The Licensing Panel
is a Sub-Committee of the Licensing Committee. Its functions are
Hear applications under the Licensing Act 2003 and the Gambling Act
2005 where the matter is authorised or required to be dealt with by
a Committee. These are usually, but not necessarily, cases where
officers do not have delegated powers or a hearing is required;
Deal with appeals against licensing and registration decisions and
cases where officers do not have the power to make
Serve as the appellate Committee where there is a right of appeal
from a decision of an officer and no other arrangements have been
made under the constitution; and
Determine any other matter of a quasi-judicial nature which may be
referred to it.
Please note, there may be more than one application heard on each
agenda, and therefore the item you are interested in may not
necessarily be the first item to be considered. Each application
can take between ½ hour and 4 hours to consider. The Chair
may however change the running order of the agenda at the start of
the meeting.