Agenda item - Winter Performance 2023-24
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Agenda item
Winter Performance 2023-24
ICB Report on health and care system performance in dealing with 2023-24 winter surge pressures (papers to follow).
8.1 This item was presented by Claudia Griffith, NHS Sussex Chief Delivery Officer. Ms Griffith told the committee that a report on local health and care system planning for winter 2023-24 had been presented to the Brighton & Hove Health & Wellbeing Board in November 2023, and that the report before members today was to follow up on this. The health and care system plans every year for additional pressures over the winter period, particularly in terms of the demand for hospital services. The aim is to mitigate risk, especially in terms of risk to the most vulnerable people and communities. Steps taken over the past winter included a mix of demand management, admission avoidance and flow improvement measures:
· Additional capacity for the 111 phone service (there were still some capacity problems and more work with the provider, South East Coast Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust, is needed to address these going forward)
· 27,000 more GP appointments (67% of these face to face)
· 98% of community pharmacies signed up to the pharmacy first initiative which empowered pharmacies to treat and prescribe for certain conditions
· There was generally good vaccination take-up
· A single point of access for hospital admissions avoidance services helped coordination, especially with support to care homes
· There was expanded virtual ward capacity, with 192 virtual beds made available. However, benchmarking shows this is a relatively under-used service with room to expand
· There was reduced attendance at hospital A&E by people seeking help for mental health issues
· Length of stay in community beds was reduced
· There was successful falls prevention work led by the city council
· There was effective workforce support, with lower levels of sickness than in the previous year
· Industrial action had a significant impact, but there was also excellent partnership working to support the acute sector and minimise the negative impact on patients.
· Learning for future years includes the need to focus more on supporting the most vulnerable people; and on further simplifying urgent care pathways in order to divert patients from A&E.
8.2 Cllr Wilkinson asked for details of winter plan actions that had not been fully met due to resource constraints. Ms Griffith agreed to provide a written response.
8.3 Cllr Hill asked for details of any regional evaluation of the effectiveness of virtual wards. Ms Griffith agreed to pick this up with regional colleagues.
8.4 RESOLVED – that the report be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Winter Peformance 2023-24, item 8. PDF 115 KB View as HTML (8./1) 38 KB
- SussexWinterPlanEvaluation05.07.2024 FINAL, item 8. PDF 1 MB View as HTML (8./2) 131 KB