Council.


    (3)            That Committee instruct officers to provide an annual update to this committee on progress on the actions identified within the strategy to achieve excellent


    50.1    The Committee considered a report which presented the new Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy (“the policy”) for the city council (appendix 1). The policy refreshed and updated the council’s previous Equality & Inclusion Policy 2012-2015 and addressed key priorities and city issues from the Corporate Plan 2015-19, and drew on the recommendations of the 2016 Fairness Commission and Equality Framework for Local Government peer assessment of the council in September 2016. The policy described the council’s vision and defined a measurable corporate objective to promote, facilitate and deliver equality within the council and in the city.  High level strategic improvements were also identified within the strategy. Equality and inclusion was a central priority for the city council. This new policy and strategy built on good work and processes already underway, defined a clear corporate objective for the council and defined how the council would achieve this.    The report would be submitted to full council on 26 January. The report was presented by the Equalities Co-ordinator.


    50.2    The Chair welcomed Larissa Reed to her first meeting of the Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee and asked her to comment on the report, as she would be overseeing the development of this work. The Chair thanked the Head of Communities and Equality who had supported the committee over the last 18 months. She had been incredibly helpful to all members of the Committee.  


    50.3    The  Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing stated the work carried out by the Head of Communities and Equality and her team had shown that if the work was carried out correctly, the council would have better performing staff and higher satisfaction from the council’s customers.  She stressed that it was necessary through modernisation work, to embed the principles of the equalities framework for local government within all of the council’s services.  This could not be achieved through an Equalities Champion working in each service. It had to be done by there being an equalities strand working through everything staff did when they came to work. She commended this excellent piece of work carried out by committed and excellent staff.


    50.4    Councillor Simson stated in reading the policy that she was struck by the recognition and reliance on the voluntary sector. She was aware that the policy had been written before the draft budget was prepared and asked if cuts could affect the work outlined.  The Chair replied that this was a question for elected members to consider at budget council.


    50.5   Councillor Littman considered it a good report and thought that the strategy worked well, was holistic and covered everything. He referred to the Equality Framework for Local Government (EFLG) report, page 108 – first full paragraph which stated that “There is a sense, by staff, that strategies are committed to but not completed or implemented in a timely fashion, for example on domestic violence and autism.” This point was also raised at the Fairness Commission. 


    50.6   Councillor Littman referred to the EFLG report, pages 110 & 111 with regard to the unintended consequences of the huge cuts in funding. “it appears that cuts may be across the board (‘salami slicing’), without consideration of the cumulative effects of changes to service delivery for specific communities….” and “Cumulative impact assessments would help identify multiple negative impacts.”  Councillor Littman referred to the policy, page 91 which stated that “To achieve Excellence: We will better share findings of EIAs between relevant services and monitor planned actions. We will also increase our assessment of the cumulative impacts of changes to service provision, whether commissioned from others or provided by the council.”  Page 99, paragraph 4.2 stated that “We will ensure that actions from strategies are appropriately prioritised, so that they can be implemented effectively and their impacts monitored.”  Councillor Littman asked how these things would be carried out.   


    50.7   The Equalities Co-ordinator stated that there was a question about how well the council communicated that there was a strategy and about work being undertaken. There was often a very strong amount of work going on and improvements being made. There was also a great deal of consultation on council strategies but the council were not very good of keeping track of evidence of what it was doing as outcomes. All those things had to be improved. In terms of cumulative impact there was a clear idea of what the budget would mean for the council. The Equality & Inclusion Partnership was committed to get the bigger city picture in relation to cumulative impact of public sector budget savings. 


    50.8   Councillor Moonan thanked officers for the report. She wanted to explore the vehicles and the channels the council had for communicating with some of the groups, particularly BME communities. Communicating with BME communities was raised in one of the weaknesses, along with using customer feedback data effectively. Councillor Moonan stated that there were a number of groups who did not know how to complain and their voice was still not heard. She asked for examples of how the council were being proactive in reaching out to some of those communities, to ensure that the council were being inclusive and hearing those voices.  


    50.9   The Equalities Co-ordinator explained that there were multiple problems and multiple barriers. She stressed the importance of relationship building which took a significant amount of time and consistency to be properly trusted. In relation to BME Communities in particular, there had been a rather out of date view of the city from some people.  20% plus of the city’s population was non white British, and some people in the council were still surprised by that figure. There was a need to be aware about the diversity of the city as a whole.  There had been a certain amount of loss of trust of the council amongst the BME communities, partly as an employer and partly as a service provider. There was a need to build trust and re-establish relationships. There were also practical difficulties as Brighton and Hove had such a diversity of different ethnic communities. Smaller communities could become isolated and on the margins.


    50.10  The Head of Communities and Equality stated that the recent Communities and Third Sector prospectus commissioned infrastructure, community development and community engagement.  Within that was a BME engagement commission and the Community Works Partnership were successful in that bid. For the first time three of the BME organisations had joined that partnership and were working with the other infrastructure organisations. 


    50.11  Joanna Martindale was delighted (as Hangleton & Knoll Project) to be part of the successful bid for the whole city.  She was also pleased to hear of the recognition across the whole city of the range and breadth of where the city’s BME communities live and where some of those communities experience the most disadvantages. Ms Martindale stressed that investment made by the city was quite small but the benefit was being maximised by working together. It was the first time she had heard at Committee an acknowledgement that the capacity within some of the BME led organisations had not been there. This was something the partnership had an opportunity to address.


    50.12  The Chair stated that consistent development work over time paid off. It was important that that there was a commitment to that aim. The Chair stressed the need to provide a more consistent political leadership and agreement going forward. She was pleased that Councillor Simson and Councillor Littman were always willing to work on Cross Party Working Groups. Within this report there was a recommendation for the annual report to come back to the committee. There would also be ongoing members’ scrutiny. The Chair acknowledged the comments members made about cuts to grants and other budget cuts proposed, and would welcome any efforts to find alternatives. She stressed that councillors from all parties were working hard behind the scene to agree a budget and stated that the focus should not just be on what was being cut but on what was still being provided.


    50.13  RESOLVED:


    (1)            That the new Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy as set out in appendix 1 is welcomed and that the comments of the Committee be noted.


    (2)            That Committee recommend the new Equality & Inclusion Policy Statement and Strategy for approval by Full Council.


    (3)            That Committee instruct officers to provide an annual update to this committee on progress on the actions identified within the strategy to achieve excellent


Items referred for Full Council

    To consider items to be submitted to the XX 2013 Council meeting for information.


    In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, any Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting at which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting take place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting


    Additional documents:


    51.1    There were none.


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