The Audit
functions of this Committee relate to the Council’s
arrangements for the discharge of its powers and duties in
connection with financial governance and stewardship, risk
management and audit. The Committee makes recommendations to the
Council, Policy & Resources Committee, Officers or other
relevant body within the Council.
Standards functions of this Committee seek to ensure that the
Members, Co-opted Members and Officers of the Council observe high
ethical standards in performing their duties. These functions
include advising the Council on its Codes of Conduct and
administering related complaints and dispensation
addition to the Councillors who serve on the Audit and Standards
Committee, the Committee includes at least two independent persons
who are not Councillors. They are appointed under Chapter 7 of the
Localism Act, or otherwise co-opted, and act in an advisory
capacity with no voting powers.
In the terms of
reference of this Committee a “Member” is an elected
Councillor and a “Co-opted Member” is a person co-opted
by the Council, for example to advise or assist a Committee or
Sub-Committee of the Council.