The audit functions of this Committee relate
to the Council’s arrangements for the discharge of its powers
and duties in connection with financial governance and stewardship,
risk management and audit. It plays a key role in acting as a
critical friend to the Council and in helping to build trust in the
Council’s arrangements. The Committee receives referrals from
and makes recommendations to the Council, from/to Cabinet, to
Officers or to other relevant body within the Council.
The Standards functions of this Committee seek
to ensure that the Members, Co-opted Members and Officers of the
Council observe high ethical standards in performing their duties.
These functions include advising the Council on its Codes of
Conduct and administering related complaints and dispensation
The Committee is also empowered to act in
relation to all non-executive functions which are not expressly
delegated to another Committee or Sub-Committee.
The Committee through its Employment
Sub-Committee discharges those personnel functions which by virtue
of The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations
2001 cannot be discharged by the Head of Paid Service.
In addition to the Members who serve on the
Audit, Standards & General Purposes Committee, the Committee
includes at least two independent persons who are not Members. They
are appointed under Chapter 7 of the Localism Act, or otherwise
co-opted, and act in an advisory capacity with no voting
In the terms of reference of this Committee, a
“Member” is an elected Member and a “Co-opted Member” is a
person co-opted by the Council, for example to advise or assist a
Committee or Sub-Committee of the Council.