Agenda item - BH2023/02790 - Windlesham House, 123 Windlesham Close, Portslade - Full Planning
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Agenda item
BH2023/02790 - Windlesham House, 123 Windlesham Close, Portslade - Full Planning
1. The Case Officer introduced the application to the committee.
Answers to Committee Member Questions
2. Councillor Earthey was informed that the proposals had good sustainability credentials in that solar panels and ground source heat pumps were included.
3. Councillor Theobald was informed by the case officer that western block did not have a lift, however, the ground floor was accessible. The applicant (Estate Regeneration Project Manager) stated that the occupiers would be from the housing register, and they had had to balance the provision of more flats and more light per flat in the western block against the removal of the proposed lift. The councillor was informed there was a bus route nearby.
4. Councillor Cattell was informed by the Estate Regeneration Project Manager that there would be no gas supply to the flats which would be all electric; the solar panels would serve the flats, and the ground source heat pumps would be the main source of heating.
5. Councillor Shanks was informed by the case officer that the ‘blue’ roof would retain water to prevent flooding. There was not room for private gardens in the proposals and the food growing areas had been removed from the scheme as they were next to adjacent flats. There was cycle parking in the communal cycle parking area. The western block had storage on the ground floor for buggies etc. There was one disabled parking space.
6. The Estate Regeneration Project Manager stated the biodiversity net gain would be lost if the food planting areas were retained and that they were in discussion with the allotments next door. The existing residents stated they did not want seating or food growing areas.
7. Councillor Allen was informed by the Estate Regeneration Project Manager that they had worked with the Arboricultural team in relation to securing biodiversity net gain through tree planting and the East Brighton Park has the best soil and most need for new trees.
8. Councillor Shanks considered there was a need for social housing and considered a food growing space to be required by policy. The councillor supported the application.
9. Councillor Theobald considered they would have preferred a lift in the western block, more parking spaces and a better appearance. The councillor was pleased to see affordable housing included. The councillor supported the application.
10.Councillor Cattell considered the design to be simple, good and clean. The councillor considered the railings on the roof to be ugly and requested collapsable ones. The councillor was pleased to see 100% affordable housing.
11. Councillor Allen considered the affordable housing to be good, the design sleek and the density good. The scheme overall was good.
12. A vote was taken, and the committee agreed the officer recommendations unanimously.
13. RESOLVED: That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to be MINDED TO GRANT planning permission subject to a s106 agreement and the Conditions and Informatives in the report SAVE THAT should the s106 Planning Obligation not be completed on or before the 7th November 2024 the Head of Planning is hereby authorised to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out in the final section of the report.
Supporting documents:
- Header BH2023 02790 - Windlesham House 123 Windlesham Close, item 6C PDF 4 KB View as HTML (6C/1) 3 KB
- Plan BH2023 02790 - Windlesham House 123 Windlesham Close, item 6C PDF 290 KB
- Report BH2023 02790 - Windlesham House 123 Windlesham Close, item 6C PDF 410 KB View as HTML (6C/3) 165 KB
- Item C - BH2023 02790 - Windlesham House - flats - updated, item 6C PDF 4 MB