Agenda item - Thriving Communities Investment Fund 2025-2029

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Agenda item

Thriving Communities Investment Fund 2025-2029

Report of the Cabinet Member for Communities, Equalities and Human Rights


1)             Cabinet agrees the outcomes and approach for the Thriving Communities Investment Fund 2025-2029 as described in Section 3 of the report.


2)             Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director for Corporate Services to take all necessary steps to implement the Thriving Communities Investment Fund as outlined in this report in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Equality and Human Rights.


10.1      Cabinet considered a report that sought approval for a 4-year programme of investment inthe city’s Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS).


10.2      Councillors Taylor and Pumm contributed to the debate of the report.


10.3      Resolved-


1)             Cabinet agrees the outcomes and approach for the Thriving Communities Investment Fund 2025-2029 as described in Section 3 of the report.


2)             Cabinet delegates authority to the Corporate Director for Corporate Services to take all necessary steps to implement the Thriving Communities Investment Fund as outlined in this report in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Communities, Equality and Human Rights.

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