Agenda item - Residents Question Time
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Agenda item
Residents Question Time
35 Minutes
Responses to items raised at the Resident Only Meeting held on 12.12.23 (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).
8.1 - C3.1 – Hannah Barker delivered a verbal brief of the progress in the new CityClean engagement process and further informed the panel on how this would progress in the future.
8.2 C3.2 – Grant Ritchie delivered a verbal brief of the response to this question. Emma Salcombe disputed their response and made note that certain areas were seeing recurring issues with regards to the issue in the question.
8.3 C3.3 – Chloe Mclaughlin delivered a verbal brief of the response to this question.
8.4 C3.4 – Grant Ritchie delivered a verbal brief of the response to this question.
8.5 C2.1 – Rosemary Johnson raised concern regarding the lack of progress concerning the proposed funding and requested an update on this. Martin Reid clarified that the authority still intended to provide funding for the project and Geof Gage confirmed that it was awaiting specification from the contracted architect.
8.6 C2.1 – Emma Salcombe brought to the attention of the panel that the answer was given at the last panel that it had been confirmed that any funds above £80.000, would be funded by the TRA themselves.
8.7 C2.1 – Martin Reid provided further clarification that the request for the specification was going to provide an estimate of costs for the works which would allow the conversation around the project to proceed.
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