Browse meetings - Housing Management Consultative Committee

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Housing Management Consultative Committee

This page lists the meetings for Housing Management Consultative Committee.


Information about Housing Management Consultative Committee

The Committee advises the Cabinet Member for Housing on the discharge of the Council’s functions as a housing landlord, including residential leases granted by the Council.  The Committee includes non-voting tenant representatives. 


The Committee has the following advisory functions.


Housing Management  

To consider reports and advise the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet on the exercise of the functions of the Council in relation to the management of Housing Revenue Account and associated properties. 


Tenant Consultation  

To advise the Cabinet Member for Housing on the management and supervision of the Council’s tenants participation scheme and such other consultation with tenants as may be necessary.


To consider representations received through the tenants’ consultation scheme and make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Housing or the Cabinet as appropriate.



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