Agenda item - Developments around Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Educational Provision

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Agenda item

Developments around Social, Emotional, and Mental Health Educational Provision

Report of the Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Youth Services


1)             Cabinet supports the proposals to continue to progress the three-tier approach for Alternative Provision and the arrangements for Tier 4 special school provision that will address the decision to de-commission places at Homewood College from September 2024.


8.1          Cabinet considered a report that detailed proposals for the development of Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) educational provision across the city and delivers on the Council Plan priority of a healthy city where people thrive, specifically a better future for children and young people.


8.2          Councillors Burden and Taylor contributed to the debate of the report.


8.3          Resolved-


1)             Cabinet supports the proposals to continue to progress the three-tier approach for Alternative Provision and the arrangements for Tier 4 special school provision that will address the decision to de-commission places at Homewood College from September 2024.

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