Browse meetings - Cabinet (pre 2012)

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Cabinet (pre 2012)

This page lists the meetings for Cabinet (pre 2012).


Information about Cabinet (pre 2012)

After the Leader, the Cabinet will operate as the highest executive decision-making body. The following functions shall be discharged by the Cabinet:


(a)  The formulation and submission to Full Council of all plans and strategies that form part of the policy framework.


(b)  The development, formulation and submission to Full Council of the budget.


(c)   Any matter which the Cabinet, having regard to the forward plan, decides should be dealt with by the Cabinet.


(d)  Any matter which the Leader decides should be dealt with by the Cabinet


(e)  Any matter which is delegated to a Cabinet Member and that Councillor decides to refer the matter to the Cabinet.


(f)    Any matter which straddles the portfolios of 2 or more Councillors and, in the opinion of the Leader or the Monitoring Officer, is more appropriately dealt with by the Cabinet.


(g)  Any executive function which is not specifically delegated to a Cabinet Member under this scheme of delegations.


(h)   Any matter which, under the Council’s Financial Standing Orders, Contract Standing Orders or other Council rules, requires the approval of the Cabinet.


The Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and 9 Cabinet Members. Leaders of all opposition groups are invited to attend and speak at all meetings. Any other Member of the Council may request to speak at Cabinet meetings.


Cabinet meetings are web cast.


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