Browse meetings - Standards Committee Hearing Panel

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Standards Committee Hearing Panel

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee Hearing Panel.


Information about Standards Committee Hearing Panel

The Standards Committee is responsible for upholding and monitoring standards in public life and ensuring that Councillors adhere to the Code of Conduct for Members.


If a complaint is received about a Councillor a panel is arranged to hear the complaint and consists of three Members of the Standards Committee, and must always include one Independent Member. The complaint may go through several stages before reaching a Hearing Panel, which is the last stage in the complaints process.


Hearing Panels are the only stage in the process which is held in public and the complainant and Councillor present their cases to the Panel Members for determination.


For more information on the protocols of Hearing Panels please contact Democratic Services. For more information on the complaints process and making complaints, please contact the Standards and Complaints Team.


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